Chereads / BROKEN: Blacklisted / Chapter 4 - Pressure

Chapter 4 - Pressure

Theodore was cleaning up the living to prepare his first-ever stream.

He did think of streaming in his room or cleaning out the spare room but decided against it.

One the living room feels comfortable he hopes that it will help with the nerves.

He was a soldier but even a soldier experience's anxiety.

On the side was Rose playing with Icy, her dog.

"Sit, Icy, sit, Sit! hmmm, bad Icy" Said Rose with an unhappy pout.

Icy stood watching the little human voice her complaints while his tail waved side to side in a joyful mood.

*Sigh* 'Search for Taming Skills' Thought Theodore

[Taming Skills. . . . . . 🔎]

1• Tame young pets.

2• Tame young and old pets.

3• Tame and Understand all creatures.

Theodore didn't want to do a lot so he picked the first one and just went with the master level.

[Task A: Call ex-girlfriend Sophie]

{Reward: Master level Young Tamer]

{Punishment: Loss of hearing in the left ear}

'Sophie! I remember she was my girlfriend in elementary school for 3 months before having to move away. She was a bit on the chubby side but she was super nice. I think I still have her on FaceNote,' Thought Theodore while scrolling through FaceNote

Looking at her profile he couldn't help comment "Hey it still the picture of us as kids. She hasn't posted on her timeline since then. She probably doesn't even use it anymore. . . Huh? she's online ah she must be using the messenger app" Said Theodore as his finger hovered over the call button.

'It's been almost a decade since we last talked. This is so awkward. Does she even remember me? Fuck it I'm doing it' Thought Theodore

His finger hovered before pressing down *Click*

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

A sweet voice sounded "Theodor Hunt? From Elementary School"

"Hello, Sophie yeah it's very same Theodore or how you use to call it Teo. It's been a while. How you doing," said Theodore hurriedly

"Wow, It's really you. I'm pretty good you know I have a decent job and live in a nice neighbourhood. I heard you got married and even have a kid. What life like being a dad." Said Sophie cheerfully

"Well actually we're not together anymore but I managed to keep the dad title. I did get to keep my kid so there's an upside. How's your dad doing is his knees still bothering him" Said, Theodore

"Ah, that's too bad, we'll it's her loss. My dad is walking fine. Guess what, I have a baby sister" Said Sophie

"Seriously, how old?" Asked Theodore

"She's turning 1 in a month, hey let's set a play date at my place" Said Sophie

"Sounds great, would you mind if I bring our dog?" Said, Theodore

"You have a dog!? Now you have to come over. Say, next Saturday I'll send you the details" Said, Sophie

"Okay, I'll be there well let's leave catching up for Saturday then," Said Theodore.

"Yeah sure see you next Saturday," Said Sophie cheerfully before having up.

Looking at his phone blankly he thought 'Well that was unexpected. I somehow just reconnected with my ex from elementary'

"Ouch, why does it feel like the pain is getting stronger," Said Theodore after feeling a headache

Holding his forehead he moved towards Rose and Icy to see if she had made any progress.

"Up, Up, " Said Rose while pointing at the seat next to her.

"Not good," Said Rose while looking away from icy who just continued to lay on his bed.

Theodore quickly walked up to Icy and said "Up Icy, look treat"


"Come on sit. Here Rose, hold the treat and say it again" Said, Theodore

Rose gave a determined nod with the treat in her hand out she spoke"Icy sit,"

Icy seemed to of understood as he jumped onto on the couch and waited for his reward.

"Give him the treat and say, good boy," Said Theodore as he pointed at her hand

Rose gave a nod and put her hand out before seeing icy pick it up and eat it.

Rose then smiled and said "Good boy"

"Woof, woof" Barked Icy

"Hehehe Good Boy" Rose giggled excitedly

Thought it seemed that Rose was the one to tame Icy but in actuality, it was Theodore's Young Tamer that immediately domesticated Icy.

'Now onto the most difficult task of all, calling home' Thought Theodore as he looked

'Breath just breath you've only avoided the people who raised you for a whole year' Thought Theodore

There two reasons to why Theodore avoided talking to his parents.

The first one being that he just took over there son's body and if he spoke to them or met he would only hear the fact that they are basically talking to there sons corps.

Just thinking of the day scares him even the event with Sophie he feels awkward. He has no understanding how those novels made it seem to be an easy thing.

The second reason is his pride Theodore didn't want his new parents to know that his marriage was rocky and that their granddaughter was mistreated. He never called home for money instead he sold all his valuables.

When they do call Theodore would mercilessly watch it ring for 10 minutes straight as the guilt in him kept building up.

Even though he never picked up the phone he would stalk them on FaceNote making sure they were not in any troubles.

*Ring, Ring Ring*

A shaky voice filled with worry sounded "Son, is that you please answer! Tell us if you're okay?"

"M-M-Mom it's okay I'm doing good and so is Rose," Said Theodore with a shaky voice

"That's great, really great," Said Mom while crying happily

An angry voice in the background could be heard "Is that Theodore!? Pass me the phone. Listen here fucker your Mom has been waiting for you to call every day. I want you here next week. You best bring my granddaughter or I'll personally go there and drag you back"

"Sorry Dad I'll be sure to bring Rose over next week" Said, Theodore

"How is Bethany did she finally get her big break," Said Mom

"U-umm we aren't together anymore," Said Theodore in a low whisper

"Huh what was that I must have misheard that because I think I heard bullshit about a divorce," Said Dad in an angry voice

"You didn't mishear we are legally divorced I kept the house and Rose while she kept her money," Said Theodore

"What did you do" Said Dad

"Stop shouting at him. Honey tell me, ignore your stupid dad" Said Mom while criticising Dad

Theodore explained what led to the divorce in detail not missing any reason.

"So she ran out on her family the moment her big break came. So you're going to go to work. Okay sell the house and come live with us we'll take care of Rose while you work" Said Mom

A warm feeling spread in his heart as Theodor replied "Thanks Mom, but I really don't want to trouble you. I've already figured out a way to make money while spending just as much time with Rose"

"This is not up for discussion young man. You will be staying with us until your financially stable" Said Mom with a stern tone

"I understand" Said Theodore

"Good" Said Mom

"Mom, Dad Thank you," Said Theodore sincerely

"Your welcome, now go back to spoiling Rose. Bye Theodore," Said, Mom

"Bye and say hello to Rose from us," said Dad

"Got it Dad, bye-bye," Said, Theodore