Chereads / Someone Like Yoo . / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1.

Someone Like Yoo .

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1.

Mina's POV (Point of View)

drip drop.  drip drop. drip drop.

The therapeutic sound of rain, gently hitting against my window slowly wakes me up. My vision still hazy as I sluggishly sit up, my phone screen lights up my dark room as a notification pops up.  Rubbing my eyes I finally focus on the messages, the bold letters reads, "이모(aunt) KIM" and my eyes shot wide open as I begin to read the messages.

"Mina, 이모 needs medicine~~" read 11:04 pm

I reply back as I slowly get out of bed;

"이모, are you okay?? " sent 11:04 pm

I threw on a thin jacket as I walk out of my room to my dark apartment, *DING* the sound echoes as I read the new message,

" Yeah, I'm fine. I just need something to help me stop going to the bathroom. Sorry Mina, to bother you so late... " read 11:07 pm.

I smile to myself, oh how typical of 이모 I thought to myself, I walk out my apartment and made my way to the convenience store down the street.

"No worries 이모, I'm going right now" sent 11:10 pm.

The rain subsided and the musty air clings to me as I take the usual 10 minute walk to the store. My quiet and well lit neighborhood always gives me a sense of security and tranquility.The night was much colder than I thought it would be, as I hug myself tight and speed walk to the store. I finally arrive to the store and to my surprise there was a young guy hanging out in the front by himself. I quickly pass figure and step inside, the sweet smell of hazelnut coffee warms my body instantly, "Good evening Mr.Chu!"  I say as I walk by the counter.

An old man pops up from the counter and smiles brightly, "oh hi there Mina! What are you doing here so late?" he asks leaning over the counter. "이모, needs medicine and asked me to get some for her but most importantly are you okay? Do you want me to stay her with you for awhile?" I reply looking outside the store, my vision straight on the random guy. Mr.Chu chuckles and steps out, " Oh, don't worry about him, he's just another random delinquent.Everything is okay" he pats my head and walks over to an aisle, "but anyways, are you sure she didn't mean to leave me a message?" he suggestively say causing us to both laugh out loud, "she said she needs medicine that will help her stop going to the bathroom, unless there's a hidden message to that..." I say curiously. Mr.Chu laughs again and grabs the medication for me. "Here, tell her to take this right away and it should help her almost immediately" he winks at me. I chuckle quietly, "I'll make sure I will rely the message to her" as I place the medicine on the counter, Mr. Chu places the medicine in a bag, "here you go" he says handing the bag to me, "oh, thank you" in exchange for the bag, I hand him my card. He stops my hand by gently by holding my wrist, "no, it's okay". I shake my head a bit too much as I feel my neck hurting. "No, Mr.Chu please take it" I keep insisting by trying to push my card into him but for an old man, Mr.Chu is pretty strong.

He lets go of my hand and changes the subject, "ahh, it's raining hard again" he pauses for a minute and looks at me again, "You walked here? " I nod as I grab the bag from the counter, admitting defeat to pay for my medicine. "Hmm, okay wait for a minute okay Mina?" Mr.Chu says as he walks into a room behind the counter. Not sure what he is doing in the room, I patiently wait for him while I play on my phone. I finally pass a level on my game and look up from my phone, "it's definitely been more than one minute" I mumble to myself, and I see Mr.Chu walking out, "Thanks for waiting Mina, I noticed you didn't have an umbrella, unfortunately I don't have one either so I called a taxi for you, it should---ah it's here!" Mr.Chu points outside the window, a bit confused I look at Mr.Chu, "Mr.Chu! It's okay! I just live down the street... you didn't hav-" he shushes me, "aii, it's late and you're wearing such a thin jacket you'll get cold. Don't worry this ride is also on me. Tell Landlady Kim to call me tomorrow okay?? Good night Mina" he says with a sweet smile as he gestures me to go outside.

