When I was about seven I fell into a river I almost drowned I hit my head on a rock and knocked myself out I woke up in shock and I was super scared and I had no felling in my body and I thought I was dead and I slit my arm open on a rock and I almost died of blood loss said the doctor in the emergency room I was told I wasn't going to be able to walk ever again I started crying. I went home on the second day of being in the emergency room. I went to my bedroom and lied down on my
bed and started to cry saying I couldn't play baseball anymore I just kept repeating it over and over till I past out I saw a man in white and I said to myself are you God "yes I am" I said can I go back please, I have a family and I want to live longer. I woke up and I felt my legs hurting so I tried to stand up and I could stand up I screamed MOM I could stand up she came running and she nearly ran me over can you believe that she started saying.