Light-Are we here
Zeker-Yeah,Dimension 55
Daichi-So this is K's Dimension
Daichi-Looks like my world
Light-Uh,Why are these worlds not same as mine
Daichi-How is your world,Light
Light-Uh,Let me see It as big buildings,Big mountains,Forests and Normal people
Daichi-Oh that is like my old world
Light-What do you mean
Zeker-Daichi is a part od Dimension Disorder
Light-So you got transported to another world
Daichi-Yeah,I had my ups and downs but now I am Okay living in that world
Zeker-Lets go get K and his army
In the palace
Kira-Sam,cam you help me with this
Sam-Yeah sure
K-you too really get along now,don't you
Sam-I should say the same for yoy and Arnisia
Arnisia-We are people who fight together nothing else
K-Yeah,You talk anything Sam
Lyla-Sam,The King is calling the 8 mighty swords
Fin-Don't know but 3 people came in the palace looking for K
K-Why me?
Lyla-Who knows
Kira-Lets find out
Leonard-Oh you are here too
K Notices Zeker
K-Zeker!,What are yoh doing here
Leonard-You know him
K-Yeah,He is the brother of The 3 God of Lightning,Ando
Sam-The person that helped you and Arnisia defeat The Dragon Army
Arnisia-Yeaj,But what are you doing here,I thought Ando
Zeker-I know but we need your help K,the strongest peraon in Dimension 55 to assist us in The War of Dimension 7
K-Dimension 7,Where you and Ando come from
Light-You are well informed
Zeker-You and Daichi went away after we entered the castle
Daichi-Sorry,But we needed to check this palace out
Hefa-you know these 2 people
Zeker-Yeaj wjat happened
Lamour-They beat me up for talking harshly
Light-Sorry,But you know me
K-Who are these guys,What is going on
Light-I am Light Yuzuki,The X God of Lightning,Strongest in Dimension 4
Daichi-I am Daichi Takahashi,Strongest in Dimension 19
Sam-God of Lightning?
Zeker-Anyways,we need you K in our war of Dimension 7,we need your help
Light-Well,K I have something I wamt to battle you with
Zeker-Oye,Light what are you doing
Light-Whem you have a Mighty Sword so I want to check who has the strongest Sword
Zeker-Your light sword dont count you know
Light-No,But I have a Real sword
Zeker-That's News to me
A Lightning strikes comes in amd a Sword appears at back of Light
Light takes out Razuk
Light-Here it is,The Sword Of Lightning,Razuk
K-Okay then Lets fight
Sam-Eh,We just got back
K-Shut up,This is a sword battle.which I can't decline
Light-Here I go
Light uses his speed to go behind and swing his sword
K blocks it and attack Light
Light dodges all its attack
And then uses Razuk's Lightning Power
K-Dorneria Blue Flames!!!!
They both attack head on and the Match ended with a Draw
K-You are good
Light-You too
K-Fine we will help you,The 8 Mighty and Leonard's Army will help you in the War of Dimension 7
Light-Told you Zeker,I can do this
After a hour
They all were ready to go
Zeker-Then here we go
They all teleported back to Dimension 7
Nil-Oh He is here
Light-Okay,We are back
Zeker-So now our Army is ready
Hefa-What is this place
K-This is Dimension 7
Light-Yeah and our Fight is with Fear,A person out for revenge
Daichi-And we are here to defeat him
Emilia-Dad,You are back
Emilia-I made some friends of my age
Emilia-How do you know
Light-Just a guess
Emilia-He is your Dad
Ken-And My Teacher
Ema-Mine too
Rin-Mine too
Light-So Rico What happened to the others
Rico-They are coming,We have sent Dk to get them
Klosta-So she is you wife
Nil-Hi is your Husband!
Daichi-You have a nice family here
Arnisia-So this place is Dimension 7
K-You are suprised
Arnisia-Yeah,I thought it was more beutiful then this
Light-Yeah,It was not even this when we came here
Rico-Who are these guys
Light-Oh,The 8 Mighty Swords
Arnisia-Nice to meet you,I am The 8th Mighty Sword,Arnisia
Rico-Nice to meet you
Ameki-You have a good army here,Light
Amedi-Yeah,You have become stronger Light
Aiko-Stronger then you were ever before
Light-Thank you everyone but now its time
Miku-Yeah,Fear is coming so we need to get Ready
Daichi-We are going to defeat him
K-Thats why we are the strongest
Light-So here we go!
End of Chapter
By-Light Yuzuki