Chapter 97 - Demolition Man

I watch in satisfaction as the flames from the molotov cocktail spreads throughout the private park built for the future residents of Phase One. I quickly retreat back into the Corrie's cabin and slam the door closed as a fusillade of rubber bullets are pelted against the vehicle's armored hide.

"Full speed ahead." I tell The Voice, "Plenty of mansions that still need smashing."

The Corrie's turbine roars as The Voice does not spare the gas and the entire contraption lunges forward like a starving animal right into another row of bungalows. As the bulldozer smashes into each building in rapid succession, The Voice swings the dozer blade vigorously up and down, sending masonry flying everywhere. Yet another gaping wound is ripped into the body of Phase One as the Corrie successfully performs its attack run.

"The Hero is currently embroiled in a fight with the Matsui family." The Voice observes, "Was that your doing?"

"Yeah." I answer as I open the cabin door to throw another lighted up cocktail, "When you told me that Delinquent was making a fool of himself back there, I mind blasted him. I told Delinquent to ignore everything that was happening around the site. I figured that once Delinquent became dead on his feet in the middle of a riot, it would compel the Hero to do hero things."

The Voice rasps, "Well done. Using the Hero's integrated programming against him. Though I fear that the Matsuis will keep his attention for only so long."

The another gout of liquid flame erupts from where I threw the cocktail, setting a terrace house aflame. Hernandez had told me that he was going to have this event live streamed. Since the Commander was going through all this trouble, I might as well put on a spectacular show for the audiences hopefully tuning in. Just as I am ruminating, my head is snapped backwards as a rubber bullet impacts against the motorcycle helmet I am wearing. I hurriedly scramble back into the cab and The Voice helpfully slams the cabin's door shut.

"Take a turn to the right at full speed, more high value homes to wreck there." I say, "As long as we keep moving, the troopers can't hope to catch up and swarm us."

The Corrie peels off in the direction I indicated as a RAU trooper launches a tear gas grenade at it. The grenade is easily deflected by the Corrie's slat armor and ineffectually sprays its payload some distance away from the vehicle. Grabbing the grenade launcher, I open the cabin door again and fire a flash bang straight into the advancing group of officers. The retina searing explosion from the flash bang forces the RAU troopers to disperse and halt their pursuit.

And so the Corrie is sent on yet another blitz against a row of mansions. These ones fare no better than the others and the air is filled with dust and flying rubble. In the safety of the cabin, I struggle clumsily to reload the grenade launcher with just one working arm.

"When will my right arm be fixed?" I complain.

"At an indeterminate time." The Voice says, "Mr Gallant did use it to channel a massive amount of my power after all."

Before I can grumble any further, my heart leaps into my throat as an APC begins barreling towards the Corrie through the cloud of dust The Voice had stirred up. Shit. Things are getting serious here.

"Faster! We must outrun that APC!" I urgently tell The Voice.

"Impossible." The Voice rumbles as the Corrie powers forward, "That Armored Personnel Carrier has a higher top speed than the Corrie. It will catch up with us eventually."

As the APC closes in on us, several SOPO officers begin climbing up to the APCs roof brandishing their sabers. Am I going to need to have to repel boarders here?

"What happened to non-lethal only?" I exclaim.

The Voice answers, "SOPO is making an exception for you. We have already caused several million nu-credits worth of damage to Phase One. They cannot allow us to continue."

"Keep driving straight along the road." I command, "I need a clear field of view."

I lean out of the cabin and level the grenade launcher at the incoming APC. With a pull of the trigger, a flash bang is sent flying towards the APC's roof where it erupts like a blazing star. A pair of SOPO officers on the roof are sent reeling from the attack and they fall haphazardly off the roof on to the road. I am rewarded for my effort by the APC's cannon blasting me backwards with chemical laced water before the cabin closes up. Good thing I have got the helmet on. The sex offender trench coat also prevented any of the water from actually getting on my skin as well.

As I fumble about loading the launcher with a bean bag round, the APC pulls alongside the Corrie and the remaining SOPO officers leap from their vehicle and sink their claws into the bulldozer. Their sabers blaze with magical power as the officers begin hacking at the joints holding the slat armor on to the cabin.

"Right turn!" I shout, "Into that transformer building!"

The Voice obligingly makes a lazy turn with the Corrie, veering into the building I indicated. As I am jolted backwards into my seat from the impact, a SOPO officer loses his grip on the Corrie as his body slams against a piece of heavy machinery. But there are still probably three officers left hanging on the bulldozer. Things look even worse when the slat armor protecting the left door of the cabin is sliced off its mounting with a shower of sparks. The officers redouble their efforts and the banging noises against the cabin intensify.

The APC pulls ahead of us and performs a hard turn before stopping, allowing its bulk to block the road. The Voice guns the turbine and lowers the dozer blade, sending the Corrie charging forward like an armored knight.

"I will remove the obstacle in front of us." The Voice says, "Kindly deal with the nuisances vandalizing the machine."