I bow in gratitude, "Thank you Mr.Chu. Have a goodnight as well. Don't work too hard!" I say before stepping out the store. The cold air makes my body shivers as I look for the taxi. The taxi is parked across the street, the driver roll down his window and waves over at me. I wave back and place the bag over my head getting ready to sprint to the car, when I suddenly  feel a presence next to me. A strong yet pleasant smell filled my nose and put me in a state of trance as I look over and was startled by the young guy from earlier. He had his umbrella over me, "I'll walk you to the taxi" his raspy voice made me blush. "Oh no, it's okay! really!" I stutter as I try to avoid eye contact, the young guy smiles sweetly and shakes his head, " it's my honor. I can't go to sleep knowing that I didn't walk a girl to her cab while it was raining, actually-" He stops talking and takes my hand and shoves the umbrella into it. "Take it" he says as he lightly tap my shoulder to go as the cab driver starts honking.

A bit stunned, I look closely at him and see his facial features more clearly, he looks maybe only a year or two older than me but he's not bad looking at all. His gentle yet determined brown eyes never wavered from mines. His tall and athletic build seems intimidating but his eyes weren't. His dark hair is tied up in a messy man bun somewhat resembling a samurai, his well defined jaw and -WAIT what am I thinking? I mentally slap myself and shyly reply hiding my red face, "I can't take this! I'm very thankful but ---" he points to the cab and replies, "Go, its okay. It's just an umbrella" his kind voice gives me no choice but to take his umbrella now. It's curious to why he would give a stranger his umbrella but what's more odd is me accepting it. I look at him with unfamiliar feelings,"Thank you! Can I know your name at-"  the taxi driver honks once more and cuts me off. The young guy waves at the taxi to wait for me, he ushers me to go, I bow again and walk to the car but to my surprise he's walking next to me.

I can't help but look out the car, the young guy actual followed me to the cab and is now standing in the rain waving at me. My awkward self wave back and I can see a smile forming across his face and for some odd reason my heart flutters as the taxi drove off.

"Have a safe trip 아저씨(uncle/sir) " I say as I step out of the taxi. I make my way to 이모's apartment,

"이모, I'm outside" sent 11:52 pm.

The door opens and a tiny lady smiles at me as she grabs the bag, "Mina, thank you! " she leans in and kisses me on the cheek, I smile and made my way to my apartment.

I hang the guy's black umbrella behind my door, the handle was like a sword handle which made it look pretty cool. I stare at the umbrella thinking about the events that unfolded tonight. Who was he? I never seen him around the neighborhood before and to give his umbrella away like that to stranger? He's young for sure but what is he doing there in front of Mr.Chu's store by himself? He's a weird one. I shake my head and turn to the side, okay Mina lets sleep, stop thinking about him, i whisper to myself as I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.


5:15 AM

This must be the sound of death I thought to myself as I frantically look for my phone to snooze the alarm. My head feels like its been hit by a brick as it was hard to open my eyes. I manage to find my phone under my pillow  and tried to snooze but I remember that I have an important lecture today. As much as I want to go back to sleep I force my groggy body to get out of bed.

My body aches everywhere, my face is flushed because of my high temperature, I decide to wear my face mask to school to prevent spreading any potential germs. The cold air cuts me as I walk to the bus stop, my body is shivering nonstop and I pray for the bus to come as soon as possible. A few minutes pass and thank goodness, the bus arrives and is empty as no one will be on here at 6:00 AM. I grab the first seat next to the back door and lean against the window to rest for a bit. The 45 minute ride to school was peaceful and relaxing as the bus driver stops at my stop, I see a familiar face smiling at me. I shyly wave back as I walk out of the bus.

"Are you sick?!" her loud voice wakes me up again, "Bomi 언니 (older sister), how can you be this loud this early in the morning?" I reply to avoid her question. Bomi is like my older sister who's overprotective of me, always lecturing me whenever my health is not great, like a typically med student. She sighs out loud,she digs around in her backpack and hands me a packet of cold medicine. "바보(idiot), take it. If you feel too bad, go to the nurse's office today. Don't force yourself" she says as we walk to my building " YES 언니!" I shout loudly and saluted, she laughs out loud, "Ya, who's the loud one now?"

