Chapter 32 - POV

*Nevilles POV*

Hogwarts has been an absolute blessing for me. Going there is probably the best thing to ever happen to me. I was very scared at first. I mean I was believed to be a squib for the longest time. What if I got there and they said I didn't have enough magic to attend and sent me off! Gran would have been horrified!

But now I have friends! I didn't have friends growing up. I mean Gran would take me to see other magical children when I was younger but that all stopped as I got older. I never would have questioned it before but now I think it was because they thought it was an embarrassment to show off their squib family.

I started thinking about a lot of things since meeting Alex. When I first meet him he seemed so cold like he didn't really care about much. Still he invited me in to his compartment and offered me some snacks. Then there was him putting my head on his lap and stroking my hair. I was a bit weirded out by that but at the same time it felt nice. It felt safe and comforting I guess.

At Hogwarts, even after being sorted into Slytherin, Alex still talked with me. He would defend me and help me even though I was sorted into Gryffindor. Which was a shock for me as I was sure I would end up in Hufflepuff if I didn't get kicked out. But no the Hat said there was something in me suited best for Gryffindor and that I would bring it out there.

Thanks to Alex I got a new wand, now I don't blow things up! Thanks to him I haven't failed potions. It's because of him I started to reevaluate some things in my life. Like my Uncle Algie. I always thought it was tradition to try and scare magic out of children, but according to Alex that tradition was abolished some 150 years ago. I never thought he would actually be trying to harm me. I guess that was me being stupid thinking that all those attempts were for my own good.

Not to mention my Gran. I have mixed feelings on her now. I remember when she cherished me and took care of me but as I got older she began to get more distant from me. It was after she began getting distant the Uncle Algie began his attempts to scare magic out of me. Then when I finally performed accidental magic she didn't ask if I was ok no she just smiled and said she was proud I could use magic. She then insisted I use my fathers wand instead of getting a new one. She said "It worked for your father so it will work for you" but Alex says she should have known better.

Other than Alex calling me Teddy Bear he is a great friend. I can see things better now, I can think more about matters, I am getting better with my magic. Now to mention I am now friends with Harry Potter, THE Harry Potter, even if it was proven he never did the things in the stories. Also the Twins are nice to me. Sometimes Theo helps me with my potions when Alex is busy. A Slytherin helping a Gryffindor! Alex I don't think counts, he seems much more like a Lion.

Meeting Alex has made big changes in my life. Even if some of those changes involved me seeing the true colors of my family. But now I have friends to help me and that is more than I could ever ask for. Seeing Alex and Harry at the train after break has me thinking what changes will the rest of the year bring me.

*Hermoine POV*

Hogwarts was meant to be my sanctuary. I never fit in with children at my school. Because I liked to read and always got top scores I was alienated and when I wasn't I was bullied. It wasn't physical mind you but I would be mocked for my bushy hair or called a beaver due to my teeth. My books would go missing or be hidden.

Without children my age to talk to I shifted my focus on adults. At least they would praise me when I got a question right, or when I got a top score, they helped me when the other's bullying got too much. But Hogwarts. A place of Magic and a fresh start for me. It was like a dream come true.

I wanted to make friends so badly but I kept messing up. I helped Neville to look for his toad thinking it would gain me a friend. Then I entered into that compartment to see three boys with sweets all around them, hmph. One boy looked about to cast a spell and I so wanted to see magic be cast by someone else. It failed and before I could stop myself I had criticized the boy.

Then the black haired boy, who looked vaguely familiar, cast a spell. A spell I had never read about! My only thought was "No, this boy can't be better than me!" I thought people would only like me if I could prove I was the best. Then people would come asking me for advice and wanting to be my friend. Looking back at it now it does seem like I was obsessive with being first at everything.

I got invited into his compartment and I found out why he was familiar, Alexander Prince was one of my idols! A boy my age that was so smart and amazing! At the same time I felt a need to surpass him overwhelm me. I needed to be better than this boy if I wanted friends. Him calling me book worm only made me want to beat him more.

He got in a fight, I knew he was good at MMA but seeing it in front of me... Well he broke the rules! He should get reprimanded for it! After all the teachers wouldn't make rules if it wasn't for our safety!

