Kris opened the door to Lena's room and placed her on the bed. They were both not wearing any shoes beforehand. He grabbed the blanket and cuddle in with Lena.
"Any more questions?" He asked. Kris hugged Lena from behind.
"Are you, bi-sexual?"
"No. I am Lena-sexual. I am only attracted you to, regardless of your gender."
"Why did you marry Hugh?"
"What is marriage?" Kris whispered, not to ask Lena but to question himself. "Back then, I only knew that as a strong bond between people."
"And now?"
"A fancy legal term to recognize the relationship between two people."
Lena laughed but she held to Kris' hands that were hugging her. "I want to get married though, sometime in the future."
"We had our first argument, right? So can you tell me about how you thought of this?"