"I have an idea!" yelled out G_3.
"What is it?" asked G_2.
"Why are you asking yourself dude..." mumbled G_5.
"It is that we just need to look for areas that already have overly strong being's in them. Or at least, area's that probably have something off with them." answered G_3.
"Like what?" asked G_2.
"Well, haunted house's and the like will most likely have a being in them, right? That would explain any mysterious phenomena that goes on, even though there shouldn't be much Ep in the area."
"Actually, following that logic, the area's we should really look for are the haunted area's close by to a place that once generated a lot of Ep. The reason being that a being would have taken a bunch of Ep from the area, then left to a close by area, so as to keep itself safe, and still have access to Ep if it needed." answered G_3.
"And we just so happen to be in the perfect location!" happily said G_3.
"There is a haunted house near here. Or at least, it should be haunted considering all the different things that go about at the place."
"However, not many people have ever lived there, or near there, so the amount of Ep the being will of absorbed will most likely be quite low."
"So all that we can gain from the place will be knowledge."
[Ep + 0.06]
"Yo mum! I'm going for a walk for a bit."
"Alright, how long will you be out for?"
"Ah, probably only a couple of hours, however, I might be late home."
"Ok, I'll leave dinner out to the side for you Georgy."
"Thanks, mum!"
Honestly, it is so nice not having strict parents. Sucks that the only thing they are strict on is mental support, but even then, it is merely because they don't want us getting hurt due to something they believe will hurt us. And they even offered their religious practices, as those did help them in the past. But nah, me undergoing physiatric help without them so far has worked, so I shall continue to do just that until I move out. Then I will say the truth! Or I will utilize it when one of my siblings needs me to. Ah, but they are really nice parents though. The only thing that sucks is their religious views.
Meh, anyway, let us walk!
Ah walking. Probably one of my favourite activities.
[Ep + 0.4]
"You know, everything is quite lovely. The sun is shining through the leaves, the..."
"I actually lack the words to explain my point of view. I could use a metaphor, but to me, everything looks unique and extremely complex, and so full of interesting little things. Doesn't matter if I'm outside or inside."
"Eh, might as well try anyway!" replied G_2.
"Hmmmm, well, to me, there are as many different parts to anything that I see as there are stars in the night sky." Said tentatively by G_0.
"Yeah, you ain't tricking me, you meant that literally." Annoyingly replied G_2.
"Actually makes me wonder how I don't get sensory overload from looking at things, considering how many things I am aware of at any time in my vision. Unless it is a normal thing?" Curiously asked by G_1.
"Probably either we got used to it, or even neurotypical people get to enjoy this view." Answered G_4.
"But... then why do neurotypical people not appreciate everything? Unless we have misunderstood the concept of beauty?" replied G_1.
"Oh, I know!" Interrupted G_0.
"Even if something is as large as a mountain, or as small as a fly, everything to me is still individually quite complex and unique. Everything has its own separate 'beauty', or at least, everything has its own wonder and amazingness. The only reason I can imagine as to why new things bring more awe, is because I have already gotten used to everything else." Confidently said G_0.
"And yeah, sorry there, we probably have misunderstood the concept of beauty." Quickly said G_0 in an apologizing tone.
"You... You just apologized to yourself." G_5 said, in shock at how weird this conversation was getting.
"Yeah, good point, better stop here." G_0 said with finality, and a little fear.
"Umm, hey, look, it's the building we are looking for! Let's have a look at it."
[Ep + 0.3]
A 2 story building stood in front of George. The walls were made from polished black stone, however, they were horribly cracked as dark green vines had grown up them, and taken root in the cement holding the stone together. There were some windows, but they had fogged over slightly, and so couldn't be seen through. And even if you could, the whitish-yellow curtains that were drawn on the inside would stop anyone from looking inside. The front garden was overgrown with weeds, and yet mysteriously enough it was still cut to a regular length of 5 cm, as if the mower wanted a lawn of weeds. The stone pavement leading up to the front door had plants and weeds cracking through the thick, dark grey stone slabs. There was a small rusted iron gate, that looked like it hadn't been opened in a while, attached to a small stone fence surrounding the front garden and the path to the front door.
There were also two oak trees, one lying against the building itself, which was a serious safety hazard. And the other one hanged over the footpath that led up to the building's front door. The house overall look as if it is was old and knackered, and yet as if it was supposed to look that way, like someone had orchestrated it to end up looking like that since the very beginning.
"What a nice looking house! You can really see the effort put into building it. Quite the beauty."
"Okay, I can't lie, I still feel a slight amount of fear looking at this building, but you know what? I can now employ my amazing ability to not care at all. Yep. Definitely can do that. Yep. Just give me a moment..."
George, look, buddy, I know what you are thinking since I am you. (G_6 quietly mentions.)
Oh yeah? Well, do tell me then, what do you know? (snaps back G_0.)
You fear having to go up to that door, knock on it, and then having to talk to the person there. (G_6 answers the question G_0 didn't want to be answered.)
Remember, be honest with yourself. It is a rule. And anyway what could you possibly have to fear about the person living in that building? (Reminds and reassures G_6.)
Well, what if there were multiple people? Then what?? (worryingly questions G_0.)
Either way, you are going to have to talk to someone, so 'man up' and do it! (Shouts G_6.)
I, umm, think he meant, neurotypical up? (Quickly adds G_4.)
No, dude, that ain't it. Ah, I know, Fred up! (disagrees G_0.)
What, because Fred is such a great socializer? (haughtily questions G_3.)
Yep. (answers G_0.)
"Fine then. Well, wish me luck Fred, your social skill's better not fail me now."
[Ep + 0.91]