Chereads / Harry Potter: Discarded Life / Chapter 11 - Detention in the Forest

Chapter 11 - Detention in the Forest



At the breakfast table the next morning, Alex was dealing with a few rowdy students again. This time asking about his potion. Christian across from him enjoying everything more than he should. Once the others left, he opened up talks.

"Go ahead, what brilliant idea do you have now?" Alex looked down at a book he was reading. "Better have good payment this time."

"Here, the last ingredient for you know what. This time, it should last for 14 hours or so." Christian passed over what looked like toenails. Hard and clipped off from something. A closer look proved they were. He then leaned over and whispered. "Hagrid's clippings. Swiped them the other day."

*Swipe!* Alex brushed them into his sleeves.

"He is a halfy, should work better after all. 2 hours is just not enough for you is it?" Christian asked as he leaned back. Alex shook his head no. "Something else has gone wrong hasn't it?"

"Not wrong. Just I feel my desires breaking past this." Alex pointed at his body. "Our minds, and souls are stronger than our bodies' limitations. Even worse since I pushed so much with training and accelerated healing. I will not be able to hold myself back longer."

"Pfft what holding back?" Christian tried to make light of the situation. It did not work. "Fine! I am having the same problems. Just not as bad. But the enchantments help me forget. Forget about what we lost." Despite his words spoken, even he couldn't do so.

"You more than me. I am close to breaking the next kid that talks shit, face in. It will not be my scarf either." Alex's eyes shined slightly. "And the teachers, bruhh.."

"We are kids remember? They are like that because of it. I have an idea to make you feel better. Just hear me out." Christian showed a layout of the forest. "Just a copy. But we are going to help a unicorn."

"Da fuck you mean we?!" Alex's eyes glowed brighter as he heard the plan. 'Why do I have to get injured?'


Detention Time-


'This is to crazy. Christian and his caca maney ideas.' Alex was slithering through the forest as a snake. He kept a lookout for old moldy butt. 'Still say just kill Quirrel. Why wait till the end of the year? Oh, wait.. the stupid stone. Could always put a hex on Harry. Soon as he gets it, swiped with a duplicate.'

As he moved deeper, he came across a few spiders. They felt his magic and kept away. Which was ok with him. Even though he was a little hungry. The more he ate, the more the snake form felt.. complete. More control he had and more secrets were revealed about the form. It would be a lot better to eat people apparently. Which was not something he could find himself doing.

Arriving by a grove he curled up and took a break. Enough spells on his head for anyone popping up.

'This is to peaceful. Way to comfortable like this.' His thoughts were focused on calming in an instant. Whether it was the atmosphere or he felt at peace, he couldn't tell. But the forest seemed to resonate with him. Scales slightly wiggling in tune with his breathing.

*Clop, clop, clop, clop.* A white horse rode up not too far from him. It started to drink from the water waking Alex from his snooze.

'You would be wise to leave the area little unicorn. A wicked creature is nearby looking for you. It wants your blood.' Alex thought to the Unicorn. Something spoke to him internally. He knew it could hear his thoughts.

'Oh, and you do not?' The unicorn looked over at him. No fear, only acceptance. A stupid creature Alex thought. 'You look as if you could use my help as well.'

'Bah!' Alex lifted his head up and scoffed. 'I will just wait till he injures you and take what I need. I warned you, my heart is clear.'

'Hehe, that is something, to say the least.' The unicorn laughed and went back to drinking water. Not a care in the world.


-A few minutes later-


*Snap!* A branch broke in the distance. Something had moved in the forest. The Unicorn still drank water without a care. A cloaked figure swooped in and walked slowly. It was Professor Quirrel. No doubt with the few mumblings heard.

"Stupify!" Quirrel yelled out. In an instant, the unicorn stopped moving. "My apologies but my Master needs this."

Alex could see the flickering of light in Quirrel's eyes. Since he was actually facing towards him as Voldemort was starting to feast on the Unicorn.

'It hurts.' The Unicorn thought to Alex.

'No shit Shirley! I warned you.' Alex felt the Unicorn look at him pleading. Its head was raised as it whined but no sound came out. 'Stupid ass unicorn. I swear if I die, I am haunting your entire almost extinct race!'

*Snap!* A branch broke in the distance. Christian and company were getting closer.

"Hurry Master." Quirrel said. "Ugh!" He felt a sharp pain as Voldemort punished him. "I didn't mean anything by it."

*Whip!* Alex's tail came out and smacked Quirrel in the face. Before the man could even hit the ground, Alex charged at him in a strike to sink his fangs inside.

"Waah!" Quirrel yelled in a fright. Seeing the large snake come at him, he was shocked to have not noticed it. "Stop!" It came out as command but didn't work in the least.

"Hiss!" Alex just hissed as he bit Quirrel. Sinking deep in, he shook the man around and slammed him into the ground. 'Fake stuttering bastard! I am gonna kill you!' Alex thought to himself. The more he thought about it, the angrier he turned over the unicorn.

*Wham!* Quirrel was thrown into a tree. As he stood up and tried to grab his wand, it was gone in the scuffle. He spotted it not too far from the Unicorn. Running, his back was to Alex. Who already was attacking again.

"Get down!" A twisting voice called from Quirrel's head. The man ducked but that did not save him from the pain.

