Ahmad soul was floating for a thousand years until he stumbled upon a door
"Hmmm,where am I"
"Hello young'un,I'm ultimate your soul drifted from a soul bridge to the throne of celestial
the angel in charge made mistakes when they are trying to take a soul so for the apologies I will gave you 3wish choice it's wisely"(ultimate)
"Hmmmm,in that case for my wish is
1)ultimate intelligence
2)shop system
3)ultimate grade soul
That it's and please make my face look opposite of the handsome face more brutal was better"(Ahmad)
"Hmm that it,I have choose where you will gonna be naw you just have to jump in to the portal and i also have a gift for you, if there was nothing farewell young'un"(ultimate)
"Farewell to you to ultimate"(Ahmad)
With that Ahmad jump to the portal
Will be continued