The classroom is extra stuffy as I try to focus on the lecture, my head throbs at every second that passes by. I briefly look down from the board and gently massage the sides of my head, I feel my body becoming more haggard, I quietly take a deep breath and letting it out slowly. 'Mina, you can't skip out on this lecture its almost midterms, you need to focus' I keep telling myself. Gathering all the strength and functioning brain cells I have left I look back up at the board and begin taking notes again.

After 45 excruciating minutes, lecture ends, I lean back into my chair and take another deep breathe. I look at my hands shaking very subtly from overworking my body and brain. I slowly pack up my stuff and stand up when I feel that rush of blood up in my head. I feel my legs buckling, losing balance, 'ah fuck I'ma fall' I thought as I brace myself for the cold hard floor instead my body hits something hard but it wasn't the floor. I barely manage to focus out the face, "Yoo Jae Hyun?" I mumble to myself as I am confuse and surprise to why I'm in his arms. He roughly but gently push me off him, "Go to the nurse's office and stop being a nuisance to others" he says coldly and walks out the room.

Too tired to even argue with him, I regain focus and made my way to the nurse's office. The nurse's office is a bit far from my building and I can feel my body getting heavier and heavier, my breath getting harsher with every step I take. I look at my phone and thought about calling Bomi, 'nah I can't call her' I say to myself out loud. I sit down on a nearby bench and drink some water, I look ahead and see the nurse's office, ecstatic I stand up quickly, same mistake, the blood rush to my head and I quickly sit back down, "oh man, that was a close one" I mumble to myself, I hear someone sighing loudly behind me. I look behind me and I almost fell off  the bench, "I told you stop being a damn nuisance to everyone. You should have stayed home. So annoying" Jae Hyun speaks coldly as he slowly drags me to the nurse's office.

He leaves again without saying again, I can't really be mad at him because without him I wouldn't even make it to the nurse. Letting it slide, I walk in and see Bomi 언니 in there, she turns around and sees me, "well well well, look at what we have here" she says sarcastically, using her eyes to tell me to sit on a nearby bed. I quickly move towards  the bed and lay down, the minute my head hit the pillow, the darkness greets me.

1:28 PM

I slowly open my eyes and see an unfamiliar ceiling, I shot up and look around, "oww" I whisper loudly as my head starts to throb a bit to my sudden movement. 'Oh, that's right, I'm at nurse's office at school" I say to myself. I sigh in relief and look around again, no one is in there except for me. I look at my phone, 'wow I knocked out for sure, good thing I don't have anymore class on Friday" I stretch and notice a folded piece of paper on the counter next to my bed. I open it, "Wait for me to come back I'ma take you home be there at 2pm" only Bomi 언니 can write sloppy like that. I lay back down and wait for her.

She helps me to her car and hands me a pack of cold medicine, "you had a fever, a very high one as a matter of fact. Your body and brain used alot of energy, make sure you eat and stay in the rest of the day" she nags as drives. Barely having any energy I just nod, she stops at the light and stares very suspiciously at me. "What...?" I ask cautiously, she narrows her eyes at me and looks back at the road, "What's your relationship with Yoo Jae Hyun?"  she asks nonchalantly.

I begin to choke on air, "what--what? What are you talking about?" I manage to reply, without taking her eyes off the road she continues to talk, "What's your relationship with him?" I look at her in confusion, "Nothing? I mean we have some classes together because we have the same major but thats all. Why this sudden ass question 언니?" still looking at her. She shrugs her shoulders, "Strange, he came by earlier and asked if you were here, I told him you were sleeping and asked if he wanted to leave a message for you but he said no and left" I can feel my face turning red, why did he ask for me? was he checking to make sure I was okay or what is it? I keep thinking to myself, trying to make sense of his actions. Bomi 언니 stops the car, "We're here" I get out of the car, "Thanks 언니! I'll make sure to eat before I take the medication. Thanks again for taking me home. Get home safe!" I say as I bow, she smiles back, "No problem and also I don't want you to stress yourself over that Jae Hyun kid, he's a troublemaker so just make sure you rest up!" she shouts as she drives off.

It's funny how she knows me so well that I take her advice and made my way in, trying my best not to think about Yoo Jae Hyun.