*Wooosh!* Alex brought his tail around before the man could recover.

*Whack!* The sound echoed through the forest alerting several people. For safe measure, Alex slammed his tail down again and again.

'Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!' Alex screamed between hisses. A rage building as the forest gave him visions. Visions of them hunting creatures in the forest. 'Mine! It is all mine!'

*Crrraccck!* The charms protecting Quirrel gave way. The last slam broke some bones.

So focused on his task, Alex did not hear the arrival of the others.

"Stupify!" Christian yelled. The spell hit Alex and knocked him into some trees. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine held their wands at the ready. "Together now!" Seeing Alex so angry startled him enough that he knew it would get bad real soon.

"Kaaaa!" Alex hissed at them. The idea of eating passed in his mind. The spells smashed into him again. 'Ohhh he is so getting it later! Wants to wooh a bunch of women hah! Gonna start cockblocked that fucker!' Knocked into the treeline he made his escape.

Several branches and sharp rocks managed to pierce his side. Which let him know to shed as soon as possible. It was held off long enough. Increasing the density of his scales, was very much needed.

'Christian owes me big for this!' Alex already healed his organs and increased his speed. Heading into the forest towards the burrow he made was the plan. However, a centaur came running up on his side. 'If he shoots me with an arrow, I will snap his mother loving neck.'

*Tak!* The arrow was knocked and went flying in an instant.

*Schump!* Right into Alex's midsection.

"Kaaaaa!" Hissing in pain, Alex surprised the Centaur by turning around. He healed all the damage and lunged at the beast. 'Oh, you are going to taste delicious! It has been a long time since I ate horse meat!'

*Thump!* The Centaur jumped out of the way with ease. He reached for the axe on his waist to fight back with. But the lunging from Alex was too fast. The Centaur was put on the defensive as they moved through the forest.

Dodging trees and ducking under downed stomps. Alex's body was turning more easily with his thoughts. A hunt was something he vastly needed. Finishing it, would definitely get him something else.

The Centaur was able to finally get his axe at the ready. Waiting subtly for Alex next lunge.

*Fwip!* Alex was no fool. His tail sent a rock towards the head.

With a duck, the centaur had to use his hands to move pass a tree. Coming around the other side he was met with Alex glaring at him. His eyes glowing golden hypnotic in a way. Despite the centaur's sense and mind telling him to move, he went slack.

"No..." Was all that was muttered.

Alex snaked his tail behind slowly. Out of the centaur's view. Any sudden movements wound break the gaze. Slowly it wrapped around the midsection not touching just yet. He wanted to be sure of the strangle..

But the kill could not be that easy.

*Snap!* Something broke a branch. Then several others as well. A few of the spiders came in the area. Hearing Alex scuffle from the spells knocking him into the trees earlier. The noise broke the gaze he had on the centaur.

"No!" The centaur cried defiantly. Its powerful legs kicking off the ground lifting it up out of the wrap. "I am not easy prey beast!" Alex straightens out smashing a tree in anger.

"You sstupid sspiderss! My prey esscaped because of you!" Precious moments gone and a lost first hunt. Alex felt his hunger and rage feed his transformation. His body increased in length as well as mass. "Ummm, I wonder how you will tasste?"

His voice sounded feral and seductive slightly as he projected it outward. The centaur moving slightly to the side. Two destinations were available to him. That of the east and the west. The spiders he could make it pass. If they were more mindful of the large of the talking snake. That he was just realizing was sentient and not a beast-like as he thought.

"I mean no disrespect. I was tracking something that moved in the woods. When I came across this one here." He pointed towards Alex. "Only here to take care of it. I will gladly leave as soon as I am through."

Looking around at the countless critters, a spell he had on himself was active. A warning spell of how much trouble was around him. Alex's mind cleared up.

"These woods belong to us!" A spider declared. It lifted up threatening towards Alex. "You are trespassing!"

"I wass forced here. By ssome meddling foolss from Hogwartss." Alex's tail moved around slowly across the ground. He was aware of what the centaur was doing. But his eyes stayed on the spiders. 'A quick stab to get his blood will be good enough for my troubles.'

"Illuminate!" Someone cast a bright spell in the area. The spiders shrieked as well as the centaur. Alex looked over at who it was. Professor McGonagall and a few other teachers. "What is that!?"

'What is what?" Snape asked. He and the others could not see. Professor McGonagall only caught a bit herself. The eyes however, she would not forget anytime soon.

*Dissolve!* Alex had broken down into dirt. An emergency escape spell he did not want to use.




Wards shimmered in the hole. Alex reformed bit by bit. But he was not fully formed yet. The entrance closed in sealed up tightly. Once fully formed, he let out a scream that was drowned out by the charms in place.

Smacking and thrashing about as the healing kicked in. Alex sheds the skin not wanting to give himself another bought of pain after. He didn't change back to keep from passing up the opportunity.

"Kaaaaa!" Alex was not really for the bones grinding. Much worse than the shedding. "I am gonna kill them!" Thrashing relieving as much pain as the wings forced out next. 'The duplicate spell better hold!'

Which was doing just fine. Christian made sure of that. Since he had a watchful spell following where Alex had gone. He really didn't mean to hit him that hard. Or that the others actually had decent enough magic finally.

It was many hours later till he fainted.