(The days of lonely feel of Sid was driven by Paroo that day.....both have great times chit chatting and cuddling each other....When the the time comes for them to apart both have the feel of staying together...their gloomy face shows how much happy time they have together.....)
Sid:Reach back safely....!...Call me when you reach home.
Paroo:Sure...Take good care of yourself....!
(She leaves home....and they meet the next day with long chats at night....Both sleepy faces in the morning glow so brightly as soon as they see each other...their depth of love can't be explained...but it could be understood by Ruth and Ginna that their love for each other is pure...
The time when Sid is bed ridden is the time which showed the two souls officially one to Ruth and Ginna...both the cute little pairs were having their own time during those days ....This short period of time made their bond strong then ever...both stood for each other....in their difficulties....this showed them nothing can seperate us.....Paroo stood high in his heart....showed Sid how he is getting loved by her...he even understood that she is the one who can keep him happier next to his mother...
Let's check further how long this happiness stay in their relationship...)