A day passed by and along came the second day since Yang Zheyan last interaction with Xiong Jingfei. He was going to wait it out at least a week for her. Except only two days have passed since then, and it was already slowly killing him. He was expecting some sort of phone call or message from her soon about meeting up. Not as "Lu Weisheng" but to officially introduce himself as Yang Zheyan.
Unfortunately for him, he hasn't heard a thing. Plus, his impatient has got to him multiple times. Having to dial her number only to erase it.
"Control... Control..." Yang Zheyan chanted quietly to himself. Throwing his phone to the side. Only to quickly pick it back up to make sure it wasn't the phone itself having an issue. You never know! "This is bad... I need to leave!"
Yang Zheyan grabbed his keys and rushed down the stairs.
"Young master, where are you going?" Nanny Liu asked, chasing after Yang Zheyan, who rushed out the door.