.Kim reached the dinning area and quietly sat down on the opposite side of the table facing her parents
they ate in silence until they couldn't eat anymore then put their table ware down
"emerald honey" my current mother called
"yes "
" we talked to the king, and he agreed to annul the marriage agreement, and he compensated you, "
"with what"
"a grant, or a wish, however you prefer to call it, he will grant you one wish"
"that's nice to hear, when do I resume my studies?"
"in a months time, are you sure you're ready to attended an Elvin academy"
"okay then, we'll get you an admission letter, go to sleep now emerald, its getting late"
"okay, good night"
The week passed by slowly, and Kim spent most of her time in the library, she had already gone through the basics of magic, purified her soul and her resonance with nature had aloud her to control earth
the steps by which Elvin magic is classified are
basic nature magic;
- earth, water, air, fire
catastrophic nature magic;
- lightning, light, time
sub levels of each are ironically the colours of the rainbow
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
and that was only for beginner levels before an elf chooses to specialize
and so far, Kim had only reached earth blue
and as fast as that resonance speed is, it still barely qualifies for the enrollment level, so she had a long road ahead
Weeks pass by and before Kim knew, the opening day had arrived, as much as it pains to admit, she was enrolled through family connections as she was a level below the requirements.
to successfully enroll at Elvin high academy, one's magic level had to reach water red, which with most elves being corrupted with human society isn't a very easy thing to do
and she was just one step away from reaching a certain resonance with water but she had not been able to reach that resonance before the enrollment date, plus to be fair, it had taken her a month to reach a level that others weren't able to reach with years of practice
They finally reached the gateway teleporter to the academy and it was filled with different kinds of students all in very different types of clothes which made her realise how big the Elvin kingdom was
according to the geographical books she found in the library, this Elvin kingdom was divided into thirteen regions each governed by a duke, with all thirteen dukes answering to the king
a long time ago, all elves from all over the world lived in one place, divided by close to a thousand kingdoms but then corrupted elves happened
they corrupted the system and were greedy for power and then manipulated innocent pure elves into believing that having more land was a good thing,
and this started wars
at first, the wars were small scale, negligible even, but they grew to be so big until the greatest war in all of Elvin history, they called it GÀLÀK, which in ancient Elvin language means, the years of bloodshed
the most powerful elf at the time couldn't stomach seeing her brethren killing each other over selfish desires and divided all the Elvin kingdom to all over the world hiding them from each other for two hundred years
and as punishment, she isolated each kingdom from the world outside, and only recently, a century ago was the punishment finally lifted and the elves were allowed to leave their kingdom
which was how prince Sebastian was able to find his soul mate
The gateway was finally up and running and the students were all told to step on the platform
the feeling of moving through space is not a very pleasant one, many students emptied their stomachs upon arrival, lucky for me, i didn't eat anything for breakfast
looking around at the beautiful buildings, I noticed that this place is filled with nature magic, almost everything is built out of rocks and trees with the enormous old building upfront being the only thing made out of bricks
"welcome students to Elvin high, there's not much I will say because I understand the journey was tiring for you, but as students here I will stress the importance of following the rules and if not followed severe punishment will be issued, have a pleasant learning experience" a beautiful blonde, green eyed elf said in a very soft, sweet and calming voice
we were all ushered to our living quarters and surprise, surprise, every elf had their own tree to live in,
yes, we were living in trees, and I'm thinking an elf specialized in space magic helped make the inside of the tree as big as a one roomed apartment in the human world
good news is I don't have to share a room with anyone
the room was tiled with what I presume to be polished gum tree wood, a pond could be found at one corner of the room filled with peonies and lilies
I'm guessing it's for students to practice resonance with water
I walked to my room and dropped my bags next to what I assume is my bed, it was a tree, yes, a tree, an apple tree to be precise and a bed like structure branched out and with another branch above the bed looking like a canopy
its too hard to describe but it's beautiful
she opened her bags and started to place all her belonging were they were supposed to going in a very orderly manner
the good thing was the school didn't have a uniform and thank goodness for that because wearing the same thing for four months would kill
but according to the rules, the school did have requirements on what type of clothes one could and couldn't wear
that being said, she didn't really have a problem with those requirements as she didn't like to expose her skin too much anyway
"yes Kim"
"do I have stats?"
"of course you do"
"please show them to me and make it as simple as you possibly can"
and then a square like projection lit up In front of her
Name: Kimberly west
agility: 8
strength: 5
magic: earth violet, 99%
"thank you"