"N-no one of importance..." Xiong Jingfei answered, eyeing Xu Song for some help. For some odd reason, it felt scarier that it was Yang Zheyan who caught them and not her father.
Xu Song seeing the signs of Xiong Jingfei's pleading eyes. She vigorously nodded her head in agreement. Although she had no idea who this person was beside the fact he was a male.
"Really?" Yang Zheyan asked with a hint of sullen. He took a step towards her to close the gap between them. Reaching out his hand, he plucked off the remaining evidence off her hair.
"Really," Xiong Jingfei replied with a sense of calmness and ease. She didn't hesitate to reaffirm her feelings for him. "You don't believe me?"
"I believe you," Yang Zheyan smiled, a real smile coming from his heart.
There was a lightness in his chest. Even if Xiong Jingfei doesn't realize it, his cheeks were warm on how straightforward she was when it comes to her feelings. He dusted off the dirt from her sleeves.