Chereads / Mercenary / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3- The Magic Scientist

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3- The Magic Scientist

Raggard, who had previously been prepared to die, blankly stared at the boy in front of him. "Um, Im sorry, what did you just say?"

The boy looked annoyed and repeated himself. "I have a proposal for you. I can tell by your eyes. You're the type who has lost everything, and you were about to give your life for your pride. No?"

Raggard opened his mouth and closed it, thinking. "Who is this kid? What does he want with me? How can he read me so well?"

The kid continued. "Let me cut to the chase. I'm someone who has found interest in you. You are someone who has lose all purpose in life. And i'm here to give you a new purpose. You read me so far?" Raggard nodded hesitantly.

"I am a scientist. I've spend the past ten years studying magic and the properties that envelop it. I would like you to assist me in my endeavors. If you help me out, ill give you a position in my lab, and ill even assist you to get stronger so that you can one day venture outside without losing everyone precious to you. Good deal, right?"

Raggard was speechless. How could this kid possibly understand what he was going through? Furthermore, how could he be so heartless as to propose something so quickly and expect an immediate answer. He was most likely using the people who are disheartened to further his own purposes. But the real question that bogged Raggard's mind was that the kid said he had been studying magic for ten years.

He looked as if he was only 14 years old, and yet if he was telling the truth, then he would have begun his studies at 4 years old.

There was no way that could have been the case. So either the kid was lying, or something that he didn't understand was going on.

"10 years? Do I look like an idiot to you kid. If this is some sort of prank cut me out of it."

The kid rolled his eyes and snapped back with a sassy tone. "Do I look like a kid to you? O wait. I do. Right, so when I began studying magic at 14 years old the first spell I mastered was the ability to suspend my body in time, causing the aging process to halt. This is but common knowledge among the magicians of the world. Why do you think that they end up living thousands of years, and only ever die of unnatural deaths? Its because this was the original goal in all magic. To gain immortality, to be able to live an indefinite lifespan. However, of course, with the acquisition of power comes the power hungry, which is why many fights occurred between those who were at the top, splitting humanity into the surfacers and the underground dwellers."

Raggard had no idea what this kid was talking about. The kids story was completely different from everything he learned in the history books as a kid.

He was told merely that the surface dwellers were a society of murderers and outcasts, who were originally punished by being forced to live in the monster controlled society, eventually leading to their deaths. However, with the passing of time, they became stronger and learned to survive in the harsh world, leading to their threatening existence, and the primary reason why mercenaries were only allowed to wander close to the city entrances, and anyone who went any further was likely to be killed, either by monsters or by those who had become strong enough to survive among the monsters.

"Ah right. I guess you look so confused because of all the brainwashing the empire has done to their people. Well, just forget what I said there. Either way, ill give you an option. Either come with me and assist in my lab, or Ill leave you out here to try and find your way back home alone. If you feel like dying, ill just find another person to help with my experiments."

Raggard felt fear of the wild in his heart. He was different from how he felt before, when the adrenaline had kicked in. He wanted to live now, more than anything, now that he had been saved.

"I.. I must live on for the sake of my comrades. I must not allow their deaths to be in vain! Alright. I'll go with you. What is your name kid?" A flashy grin pealed over the kids face. "Dubs. The name is Dubs."

"Alright Dubs. Can I ask you a few questions then, before we get going?"

Dubs put his hands in his pockets and turned his eyes upwards, as if annoyed but reluctantly agreed.

"Fine. But Ill give you some conditions on what ill answer. 1. It cannot have to do with my past. That is something you will discover in due time, as I decide to reveal it to you. 2. It cannot have to do with my overall goal, for the same reason. However, I will allow you to know what that goal is, but the details behind it are for me to know and you to find out."

Raggard nodded in agreement. "Then what is this goal of yours, Dubs?" They began to walk through the brush, back in the direction of the empire's underground entrance.

"My overall goal is to join the surfacers guild, and work my way to the top. I then plan on taking over the underground empire, and eventually ruling over the world as a dictator. Of course, I will be a loving and fair dictator, but a dictator nonetheless. No further questions on this matter. Now, you know my ambitions, so ill present you with one statement. Should you leak this to anyone, I will have you tortured, and then killed. However, should you assist me, and be loyal to my cause, I will reward you in full, and allow you to take a high place in the new order of the world I have planned."

Raggard's disbelief reached unparalleled heights. What was this guy saying? He was only 24 years old, and while he seemed to have mastered a number of magic techniques, and surely exceeded the abilities of a normal human, he by no means had any ability to reach the status he talked of.

