"I suppose that we should introduce ourselves before we start, though. It would be awfully disheartening if you did not know our names, dear brother," said the handsome young man.
There it is again… Why is he calling me his brother? It's kind of unnerving being called that by this guy…
"Hmmm... I must be seeing things. There's no way. Not from these little ants. That couldn't be possible…" murmured Lacrima, in a half-concerned tone. She snorted coldly and said, "The only conclusion is that these meddling insects are counterfeits. The audacity! But they couldn't have accomplished this alone… who helped them?"
Couldn't it be possible for what? Counterfeits? What are you talking about?
Lacrima snickered and said, "These clowns are fakers, impostors made by someone with forbidden knowledge. Imitations. You need not fear pathetic beings such as them. If anything, pity them — these poor, little bugs…"