Chereads / Relevance and A World Flying Off The Tracks / Chapter 4 - A Mission From God

Chapter 4 - A Mission From God

"Alright." I say after taking in the crazy slide show being displayed on the ancient PC. If mystery voice expects me to settle a decade long conflict between 3 opposing factions in 48 hours, I'm probably getting one heck of a cheat ability. Didn't mystery voice also say that the mission was "low risk"? Come to think of it, in all the examples off the top my head, since when was any transmigrator ever seriously endangered during the course of their adventure?

"So don't keep me suspense here. What cheat ability am I going to be getting for this mission?" I eagerly ask mystery voice. If this dream does not give me a choice in matters, at least I can still try to enjoy myself.

"None." Mystery voice crisply replies. "While I will be outfitting you appropriately for the mission, the low risk nature of your task does not warrant the provision of cheat abilities or additional allies."

"You expect me to march downstairs and fight the demon king all by myself?" I ask rather flabbergasted. "No powers, no utterly loyal best friend, no battle waifus? I think starving to death is looking like the better option here compared to whatever it is you are asking for."

Mystery voice chuckles in amusement, "Ah. I see that there is a misconception on your part as to the nature of your task. No, I do not expect you to fight the demon king at all. That task is for the hero. What I need you to do is to ensure that the hero can fulfill his destiny. This world is broken, Transmigrator. Fate rebels against me even as we speak. The pieces that I have put into play cannot achieve my grand design. That is why I need a complete stranger to this reality to act as my agent. Someone beyond the reach of fate. Someone like you."

What. This is getting a lot more complicated than I expected. "Wait. Hold up. You summoned me to this world correct? You were also talking about some "grand design"? Wouldn't you then be some kind of deity governing this world?" I ask the mystery voice.

I hear a rumble of agreement over the line. I press on. "If you are this world's god, how in the world can fate rebel against you? You are the one literally setting the rules! There's something you are not telling me."

The line goes silent for a moment. At first I thought that mystery voice had decided to cut the call, but then the vocoder's signature rasp is heard again, this time with the barest touch of hesitation. "My influence has become...circumscribed... for the lack of a better word. While I still retain my power over inanimate objects, the natives of this world can no longer hear my voice. My ability to empower the natives of this world has also been heavily limited. And as I said before, fate actively works against my designs."

"Interesting. So that's how you fixed up the PC after I had disconnected the monitor." At least things were starting to make some kind of sense now.

"Yes. Its also how I spawned furniture into this room and cleaned the puke from your clothes. You are welcome by the way." Mystery voice deadpans.

"Any ideas as to how you ended up this way?" I ask. If mystery voice here got bitch slapped by a bigger, badder deity, that was a fight I wanted no part in. No way was I going to let this dream turn into a full on nightmare.

"I have a few suspicions. But this is really not the time for a lecture on divine metaphysics. Focus on your mission for now." Mystery voice stated in a tone that implied this discussion was over.

"Fine." I sigh. "Still how am I supposed to address you? You never told me your name."

"You may refer to me as Administrator." Mystery voice rumbles as a new window opens on the PC screen displaying what looks to be aerial photographs of a warehouse.

"Boring. I prefer Mystery Voice. It has a certain style to it, don't you think?" Now that my captor had admitted to being less powerful than he appeared, well, its a perfect time for a bit of sass.

"Whichever you prefer, Transmigrator." the voice droned back, completely indifferent. Man, way to kill my buzz. Mystery Voice really needs to brush up on interpersonal relations.

Maybe that was why Mystery Voice wound up getting bitch slapped? Ah, whatever.


The slideshow starts up again, this time displaying photos of what appears to be a large gated compound of warehouses. Towers of shipping containers are planted haphazardly across the grounds. Workers scuttle to and fro like ants. Mystery Voice begins its briefing once again.

"This is warehouse compound A5 located in the Welder's Bay district. It houses 6 privately owned warehouses as well as the thousands of shipping containers you see scattered throughout. The local district government provides a small security force to protect the compound from intruders."

I scan the photos on the screen. Sure enough, the compound is surrounded by what looks like a brick wall. The entrance of the compound is watched over by a guard post and protected by a large iron gate on rollers. A few uniformed guards mill aimlessly about at the entrance.

A new photograph is pulled onto the screen showing one of the warehouses separated from the compound at large with not one, but two layers of its own personal walls. Security checkpoints had been set up in this separate annex of the compound and the place was being patrolled by what looked like men in really sharp looking suits. It was clear that this area was much more tightly guarded.

Scrutinizing the photos further, I realized that the walls allow this particular warehouse to take up almost half the space of the entire compound. The only reason why I did not notice this in the zoomed out photos was because of the towers of shipping containers. The towers were planted just as haphazardly inside the boundaries of this separate warehouse as with the compound at large, giving the overall impression of uniformity.

Mystery Voice continues, "The local government allows owners of the individual warehouses to hire their own security should they wish. I cannot determine the owner of this particular warehouse, but surveillance shows that it is protected by a detachment of demons. It is this warehouse I need you to infiltrate."

Of course. Still I am getting pretty nervous here. How I am I supposed to infiltrate a demon guarded warehouse without any cheat abilities? How can any of this be classed as "low risk"?

The entire warehouse is then highlighted in angry red on the screen. "I have determined that the cause of the hero's eventual failure is located somewhere within the warehouse. Upon infiltrating the warehouse, you are to destroy the cause of this eventual failure and escape back to this room. Once you have returned here, you shall be deposited back to your home dimension. Any questions so far?" Mystery Voice concludes.

Yeah. Plenty. "What is this "cause of eventual failure" am I supposed to be looking for anyway?" I ask. This whole thing is looking more and more dubious by the moment.

"I do not know." Mystery Voice replies. "The only thing I am certain of is that it is at this very moment in that particular warehouse."

I don't think you have thought this whole thing through Mystery Voice. The standards for deities have really gone down the shitter.

"Then how am I supposed to complete my mission?" I snap somewhat exasperatedly. I then hear a click coming from the wardrobe.

"I have granted you access to the wardrobe. Check the backpack."

Sure. Whatever. I open the wardrobe and in it find a pile of neatly folded clothes and a backpack. Ignoring the clothes for now, I scoop up the backpack and open it. This better be good Mystery Voice.

My eyes widen in shock and my breath comes out in a hiss. I may not be a military fanatic but I immediately recognize the white putty bricks stacked up in the backpack.

Mystery Voice triumphantly rasps in my ear, "I have provided you with enough plastic explosives to level the entire building. You do not need to worry about identifying the target."

"Just destroy everything."