The moment Yoruichi, Riveria, and Aika stepped into the Soul Society, the latter two immediately felt the difference in atmosphere and used various techniques to make adjustments to their own bodies, "...This is not a very friendly world." Riveria muttered after casting several spells at once.
"It's strange... But it feels like home?" Aika muttered, also confused about what she was feeling.
"I don't know if there's a plan to change the atmosphere here since everyone already possesses a physical body but that's not really important right now." Yoruichi jumped directly from the tower they were on.
As soon as they appeared, Yoruichi and the other two could feel various Reiatsu waves washing through them but they ignored them and went directly to the 12th Division barracks.
However, it seems that the curiosity regarding the new guests was too much for others to ignore.
"I thought you said that they would be busy." Aika asked while detecting several presences approaching them and was worried about one of them being too 'energetic'.
Yoruichi sighed, "That's what I thought too. Looks like they are a lot more free than I thought." She was also wondering what's with their renewed interest, 'Did something happen?'
Riveria also curiously peeked at the approaching people and said, "Well, isn't that a good thing just in case we'll need it?"
"That's true, but not right now." Yoruichi replied, "Riveria, could you take us in that direction?"
Riveria nodded and said, "I could already feel the Etoulde's unique energy signature from here so I should be able to bring us to her." She then took out her Soul Gear in the form of a thick book encased with a gem. A few seconds later, a white mist started covering the three of them completely and they soon disappeared, shocking those who are tracing them.
A few more seconds later, Yoruichi, Riveria, and Aika reappeared in front of the 12th Division barracks.
Running out of breath, one of the researchers from the division came running out, "Shihouin-sama, the Captain is waiting for you." She's one of the new members of the 12th Division that came from dissolved noble forces.
'She's not a Shinigami.' Yoruichi commented inside her head and only now realizing the large changes that are happening within the Soul Society, "Lead us to him."
"Certainly." The researcher lowered her head before turning around and calming herself down.
It didn't take long for them to reach the room where Mayuri was and before he could say anything, Yoruichi directly told their business, "We're here to take the young lady back. I hope you've come to an agreement."
Mayuri turned around and told the researcher to leave before saying, "What's the rush? And whatever agreement we've come to, it's not your business." He was very interested with the other two that Yoruichi brought with her, especially Aika, but he could feel the urgency behind Yoruichi's voice so he set it aside for now.
"It might be, but I also think it's time to take advantage of the current situation on the other side."
Mayuri was silent for a moment before saying, "Let me hear about it."
Yoruichi told him about the large-scale conflict that was about to go down on the other side and it'll be a good chance to take advantage of it.
After hearing all of those, Mayuri asked, "And it would seem you have an idea of what that young lady wants?"
"I heard about her background and I have reasons to believe that she'll take this chance."
"I see... But you would have to talk with Aizen since he's the one she's talking to."
Riveria already confirmed that Alicia was within Mayuri's facility. Nevertheless, it looks like Mayuri won't allow them to meet her unless they get Aizen's permission, 'I hope they haven't done anything dangerous with her.' Yoruichi thought before asking, "So where's Ai-...!?"
Before she could finish her question, A man suddenly appeared from the corner of the room seemingly out of nowhere, "My impression is that it'll take some time before it all blows over. What really happened?" Aizen, with his signature smirk on his face, quietly revealed his presence.
Yoruichi was quiet and furrowed her brows. Even though her guard was up, she still wasn't able to feel his presence until he came out. She looked back at the girls behind her but both of them were also quite bothered and shook their heads.
Yoruichi turned back and also displayed a fearless smile, "I didn't think you'd learn how to sneak around like this, not after being open about everything."
Aizen just chuckled, "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm just practicing how I should act when I start commanding behind the scenes."
Yoruichi became quiet once again, thinking about his words, 'I think I know now what sort of agreement they've reached.'
"Kisuke decided to provoke everyone and now all the guardrails keeping the peace have been kicked to the side." She decided to answer Aizen's question.
"How wonderful." Aizen's smile grew wider. He was genuinely amused by what Kisuke had apparently done, "I'm really curious with the specifics but I guess you'd want to meet the Etoulde for now."
"Or you could tell me what she wanted you to do first."
"It's actually pretty simple. She wanted me to kill her own father and his extended family in exchange for her rescinding real control of her clan to me. It was beneficial enough for me, so I agreed."
"Quite a resentment she got there, huh? I honestly thought that she'd only want you to take over her clan." But even though Yoruichi's prediction was quite wrong, it'd still benefit them as they would be disrupting the Etouldes further.
Yoruichi then turned to Mayuri and said, "We might need your help too."
"Aren't those who were sent enough?"
"Kisuke kicked up a way bigger fuss than I thought so it might be dangerous if it's just them. Aside from that, it'd be revealing too much of our cards if they released their Bankai."
"And what do I get in return?"
"How about living Deities, Etouldes, and Evies for test subjects?"
Mayuri finally heard something he would be happy with and grinned, "Consider it done."