Chereads / Infenite Realms / Chapter 41 - Divisions

Chapter 41 - Divisions

John :"ok! Now that the competition is over with". John waved his left arm while he was sitting and the kids and the teenagers started floating with the table while they were still eating and landed on the arena behind Priya and Valintene and they didn't even notice!!. Priya and Valintene looking at them Valintene *everytime i look at what he can do my ambitious levels increase*, then Priya looked at Valintene and got worried, Priya *i think i'll keep an eye on her * Priya and Valintene looked to John who stood up and waved his arm again towards the kids who some of them are napping and some are eating. John :" Priya and Valintene take a seat we'll talk while we eat!!" Priya and Valintene walked to the long table and sat down eating waiting for John to start talking, John :"well, first of all congratulations to you Priya for winning the first competition ever, so choose which costume you want and take it" Priya got excited and stood up and walked towards the hanged costumes 10 feet away from them and took the yellow one and sat again to continue eating then Valintene took the green one and sat beside Mariam and started eating,. John :" and by the way Priya and Valintene the costumes could be uprgaded so have fun!! Is there any questions before i start with our main subject?", the teenagers looked at each other then, Alyousha :" oh!! Oh!! Sensie i have a question!!", John and everyone looked at him, John :" be free to ask anytime ", Alyousha :" Sensie is there a salary? ", everyone and John looking at him dumbfouded, John :" where did you even get that term?", Alyousha :" it was before we were kidnapped by the facility Sensie", before he continued Andrusha hit him on the head hard, Alyousha :"heyy!!! What was that for?!!", Andrusha :"nobody!! Wants flashbacks!!", Alyousha :"oh!! Im Sorry brother im sorry!!",. John smirked and looked at them, "it was wise from you to ask Alyousha i'll give you that!! And it will be now. lets say, Three hundred thousand every month in every realm currency is that fine?", Alyousha :"oh!! Fine indeed Sensie!",John nodded and looked around John "any more questions?", Sasaki put his hand up, then John looked at him and got worried, John :"go ahead Sasaki", Sasaki put his arm down, Saakai :"Sensie we noticed you aren't into technology are you?" John's forhead sweated and he looked around John "you noticed huh!" everyone was nodding his head while pettying him, John "indeed im not into it cause im a nature guy ok!! Not into this shit!! But if you want technology i know someplace just one of my clones discovered i'll tell you later about it right now i want to put you into divisions and after it we will go to a mortal realm to buy you clothes and stuff" Jimmy got curious, Jimmy "what do you mean by divisions Sensie?", John looked at him and sat down to eat the food on his plate, John "im glad you asked Jimmy im making four divisions with five members in every division and the divisions are as follows so listen carefully" the teenagers tensed up and stopped eating and looked at him, John :" the first division is called (RPD) Rescue and Protection Division and its members are Lolana, Garnet, Sophia, Jimmy and Valintene and the second division is called (ARD) Assassination and reconnaissance division and its members are Tolya, Andrusha, Alyousha, Zhang que, and Yue liang the third division is called (RRD) Resources and Research Division and its members are Sasaki, Faysal, Ellen, Karen, and Mariam and last fourth division is called (ED) Expedition Division and its members are Sakura, GoGo, Bab, Priya, and Jasson what you do in these divisions is in the name "everyone looking at John with the look that says, *hooly!!! Shit!! Sensie doesn't need to breath* John" im still not finished and there are Rules " the teenagers felt the atmosphere turned more tensed, John" first rule is no killing in each other in my realm heck or even outside!! If that happens you simply die!! Period. the second rule you are free to go wherever you want even outside my realm!! Cause you know? you need expeirince! And no slacking in your training because if i find you slacking and i will find you you'll get the ass whooping!! of your life i'll make sure of it. Now any questions? " Yue liang" umm Sensie can we change divisions? ", John" well you can if you defeat your division members and the members of where you want to change to in combat understand? ",Yue's eyes got wide open in surprise " but that's impossible " John took a wing from a chicken in front of him and ate it, John" well its possible when you know theer weakneses and such and it will be fun!! So that's that anything else? ",John stood up and waved his right arm and all the sleeping five years old kids and the babies started floating behind him and then he looked back at the teenagers and every body was quiet, John" almost!! Forgot to tell you every division needs to vote for a leader so eat your fill and sleep tommorow you will tell me the votes and we will go to the mortal realm to buy you stuff and Sasaki's division will go to technologicaly advanced realm with Android overlords so stay tuned " while he was about to leave with the kids to his pagoda to let the kids sleep, and feed the babies cow milk that's now his problem so that's why he has to look for a wet nanny for the babies when John was about to leave with the kids, Rania woke up suddenly, Rania "John i want to talk with Priya before i go to sleep more", John " ok!! Rania take your time when you finish come to fluffy world to sleep ok!!" Rania "ok!! Sensie", then Rania landed beside Priya, then her sister caught her by the shoulders in panic Priya "Rania listen carefully did Sensie did something wierd to you or the other kids while you were there with him if he did?!!" Priya*i'll kill him in his sleep and teleport away!!! *, Rania looked at her puzzled, Rania "what do you mean by wierd Priya you mean wierd like having a big room you can fly in and sleep on clouds then i love wierd and all of my new friends are saying they don't want to leave anymore and i don't too please don't make us leave!!" Rania face became excited then she was about to cry, then Priya looked behind Rania and saw Jasson coming towards them, Jasson" Priya what does your sister mean by fluffy world? ", Alyousha came to them too, and everyone came towards them curious, Tolya" yeah what does she mean by fluffy world?", then Valintene" why don't we all go find out? We can just follow Rania right? ", then all of them followed Rania when they reached the Japanese castle that came out of nowhere yesterday and saw Rania oppining a huge door with ease and when looked inside everyone *woahhh!! * they saw that the room is 100 times bigger than the outside and the kids flying to floating beds in the shape of clouds and the Ceiling has stars and planets in them like a heavenly world for sleeping, when they were about to go inside John landed in front of them, John "hey you are not allowed to be here!! Didn't you read the sign outside?!", then he pushed all the teenagers outside of the room and pointed towards a sign beside the huge door that read " no entry into fluffy world except for elderly and 12 years old or under or Physically ill", then John gone inside and closed the door on them and the teenagers started going back to the dorms while sulking and Valintene sitting there playing with stones sad, Valintene "but im 13 years old Sensie!!!".