A Stone of Blood and War

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Most people don't know the truth about how humans came to earth.

Some hypothesize that they derive from apes.

Some believe that different gods created them.

Both of these theories are far from the truth.

The truth is they aren't from Earth at all.

They used to be something more, a long time ago, when they still inhabited the planet Auroria.

Auroria is beyond the notion that Earth has of ancient. It is one of the first planets in the universe. However, with time the power that gave Auroria its magic, began to deplete, and without this magic the stability of the world started to vanish giving way to its cousin, chaos.


Since the beginning of time in Auroria there were Nine Immortal Queens who maintained the balance and kept the peace between the species. The mothers of the planet. Each ruled on corner of the world, all ruling it fairly, together. When the power started to weaken, and chaos threatened everything, the Queens used their immense magic, along with some magic from Auroria, to create a youthful planet. This magic formed a tether between both worlds. The youthful power of the new planet, named Earth, had given the queens the solution to the growing instability. Both planets were able to flourish from this connection. A symbiotic relationship.

However, around 200,000 thousand years ago, things changed once more.

One Immortal Queen became jealous of the land the other's contained. Believing herself to have been fooled into ruling the worst part of the planet, which contained the weakest and greediest creatures.

She came up with a plan. To rule one planet instead of the measly area she had been coerced into ruling.

No one had been able to travel to Earth, even with the tether, because the sacrifice needed would be too great. But, this smart Deceitful Queen, knew how to get the magic needed. By whispering in those greedy little creature's ears that they deserved better. That if they sacrificed their magic, they would go to a new planet, where they would be at the top of the food chain, instead of the bottom.

Lured in with the promise of power, the creatures happily gave up their magic and powers to travel to the new planet. It seemed as if the Deceitful Queen's plan had worked.

They had made it to Earth.

Until, the sacrifice had been far greater than she had expected.

The tether between both worlds was severed by her actions.

For earth it meant losing the magic that Auroria provided.

So when the Queen and her followers arrived at their new home, none had magic....including the Queen. The second part of the sacrifice that none had been aware of was losing their memories. Slowly everyone started to forget everything. They had to learn to survive with nothing except instincts and luck.

As for the Deceitful Queen, losing her magic was a great punishment. But, when her people turned into animals, she was left with nothing. She had no power in this land, and no one to worship at her feet. She was left to wander the Earth alone for as long as she lived, the only one to remember who she had been. A fitting punishment for her betrayal.

The effects to Auroria were catastrophic. Without Earth's youthful power, the balance the Queens had created broke, the world started to crumble, and war broke out all across.

In a desperate attempt, after suffering 1000 years of war, all the Queens came up with a solution. They would all give up their immortality, and seven of the now Eight Immortal Queens would sacrifice their lives to restore the balance.

They put their souls and magic into a gemstone, the Cariak. A small ice blue gem, with the ability to hold onto magic...a type of conduit.

The First Queen, the last of the Nine Queens, was the first one to possess such power, a corruptible power in the hands of anyone else. She decided to continue to rule just her land, allowing other creatures to rule the rest, while providing protection and balance to all. An attempt to keep the temptation of the stone from taking over.

She grew afraid of what would happen when she passed.

Of who would rule in her place.

Therefore, on her deathbed, she cast her own soul and magic into Cariak, making one last wish: that only those she found worthy would be able to use the gemstone, and those worthy would provide the Cariak with their magic when the time came.

This is how peace and balance was restored. How harmony returned to all the creatures that inhabited Auroria.

The Cariak choose Queens in such way for centuries, each Queen giving her soul and magic at the end of her life to add to the magic of the stone.

The gemstone always choose a worthy Queen.

Until one hundred and fifty years ago. With the sudden and shocking murder of the Last Queen, Queen Avila, the Cariak disappeared, and with it the peace and balance that the Immortal Queens had given everything for.

Once again war broke loose around the world.

Aurorians looked for it, seeking its power. Seeking to rule. But, none could find it.

Some say that it is because it got destroyed with her death.

Others because there was no one who deserved its magic.

Then the stone reappeared, having chosen the next Queen.

However, it was a human...

It seems like a cruel joke of fate that the gemstone choose a human woman. A human like the ones who started all of this mess in the first place.