Light,Rico and Nina reach the next point of search
Rico-Come out we know you are here
Hanori-How do all of you guys know where we are
Nina-Whers Is Minoroita and the spirits
Hanori smiles
Hanori-Even if I know why would I tell you
Light stops her
Light-Dark Lightning
Hanori Shocked
Hanori-No way
Light-Now tell me where is Minoroit abd the spirits
Light returns to normal
Light-Lets go
Nina-What about her
Light-Nina Freeze her
Light,Nina and Rico start flying there
Light-Rico,Tell the whole team
Light and the others reaches
Light-Come out Minoroita
Minoiroita-So you knew,Gama start it
Rico-They all are on their way
Minoroita-Now lets see how strong you are
Light-Oh,You dont know
Light quickly moves towards Minoroita
Minoroita-Oh you are fast
Light forms a punch with Lightning but Minoroit Stops it
Minoroita-But,Not that goodMinoroita punches Light in the stomach
Light fells on the Ground
Minoroita-How Bad for a God To loose against a Demon
Light-I didn't loose
Light moves backwards and say's
Light-you just gave me a idea to bring my power to yours,what if I combine my God self to my Demon blood,What will happen,Lets find out
Minoroita-Are you stupid,Your Body will explode from the Extreme pressure
Light-It will...Not
Light forms a palm from his left hand and takes his Demon hand out joins those two and says
Light-Dark Eternium!!!!!!
Nil-We need to move to fast to reach Light and the others
Kiz-We are moving at the fastest speed
Hana-Hey guys do you feel that
Nil-What is that power
Gin-is this Rico,What is happening there
Rico-Something Incredible
Kiz-What is it
Nina-I don't think anyone can explain it
Hana-Why What is happening there
Rico-Light Combined his Demon Blood to His God
Light's Demon part filles with Dark Aura
While His God Part shines with light
Light open his eyes
His stayer bring's Minoroita on her knees
Light-We are A New Breed,We Are.Half Human,Half God and Half Demon
Everyone arrives at the Place
Miku-What is that
Rico-Simple words,Light combined His Demon side to God side
Raze-Minoroita,You Killed My Friend
Minoroita-So What
Light quickly moves towards her
Light-So you Die
Dark Beam
Minoroita Explodes with the Pressure
Gama-Its done,Now you will face these guys who I know you all cant hurt
Light returns Normal
Gama puts these Spirits into another bodies and they get revived
Those bodies moves
And one of them speakes
Lightning-Where are we
Sound-Dont know
Flame-But this looks like we are still in our world
Light-You say anything never exoect we will meet again
Lightning-Do you know where are we
Light-When all your spirits were released from our bodies some were captured and now they have been implemented in new bodues to fight us
Lightning-Looks like you are keeping your promise to me.
Nina-Brother,Before you do anything can I hug you
Lightning-Sure God Of Ice
Lightning hugs Nina
Light-The moment I was thinking my whole life,Fightning You Lightning
Rico sighs
Rico-Okay then Sound lets do it
Mystic-Can I ask you That where is Zeko
Lily-Yeah where is Zeko
Aiden-I haven't seen him since morning
Dk-Where is he Light
Lightning Sees Light face
Sound-Your faces say like he dies or something
Light-Yes,Zeko is not alive anymore he was killed by Minoroita by breaking his God Stone
Lily-So you are saying
Dk-Is dead.
Aiden-Light stop joking,Tell him Rico
Rico-No,Its the Truth
Lightning walks towards Light and Slaps him
Lightning-If Someone died,You shouldn't cry,You should be hapoy that he died saving the Universe
Light rubs his tears of
Light-You are correct
Rico-Yeah,We shouldn't cry
Lily-We are Naturals
Dk-And if he died
Aiden-He died saving the world
Light moves backwards
Lightning-That's the spirit,Boost
Light and Lightning
Jumps and Forms a Punch filked with Lightning
The Fist meet and A huge blast went through everywhere
Lightning-Let Rock it
Light-Yeah,Lets Rock It
Light moves in towards Lightning
After a hour of Fightning
Light-that was good
Rico-Yeah,Every spirit is free and happy
Aiden-Even's Zeko
Dk-Even of that Idiot
Lily-Man Now I hope I kissed him
Everyone start laughing
Miku-Man They are a good team
After 5 days
L-Light I gave you the Tranmittor o come ere for emergency
Miku-,I am Going to miss you Rico
Rico-Me too
Gin-Become A Good God Of Flame,Aiden
Aiden-I will
Milano-Man you had a good fight didn't you Dk
Nina-You are not my brother but still you can be my brother
Light-Yeah,Naturals that was good even if we lost someone we learnt alot,So Once again lets say it
Rico-The Gods
Light-Of Nature
End of Chapter
By-Light Yuzuki