Raggard understood by the tone of his words that he was completely serious to every detail, including the part that he had every bit planned out.

I don't think I can completely trust this guy, but I don't feel as if he is lying about his ability to do such things. I can feel something from him that tells me that he really has the mark of a leader, and that he will one day be able to obtain these insane aspirations of his.

I don't know what to say, but something is telling me that a world lead by this guy will be more peaceful than it is right now. Either way, I don't have a choice about telling anyone, so I'll play along with him for now and if I realize that he truly is trying to do something evil to this world, ill do everything I can to stop him at that point.

For now I must gain power and status. I just lost my entire mercenary squad, and as a leader who lost his entire squad dishonor will taint my name.

Nobody will believe me about this right now even if I wanted to do anything. Yes, my best option is to go with this guy and help him achieve his goals.

Dubs looked back at Raggard and noticed his crinkled face as he thought. "So you've agreed to go along with me for now eh? Well, that's good enough for me. I'm not the type to judge peoples intentions to be loyal, so long as they realize my dream when the time comes. As soon as you know the truth, the righteous part of you won't even consider betrayal. I can assure you that while I may have some evil means, that I am the good guy in this world, if there exists one."

Dubs was speaking in riddles again, but Raggard decided not to think too much about them. He was going to continue taking things one step at a time.

"So Dubs, is the magic you've obtained all due to your research?".

Dubs pondered for a second, and stated, "Well, the majority of my own skills are due to my research, however my affinity with magic in the first place is due to my past, which I have already said that I will elaborate on when the time comes. For now, just know that I will be able to make you stronger and more adept when it comes to magic abilities, however your practical use is up to you. You will have to train on your own to properly use them in fights or for other practical uses of magic." .

They both came across a cobblestone tower, with a metal door barring entrance, and a platoon of knights wearing full steel armor guarded the door. One of the guards hailed towards Raggard.

"Raggard! Did you make it out of your mission alive? I warned you before you went out that the outside world was dangerous. Where is the rest of your squad, and why is that kid with you?". The guard inquired.

The kid shot him a glance that wreaked of death itself, as if to say "You better figure something out quick or ill kill everyone here on the spot".

Raggard replied swiftly. "I.. I lost everyone. All my comrades are dead. I was the only one to make it out alive, and I managed to save this kid on the way. I've failed as a mercenary leader."

The guard was compassionate and placed his hand on Raggard. "I'm so sorry pal. Take it easy for the next few days. Here, have a few drinks on me."

The guard handed Raggard a few copper coins, and Raggard gratefully accepted. "And you kid! I told you to stop wandering about outside the gates! How many times do I have to tell you that its too dangerous. Raggard probably spent multiple lives to save you, so you'd better be grateful to him!"

Dubs let off a mischievous smile, as if putting on an act to prevent people from knowing he wasn't merely a kid, and sarcastically responded "Yeeeeeahh I know I get it. Ill be more careful next time guard." The guards face twisted with disgust. "You must have it rough dealing with this kid Raggard. I hope to see you alive and well when we next meet."

The guards began to pull the chains that held the metal door shut, and allowed the two to pass inside. "How does that kid keep getting past our security anyways.. I swear one day he needs to be locked up, or hes really gonna die out here..." He muttered to himself.

The two entered the tower and began shuffling down the long spiraling stairway. Torches filled the walls and shone dimly, lighting the corridor, until they reached the bottom and entered into a dark, lamp-lit city.

Buildings sprawled, and roadways bustled with people hustling back and forth from one area to another. Merchants called out to people in attempts to sell items, and guard platoons marched across the streets patrolling.

"Where are we going, Dubs?" Raggard asked blankly. "To my laboratory, of course. Its this way". Dubs pointed down a dark corridor that lead to one of the shadiest parts of the town, which culminated at the graveyard.

They walked through the dark alleyway, drunkards and prostitutes filled the street, and as they shuffled past them Dubs skipped through the menacing scenario as if it was a green field filled with hope and joy.

"Doesn't this guy have any sense of situation? Jeez. He clearly is naive, but why do I feel like he knows something that I don't?"

Raggard followed him to the edge and they reached the gravesite. Tombstones filled the landscape and a turquoise grass covered the scene.

The tombstones all had various sizes but they were well made and taken care of, and at the corner of the graveyard there was a shoddy wooden shack that was meant for the gravekeeper.

Dubs pulled out a silver key ring with many keys on it and unlocked the shack, and opened the door.

"Welcome to my lab. I'm the gravekeeper, and this is my home".