The rest of the night ended quietly like it was supposed to. Only now, the small resting area they had set up is filled with more people. Xiong Jingfei didn't mind it one bit! It felt safer, like apart of her father was here protecting her. The reinforcement that had shown up out of nowhere to help them. They were soldiers trained by her father.
The soldiers were busy tossing the dead bandits bodies into a hole they quickly dug. Once they finished piling the bodies on top of each other. One of them brought a torch over and tossed it into the pit.
Xiong Jingfei's steady complimented hands that were grinding up the herbs shook. What happened, happened all too quickly for her to fully digest. It was scarier than what she read or ever imagine. She thought she was well prepared for the battle waiting for her upfront. After today, she came to realize... She wasn't.
"Not strong enough..." Xiong Jingfei gritted her teeth, grinding the herbs harder.