One day, on a magical and mysterious plane a man starts walking inside the Grand Canyon. Suddenly, a random advertisement board, stating 'Trucks for Sale,' fell and smashed him to a pulp. The poor fella soul starts to leave his body towards a strangely bleak light. "How odd, isnt the light supposed to be blindingly bright?", the man questions as he goes towards the light. Right before entering the light the man hears a cackling chuckle, "what the hell", he looks around trying to find the source of the creepy laughter. "Hehehe, hello there, not so fast" shroosh, the soul is taken away from the light grasped in a tangible force that feels like claws. A small six year boy finally shows himself in front of the soul, no longer hiding. The boy was odd; he was short skinny but had wrinkles all over his face, he looked as if the youth was sapped out." What do you want, why do you have me?" "Can you shut up" the child swipes his hand across the empty space and sews the mans mouth shut, the child whispers "you no longer have rights to go to heaven nor hell, so I'll send you off to a new world, enjoy"...