Chereads / Alexander Prince - Half Blood Potter / Chapter 10 - Party Guest

Chapter 10 - Party Guest

I pat my little brother on the back once, only once because he had a sharp intake of breath from that one pat. I am definitely going to have someone check on him.

"Harry now that we are alone I would like to talk to you about your home life with your Aunt and Uncle" Harry looks away "Look Harry we can do one of two things. We can talk about it now or we will talk about it tonight. I would rather you tell me now but I think you may be too excited about your party and I am willing to let you have that. So which one do you want?"

"I um... tonight please not now" Harry said after shuffling his feet a bit

"Alright. Can you at least tell me the names of your Aunt and Uncle?"

"I... yea" He nods "My Uncle is Vernon Dursley my Aunt is Petunia and my cousin is called Dudley"

I nod my head marking those names down in my mind "Mittsy!" With a soft pop our house elf Mittsy shows up, wearing a small maids uniform. "Mr. Alex sir called Mittsy?" I nod "Yes could you take mine and Harry's belongings to our rooms? Thank you Mittsy" Mittsy sniffles and hugs my legs. "Mr Alex is greatest master. He thanks Mittsy!" I pat her head "And can you get Rose to make me and Harry some snacks" Mittsy nods and then grabs our things and POP she was gone.

"What was that?" Harry asked

"That was one of our house elves, her name is Mittsy. You can call for her anytime. Our other house elves are Rose, Jazz, and Crocker, be careful what you ask Crocker for he seems to like making it a game to do... odd things with orders."

"What kind of odd things?"

"Well house elves, or at least ours, are a bit over zealous. I asked Crocker to make me a sandwich my exact words were 'Crocker please make me a sandwich, only ONE this time not twenty like last time' and then he came back with a six foot long sub" Harry chuckles at that image. I roll my eyes then I take my wand from my holster, which is on my wrist and I point it at Harry "Occulus Reparo" The tape flies off Harry's glasses showing that the glasses are now fixed.

"Wicked" Harry says after checking his glasses.

I put my wand away "Yes that is one of the spells in our first year book. Well a variation of it. I will need to practice more and I should be able to do it wandlessly"

"You can do magic without a wand?"

"Yea. I have been doing the levitation and summoning charms for years. Even made a few of my own" Harry locks a bit downcast that I already know how to do some spells. "How about we get something to eat and then we can go practice some spells." He nods happily and I lead him to the dining room. In which there is already a plate of biscuits and a few sandwiches with a nice hot pot of tea. "Rose makes the best biscuits" I say as I began munching on one. Harry just stares at them "Well dig in" I gesture to the food and he reached over, a bit timidly, and took a sandwich.

We eat in silence for a few minutes "I hope you don't mind Harry but I invited a few friends over for your party, some are a bit older but they are all friendly and looking forward to meeting you" Oh the panicked look on his face almost made me laugh. Envy flies into the room, he went with Mittsy to Harry's room, he seems to like talking to Harry's owl, speaking of here she comes too. Both of them steal a biscuit. "I will of course give you the more magical gifts once they leave. I think you will like them though we nickname ourselves after superheroes from comics"

"What is your nickname?"

"Iron Fist." To demonstrate my hands begin to glow a bright yellow "I even learned to do this with magic, of course my friends don't know I can do this they only know that Iron Fist is my favorite superhero" Harry looks amazed at what I can do "That and I can hit pretty damn hard" I chuckle slightly the yellow glow recedes from my hands. "Let's go practice some magic" I say leading him to the training room.

Four Hours Later "Alex I'm home." My mother says from the door way of the magic training room "Oh and you must be Harry. It is a pleasure to meet you Harry" She walks over and smiles at Harry.

"It's nice to meet you to ma'am" Harry stammers a little.

"Oh so polite. But please call me Amanda or mum." She ruffles his hair then looks over at me "Oh your sensei called and says he can't make it to the party." I shrug at this "Both of you should go get cleaned up the guest will arrive soon. Oh and Alex" I look over at her "Let Harry borrow an outfit, his clothes are way too big. We will take him shopping for some proper clothes tomorrow" As she began to step out she remembers something "Harry what cake do you like best?"

"I never had a cake before" He says looking down at his feet

"Never? Hm... well then what kind would you like to try?" She glances over at me then back at Harry. I can see she has reached the same conclusion I have

Harry thinks it over "German Chocolate. My cousin had one two years ago."

My mother nods "Alright and I'll get some Neapolitan ice cream. It has three flavors so you can try all of them" Then she walks out and me and Harry go to the bathroom to wash up our hands and faces. I let Harry pick out an outfit from my closet to wear, he has me leave the room while he changes.

"Ah you're looking good there harry" Harry came out with a long sleeve black shirt with the rolling stones logo on it and some blue jeans with some cut fabric. he rubs the back of his head sheepishly "Still about a size too big or rather you are very skinny. We will have to fatten you up."