Before I can reply, a saber blade erupts through the seam between the cabin door and the vehicle chassis, almost skewering my head. The blade begins to twist, its wielder trying to pry the door of its hinges. I signal the core and kick at the door hard, sending both the door and a pair of SOPO goons flying off into the distance. The third officer drops from the Corrie's roof and tries to invade my private space from the now clear opening into the cabin, but is greeted by the barrel of the grenade launcher. The bean bag round smacks solidly into the officer's mouth, sending blood and teeth flying. Another kick from me sends this new guy rolling senselessly off the bulldozer.

With a crunch of metal, the Corrie makes contact with the APC and the dozer blade slides underneath the APC's undercarriage. The Corrie groans with effort as the dozer blade rises, slowly lifting the APC up. The Voice then pushes the bulldozer forward, causing the APC to flip over to its side.

"Alright!" I cheer.

"Now is not the time to celebrate." The Voice dourly states, "Fate is not done interfering with this scenario. The real danger is up ahead."

"No shit." I shoot back, "Scenario as elaborate as this would not be complete without a boss fight. In fact, I think its about to start just about now. Another APC is closing in on us from the rear."

I squint as I take a gander at the incoming threat. A similar APC to the one we had just wrecked, but there is only one SOPO officer standing on the roof this time. An officer with an extremely well endowed chest.

"Its Big Tits. She's the boss?" I mutter.

The Voice rasps, "Its possible. Strictly speaking, Inspector Scott is currently the most powerful combatant present on the SOPO side."

Big Tits summons her spirit sword and her nimbus explodes outwards with raw power. With a powerful swing of the spirit sword, Big Tits sends a shock wave of energy slashing out towards the Corrie. Forewarned, I manage to duck and cover in time to see the upper half of the cabin sheered cleanly off, exposing me completely.

"No way!" I shout in alarm, "Can you dodge her attacks?"

The Voice snorts, "With this bulldozer? No."

Big Tit's spirit begins to focus and build up in strength again. Thinking fast, I light a cocktail and throw it at her. Big Tits's eyes snap towards the incoming fuel bomb and she fires the shock wave to intercept my attack rather than to total the Corrie. Globs of liquid fire splash all over the road as Big Tits dusts off her uniform with an irritated look on her face.

I reach into the sling bag and ready another molotov as Big Tits flares her spirit core again. I can keep Big Tits from attacking me this way, but sooner or later, my supply of cocktails will run dry. All I am doing is buying myself some extra time. I need to find a solution to Big Tits now.

"At the roundabout, take the third right." I hastily instruct.

"That will take us deeper into Phase One." The Voice observes.

"Right to the SOPO station." I confirm as another cocktail is shot out of the air by Big Tits, "We can't wreck Phase One as long as Big Tits is on our tail. We need to settle for the next best thing, trashing SOPO's station here in full view of everyone."

"Very well. Given the circumstances, I will push the Corrie's turbine beyond its safe limits." The Voice agrees, "Hold on to something."

The Corrie abruptly begins to increase in speed and an unhealthy sound starts to emit from somewhere within its frame. The APC Big Tits is riding on is no longer able to catch up to us and starts to very slowly fall behind. Big Tits's swings of her spirit sword grow wilder and more desperate as I keep her busy with the cocktails I have left on hand. Soon, the SOPO station looms ahead of us and The Voice readies the dozer blade once more for an attack run.

Big Tits surges her core and I fling yet another cocktail at her. But this time instead of firing off one of her shock waves, she takes a flying leap then sends her soaring over the Corrie. The cocktail hits the APC, setting it on fire, just as Big Tits lands in front of the rampaging bulldozer with both arms outstretched and her body surging with spirit power.

The Voice does not bother braking for Big Tits and the Corrie continues its headlong charge. With a single step, Big Tits throws her entire weight at the mechanical beast, causing the Corrie to buck upwards at this obstruction. The Corrie's turbine howls angrily but to my amazement, the bulldozer's progress is completely stopped by Big Tits who is straining against the dozer blade. Big Tits surges her core again and the pressure forces me back to the floor of the cabin as I feel the Corrie being lifted from the ground.

No way. No way. Isn't this way too overpowered?

"Transmigrator, do something." The Voice rumbles with barely concealed concern.

All of a sudden, I am pitched forward and the world goes upside down from Big Tits suplexing the bulldozer. I manage to activate the core just before I am buried under the metal hulk, saving me from injury. Just as I am wondering how in the world Big Tits managed that feat, I hear a tearing noise as Big Tits rips the bulldozer apart to get at me. She grabs me by the trench coat and drags me out into the daylight.

"Its over." Big Tits says, "You are under arrest on suspicion of -."

My leg snaps up at a right angle and kicks Big Tits in the head before she can continue with her canned speech, forcing her to release me as she staggers backwards. I get back up to my feet and both of us regard each other.

Big Tits summons her spirit sword threatening, "Preventing an officer of the law from performing her duties. Give in now before things get harder for you."

I draw the stun baton from under the trench coat and extend it to full length with a pumping motion.

"I like it hard."