When I got sorted into Gryffindor I was so excited but even the boys I talked to on the train didn't speak much to me anymore. I tried my best but Alex was always above me in everything! When I went to that study group I thought it would be another chance for me to make friends but even then I barely talked to them afterwards. I wasn't making any friends even when I tried to help out that Red Haired boy Ron. All I got was him talking about me not having friends and it hurt so much that I ran.

As I cried in the bathroom suddenly someone came to the stall door. It was Alex. Despite me always reprimanding him, or glaring at him when he did a spell first, and him calling me a book worm all the time, he still came to check on me when he heard I was not at the feast.

He said he didn't like my attitude. Not that he didn't like me. I guess I do sometimes not think about what I am saying or how I am saying it. Still he talked to me. He said if I worked on the attitude thing he would be my friend. We then ate a little in the bathroom

Then the troll came in. I was scared! Still Alex decided to protect me even though it was a troll he had me stuffed in a stall and had his powerful familiar guard me. He beat the troll and took me to the Hospital wing, he even stayed with me as long as he could. After dropping my pride, I didn't even realize I had, I was allowed to sit with them at lunch. It was nice. Talking, eating, laughing with a bunch of other people.

I realized I did have an issue with my tone and attitude at trying to be the best at everything. That and believing everything in books. After I contained that, mostly, people began to approach me. It was nice finally having friends who would talk to me. Who knew the only thing I needed to do to make friends was survive a troll attack! No bad Hermoine! Alex is rubbing off on you too much to make that kind of joke.

My parents were very happy for me at having made friends at my new school, though I didn't tell them of the Troll attack. I find it odd they never brought it up themselves though. Wouldn't the teachers inform the parents when the child of said parents almost got killed by a troll? Well it's probably fine, they would pull me out of Hogwarts if they knew.

I can't wait for break to end so I can see my friends again I keep giggling when I think about how I have friends now. It's a little embarrassing but at least I didn't do it at school.

*Nympha- (Gets smacked by an angry pink haired puff)) I mean Tonks POV*

It's my last year at Hogwarts! Once this year is over I can finally start auror training! I have always wanted to be an auror and catch Dark Wizards. Like those Blacks who disowned my mother for marrying my dad, though they are all dead except for Sirius and Narcissa. And those Death Eaters who hunted after people like my dad.

I mean yea I can be a bit clumsy but that won't stop me from being the best Auror I can be! I even stuck through Snapes classes just to get the grade I needed for this! I mean when I become an Auror I can learn new spells, frankly I found the DADA we have here has been very lacking compared to what my mom has taught me.

But then there is this little first year who won't leave me alone! He first came up to me and said he liked my hair, which was very nice as most others don't appreciate my choice of colors, then proceeded to give himself the same color. After that he would come and shamelessly flirt with me. A first year flirting with me!

I mean, yea, I am single as the few relationships I have had have well flopped. Boys always want me to use my metamorhamagus ability to change into their idea girl and the one or two times I tried to date a girl it was the same thing. I found a lot of people would only want me when they can't get their 'ideal match' and want me to become their match for them. Still I was not desperate enough to get with a first year!

Still he was much like a tick. He wouldn't leave me alone when he saw me. His owl, Athena I learned her name was, began to send me some candies and flowered twice a week. He would come straight to the Hufflepuff table to flirt with me in front of everyone. He would even sometimes change his hair to match mine.

I will admit it was shocking when I found out he could also shape shift his body, though not a true metamorphamagus it was close. He used that as a way to flirt with me though saying that we had one more thing in common. Seriously does this boy even know shame!

Finally I was getting tired of his flirting and tried to make a deal with him before our break. I would go on a pretend date with him for one day and transform into the girl of his dreams if he would leave me alone afterwards. But what he said...

"Well you are already the girl of my dreams but sorry I don't want a pity date. If you think I am only going after you so you can change into someone else you are very wrong and maybe I over estimated you" Then he walked off and hadn't spoken to me since.

I can't help but keep thinking of his words. He seriously only wanted me to be myself? No changing, no becoming or acting like someone else. He only wanted me? Over the break I can't help but miss the little annoyance. Maybe... Maybe when he is older we could... I'll try and talk to him when he gets back to Hogwarts.