"No freaking way! We look like we're of the same age!"
Like his butt was on fire, Maverick had stood up so fast when he heard her words.
"What are you talking about? She's clearly way past her thirties"
Shadow stared at Maverick, his face literally saying the words; what the heck are you talking about?
With a dubious expression on his face, Maverick looked at Shadow.
"She's an Easterner. They look like they age backwards compared to us in the West" Shadow let out a chuckle.
Haruka smiled when Maverick turned to look at her. Like other women of her age, they like it when they are complimented because of their age, especially if it came from good looking men.
"Ohh, ohhh shoot!"
As he kept staring at her, Maverick finally realized something and he let out a yell.
"Does that mean those people who came with you are around thirty years old too?! Damn, what sorcery did you guys do?!"