It's a new day and Kxion woked up at 11:30 in the morning Kxion remembered something that
didn't seem right Kxion was wondering why he was having some little trouble with death but he
killed someone that could destroy planets.
Kxion remembered that he destroyed Planet Vapor
Waves with a scream Kxion was wondering if he could do all that on Planet Vapor waves why couldn't he defeat death with ease.
The thought of It made Kxion irritated he was wondering If
his powers were acting up or something. Kxion went outside to test something out he was trying to see if he had enough power to destroy the moon but sadly he couldn't It made Kxion mad in the inside he was tryna figure out what was going on was second-guessing his training and he was stressing out.
Kxion was about to go train but he got a phone call from Kayvira Kxion picks up the Phone
*Phone call*
Kxion: Hi Kayvira
Kayvira: Hi Kxion Hru?
Kxion: Umm. I'm Gucci hbu?
Kayvira: That's good *giggles* hey Ummm… *blushes* I was wondering can I come to pick you
To teach you how to drive…..
Kxion: ummm whatttt how to drive??? Why you wanna teach me how to drive???
Kayvira: don't be mad I went through your book of drawings and I saw a list of things you wanted to learn so I decided I want to help you If you don't mind me doing it….
Kxion: *gets nervous* I guess you saw that picture I made 4 you
Kayvira: yea I did I love it, It's cute your really talented Kxion
Kxion: Thanks *smiles*
Kxion decided that his training could wait he was waiting for Kayvira to pick him up
Kxion was thinking about Death wondering how he was doing Kxion was wondering what day he should meet up with Death and chill. Kxion was also thinking about the Tento Sentoki
Tournaments Kxion can't wait to be in a match. The Tento Sentoki Tournaments start next year.
Kayvira pulled up in front of Kxion's driveway Tyree and Markee were in the car for extra support.
Kayvira and Kxion switched places Kxion was in driver seat Kayvira was talking to
Kxion saying " Ok Kxion its time now we are parked right now easily back the car out of the
parking space" Kxion was backing the car out pretty good this was his first time putting a car in
reverse but all of a sudden Kxion's body was itching badly so he was scratching.
When Kxion
went to scratch his body Kxion reversed the car so fast he was destroying houses and fences,
Tyree, Markee, and Kayvira were screaming at Kxion saying " HITTT THE BRAKESSSS!!!!!"
Kxion smashed the brakes hella hard. Kxion and them got out the car Tyree started to talk to
with a nervous laugh, Kxion said " Um my body was itching sorry lol" Tyree said " YO BODY
WAS ITCHING HUhhhhhhh??? " Markee started to talk saying " NO CAPPPP MY GUY that shit
was lit I'm not gonna hold you" Tyree, " said Truuuueee "
Kxion was talking to himself out loud saying " welp I hear people yelling and getting mad I don't
blame them I guess I gotta pay for all the damages" Kayvira started talking to Kxion saying " I'll
pay for it" Kxion looked at Kayvira like she did something stupid Kxion said " Why would you
want to pay for the damage I did" Kayvira responded back saying " I just like being helpful ".
Tyree and Markee walked away to go somewhere because Kxion and Kayvira were having a "
Special Moment" if you know what I mean. Kayvira told Kxion " She will be right back I'm going to the bank to get money so I can pay for the damages" Kxion was just chillan wondering why Kayvira wanted to help him with the damages.
Kxion: Kayvira has been helping me a lot
All of a sudden Markee and Tyree came back to talk to Kxion about Kayvira
Markee: Yo Kxion you ever looked at Kayvira's body she not thick but Kxion you better clap
those cheeks my guy you know she got that neck to
Kxion: whattt?? Noo nooo noo I haven't looked at her sexually naww…. The thing I mostly look
at is her eyes
Markee: Nawwwwwwww you be looking at that ASSSSSSSSS and them BOOBSSSS
*Kxion starts to Blush*
Kxion: NO NO NO NO NO I don't BE looking at her BOOBS OR BUTT
Tyree: I smell hella cap even though she not thick she probably got that good good like you
always say Lil booties matter
Kxion: Yes Lil booties matter but I don't be looking at her butt or boobs I put that on everything
Markee: Yo Tyree Kayvira's moan game gonna be like " Faster Kxion don't stoppp it feel so
good oh yesssss uhhhhh"
Kxion: yep time to go yall need to chill out
Kxion was blushing while mad Tyree and Markee were just joking with Kxion, Kxion was still
waiting for Kayvira, To pass some time some more Kxion decided to shadow box.
Tyree and
Markee decided to walk back home. Kxion got done shadow boxing he noticed that Kayvira got back she paid all the people who houses got destroyed. Kxion told Kayvira " thank you " Kayvira responded back saying " your welcome " Kayvira and Kxion started talking to each other
Kayvira: You wanna try again??
Kxion: maybe next time
Kayvira: You need a ride back home?
Kxion: naw I'm good I'ma just sit here 4 a while
Kayvira: umm you ok..?
Kxion: yea I'm good
Kayvira knew Kxion wasn't ok she touched him earlier today.
Kayvira: Kxion if there's anything bothering you can talk to me about anything I'm here 4 u we all are
Kxion: I know.. is that ride still up for grabs??
Kayvira: yes it is let's get back to your house
Kxion got back home Tyree and Markee were on the couch watching tv they were drinking and eating Kxion went to go drink something to Kayvira sat down to watch Tv with Markee and Tyree. Kayvira changed to the news on the news it's said that Kxion Tategami the boy who saved the girl from the Benijingu Eipu Ichizoku has been robbing all types of clothes and jewelry and other types of materials.
Kxion, Tyree and Markee all spit out there drinks at the Tv because they were all shocked even Kayvira was shocked
Markee: Kxion you stealing now??? When u have time to do all this u going broke you should have said something
Kxion: what??? you know I'm not broke and you know I didn't steal anything that's impossible I know it looks like me but it's not me
Markee: chill I'm just joking but this is serious
Kayvira: I know someone is stealing Kxion's identity there's no way Kxion could steal all of those things
Tyree: your right we all been together most of the time but why is this coming out now
Kxion: idk Tyree but I got to go find the person who's doing all of this
Kxion called Nuremashita to see if she saw the news Nuremashita said " Yes I'm looking at the news now I don't believe you did it " Kxion asked her " What should I do??? the police are not gonna believe me " Nuremashita was thinking on what kxion could do Nuremashita told Kxion " Kxion your not gonna like this but your gonna have to clear your name somehow to get them to give you a lie detecter test " Kxion had doubts with that plan but that was his only option that sounds good.
Kxion was going to go to the police station he opened the door and out of nowhere the police tackled Kxion down to the ground
Kxion: What the hell???
Kxion kicked one of the policemen off him
all the police pulled out there guns pointing at kxion saying " don't move!!! " Markee and Tyree were yelling out " CHILL CHILL EVERY ONE CALM DOWN NOW " Kayvira was screaming " DON't SHOOT!! " all of a sudden a shot was fired the shot came from outside an unknown person came in saying " Kxion Tategami it's time to meet your destiny "
The Unknown person saw Kayvira saying " Kayviraa??? What the hell are you doing here a " Kayvira responded back saying " Hey... Sis " Kxion was shocked and yelled out " Wait you have a sister??? "