"Y-yea I guess..." He says nervously

"Well some of my friends arrived so come and I'll introduce you to some of them Envy you and the girl owl have to stay in the rooms until the guest leave" I then take him by the arm and lead him to the large dining room. There are some presents laid out on one of the long tables off to the side.

There were three people standing near the gifts. One was an older red haired girl with blue eyes. She wore blue jeans and a button up red strip shirt with a few buttons down showing some of her cleavage, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and the lower buttons unbuttoned showing some of her stomach. She looked like some country girl.

The next looked older than the girl, he was at least in his mid 20's. He wore a black business suit. Black sleeves, vest, tie even down to the shiny shoes. His black hair was neatly combed and he was chatting happily with the girl and the other guy.

The last one was a red haired male. He wore a black t-shirt with the Metallica logo on it, dark jeans with rips on the knees, and boots. He had one hand in his pocket and the other on the table. From their looks it was clear he was the girls brother.

"Hey guys! I would like to introduce you to my brother Harry Potter"

"Hey you know I am a girl so shouldn't you say guys and gal or something?" The red head woman huffs

"You sure don't act like one" I tease reach invites a fist straight into my stomach causing me to hunch over a bit "Told ya" I cough but I smile, she didn't hit hard it is all fun anyway. She rolls her eyes.

"Hello Harry I am Ashley Winchester and this is my brother Marcus" She says gesturing to the other red head who smiles and holds out his hand

"Nice to meet you at last. Alex hasn't shut up about you in days" he says shaking Harry's hand and I roll my eyes

"And I am Ashton, Ashton Pentabrook." The man in the suit speaks up shaking Harry's hand

"Ashley is Black Widow, Marcus is Hawkeye, and Ashton is Batman"

"Shh don't go spilling my secrets" Ashton jokes as he puts an arm around my shoulders, despite being older and taller than me we get along greatly. Even Harry giggles at the banter.

"Oh and we call my mother Mrs. Stark" the others grin at that

"So um.. If you don't mind me asking how do you all know Alex? I mean uh you all seem much older than him so isn't it weird with the age difference?" Harry shuffles his feet

"That's a good question Harry. Me and Marcus are his senpei from the dojo. We are both Black Belts in Krav Maga. We also work for Ashton." Says Ashley

"I am the president of Starset Corporation. We make software for some tech but mostly we make video games. Alex has helps with debugging and is the beta tester of some of our games and products. Despite being 11 he can go toe to toe with even our best debuggers. Ashley and Marcus are on our security team" Ashton says

"I have known Ashley and Marcus for years and they introduced me to Ashton about two and a half years ago. It only took half a year to get Ashton here to stop being a pompous git and be my friend instead" this earned me a swat to the head from Ashton causing myself and the twins to chuckle.

The lights to the room all go out leaving the room completely dark for a few seconds before they light up dimly. There is now a cake and ice cream on the center table and my mom is standing by it lighting the eleven candles.

We all head over to the table and I put Harry in the head seat. We then sit in the other chairs, well all but mom who is standing beside Harry's chair. We sing Happy Birthday to him "Well make a wish Harry." He closes his eyes then blows out the candles. when they are all blown out the lights return to normal. Harry wipes his eyes but I can see the small water marks.

"How did you pull off the light trick if we are all at the table?" Ashley questioned

"Magic" Really it was our house elves but they obviously can't show up in front of 'muggles'

"Yea sure" Ashley says rolling her eyes. Ashton though raised a brow at my answer but then takes a seat with the others. Mom cuts the cake and distributes it and the ice cream for us. It was a great cake I'll have to thank Rose for it later. The ice cream was delivered from the shop.

Now it was time for presents. The first present was from Marcus it was a bunch of cassette tapes and cd's. Beatles, KISS, Guns & Roses, the Rolling Stones, Queen, and Pink Floyd. Next was Ashleys gift. Her gift was a large box full of comic books. Ashtons gift was some video games and a brand new SNES system and Game Boy. "We would have gotten you something better but it was last minute that we were told there would be a party" Said Ashley, Marcus doesn't really talk much.

"I just.. I never got gifts before I love all of them. Thank you!" in his excitement he gave all three of them a hug. Causing them all to smile and give him a small hug in return, except Ashton who only pats Harry's shoulder.

"My gift will be given later Harry." I say to him, obviously I have too because my gift is a magic item so it can't be given in front of the guest.

"Harry your gift from me is I had a room refurbished for you and we are going to the mall tomorrow to get you some things that you can use to decorate your room." My mother says and she too got a great big hug and she hugs him back.

"Thank you thank you thank you" He says over and over

"Come I'll show you your room now" She then leads him off and my smile fades away from my face to be replaced by an icy gaze "Luthor"

"Yes Loki?" Ashton says as he and the twins get closer

"I would like to call in that favor you owe me. I want you, Deathstroke and Talia to be on standby the targets are Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, and Dudley Dursley. I'll call you later tonight to let you know what will need to be done" the three nod and then we go towards my brothers room, making sure to grab all his new gifts that he left behind when he followed my mom.