Hello! Welcome! I hope you will enjoy reading TLBB as much as I will enjoy writing it. I intend for this to be a long journey frought with humor and loss, anger and joy, deep emotions and cold blooded murder. And plenty of good fights. Mostly good fights. In fact 98% of the book will be fighting. I jest of course! 97%... In all seriousness, I do intend to deliver the best experience I can when it comes to combat. In medieval times, combat was bloody. It was brutal. It was horrifying. Therefore I advise parental guidance for those under 14, along with discretion from all readers. I intend for the writing to be John Wick but with medieval weapons a/o magic. There is no "Ki" cultivation, but some aspects of magic may have similarities. I apologise now for my upload schedule, and will continue to apologise as long as it is sporadic. I doubt I will ever get an offer to go premium, but if I do, no guarantees as of right now about if I will accept or not, but that could change based off fanbase. Speaking of which, I welcome all constructive criticism, as long as it's constructive. Point out the flaws, don't just call it stupid, make a good argument for your case, and be ready to defend it. With all that being said, please enjoy TLBB!