People tend to use escape responses when they are more interested in avoiding unpleasant people or situations than in resolving differences.
One way to escape from a conflict is to pretend that a problem does not exist. Another way is to refuse to do what should be done to resolve a conflict properly. These responses bring only temporary relief and usually make matters worse (see 1 Sam 2:22-25)
Another way to escape from conflict is to run away. This may take the form of pulling away from a relationship, quitting a job, filing for divorce, or changing churches. Flight may be legitimate in extreme circumstances (see 1 Sam 19:9-10), but in most cases it only postpones a proper solution to a problem.
When people lose all hope of resolving a conflict, they may seek to escape from the situation (or make a desperate cry for help) by attempting to take their own lives (see 1 Sam 31:4). Suicide s never a right way to deal with conflict.
I. Escape Responses
A. Denial
B. Flight
C. Suicide
II. Peace Making Responses
A. Mediation
B. Arbitration
C. Accountability
D. Overlook
E. Reconciliation
F. Negotiation
III. Attack Responses
A. Assault
B. Litigation
C. Murder