The old monster purred a delightful roar once Dane turned the key into the ignition. Cranky engines and crisp, blackened hands reminded him of old times. Back when he used to spend hours studying and taking after his father.
Dane's expert hands were gifted by his father who when growing up, made it a point to teach his son all of the basics of fishing, hunting, cars, and you name it. That man was gifted with all the heart and knowledge that could fill a body.
Unwrapped and forgotten because he was too righteous for his own good. Ventured too deep into the point of no return. But that was injustice done to him. Injustice that fueled Dane's resolve to keep moving forward.
He wiped my hands onto the towel and flicked off the sweat at his forehead. A whole hour had gone by dabbling with the monster's guts until the treacherous engine decided to play its dutiful role.