The next day Ella got up bright, and early, and made breakfast. She set up the table, and put her bosses breakfast on the table. She her bosses foot steps running down the stairs, and into the dinning room. They sat down, and Ligia shouted "Ella you need to hurry, and do our make up!" Tiala said "and don't forget you need to iron our dresses, and shine our shoes!" Ligia said "and we need you to run our bubble baths, and do our hair!" Tiala said "and Ella you need to clean our jewelry!" Ligia shouted "and make sure our feet at clean, and soft!" Tiala shouted "and make sure we have our perfume!" Ella said "alright." Ms.Hilda said "mess this up Ella, or interfere with them getting engaged to the prince, and you'll have more to worry about then a few days locked in your room." Ella replied "okay."
Ella went upstairs, and went into Ligia's personal bathroom, and started Ligia's bath water. She made sure that the water was warm, and then she added the bubbles. Ella did the same for Tiala, in her personal bathroom. Ella called Ligia, and Tiala up, and they went into their own personal bathrooms, and bathed. While they were bathing Ella was cleaning up the dinning room.
Tiala shouted "Ella get up here, and scrape our feet now!" Ella walked up stairs to see Tiala clothed in a lavender colored fluffy bathrobe, and Ligia clothed in a salmon colored bathrobe. Both Tiala, and Ligia had their hair wrapped up in towels that were the same color as their bathrobes. Ligia shouted "we want our feet scraped in the relax room." Ella replied "whatever you guys want you'll get." Tiala said "good we want the relax room." Ella, Tiala, and Ligia all went into the relax room. In the relax room there were soft black couch chairs, and rectangular shaped ottomans (that were the same color as the couch chairs) that sat in front of the of the couch chairs so they could put their feet up. There was a small rectangular light brown table that stood in the middle of the couch chairs. On top of the table were glasses that had ice in them. On some of the walls there were black cabinets that had chips, candy, and fresh fruits in them. The floors had soft beige carpet covering it, and the walls has an eggshell color. The room had four windows that were covered by white curtains. Underneath the ottomans were rectangular buckets that has soap, foot scrapers, toenail clippers, and small brown towels in them.
Ligia, and Tiala sat down on the couch chairs, and put their feet up on the ottomans while Ella took out all the supplies, squirted some of the soap from the buckets into them, and filled the buckets up with warm water. Ella brought them back, moved the ottomans, and put the buckets down in front of Ligia, and Tiala. They both put their feet in their own bucket, and Ligia said "Ella you lazy girl go, and get us some lemonade now!" Ella said "alright," took the glasses, went down to the kitchen, madxe lemonade, poured it into the glasses, came back, and handed their glasses of lemonade to them. Tiala drunk some lemonade, and shouted "this is disgusting!" Tiala slammed the glass down on the table, and shouted "you better not be trying to hurt us, or auntie Hilda will really make you pay!" Ligia said "don't worry Tiala she wouldn't dare. Besides we already know she can't do anything right. So that's just her." Tiala, and Ligia laughed, and Tiala shouted "now get us a snack, and start on our feet." Ella walked over to the cabinets, got some chips for Tiala and Ligia, gave it to them, kneel down to the floor, and started scraping Ligia's feet.
Ligia said "me and you Tiala are going to be the prettiest ones at the ball!" Tiala added "the prince will have a tough time picking one of is to marry." Ella said "well just know this if you want to get on the prince's good side he loves to dance." Tiala said 'oh haha what does a piece of trash like you know about the prince?" Ella replied "well we were betrothed you know! We were also best friends. I think I would know him better then anyone else seeing that I actually knew him." Ligia said "your a liar! You just want the prince to hate us so he won't marry one of us!" Tiala said "that's a bad move I'm going to have to tell aunt Hilda on you!" Ms.Hilda walked into the room, and asked "tell me what?" Ligia answered "that Ella is trying to make the prince hate us so that he won't marry one of us!" Ms.Hilda said "don't worry about it. There is nothing trashy Ella can say, or do to make the prince fall out of love with you guys. The prince will love you regardless of what she says. I know he will its just fate that tells us that he will." Ella put Ligia's feet back into the water, and started scraping Tiala's feet. Ms.Hilda said "you just do a good job on their feet Ella, and you better not mess any of this up for them, or you will suffer the consequences!"Ella replied "alright."
Soon Ella finished scraping Tiala's feet, and she dried Ligia's feet off, then soon after she dried off Tiala's feet. Tiala shouted "now you can do our hair!" Ella left the room top get a brush, comb, bobby pins, hair ties, and hair clamps. Ella came back into the room, and asked "what do you guys want done to your hair?" Tiala said "I just want it up in a ponytail with curls in it!" Ligia said "I want my hair in a princess bun!" Ella unwrapped Tiala's hair from the towel, and began to do it.
The hours pasted, and Ella had finally finish both of their hair dues. Ms.Hilda said "awe Tiala, and Ligia you look beautiful now hurry up, and get ready the carriage will be here in half an hour." Tiala, Ligia, and Ms.Hilda rushed to get ready, while Ella cleaned up the relax room. 20 minutes passed, and Ella was finally done cleaning. Ligia shouted "Ella," and Ella went down to the living room to see Ligia dressed in a long blue gown, Tiala dressed in a green ballroom gown, and Ms.Hilda dressed in a orange vintage style ballroom gown. Tiala shouted "why aren't you dressed Ella? Are you trying to embarrass us?!" Ella said I had to clean the relax room!" Ligia shouted "you have 5 minutes to be ready or you'll pay!" Ella ran upstairs to the tailor room, put on her dress, brushed her hair, and ran back down stairs. Ms.Hilda shouted "took you long enough next time be ready!" Ella said "my apologies." Ms.Hilda said "save it! You know the only reason we're letting you go is because we'll get in trouble with the king! If it wasn't for that you wouldn't be going! Now remember to call Ella Cinderella. The last thing we need is for the castle to get suspicious, and have them find out who she really is." Ligia shouted "Ella if they find out you'll never see the outside of the basement ever again!" Ella said "they won't." Tiala said "who knows Ligia maybe Ella will come and work for the castle after the prince choose one of us to be his wife. Then Ella can watch one of us be with him." They laughed at Ella. Soon the sound of horses filled the air, and Ms.Hilda said "that'sour carriage! Let go." Ella, Tiala, Ligia, and Ms.Hilda entered the white metal carriage, and it left for the castle.
The carriage finally stopped in front of the castle, and they got out of the carriage, and entered the castle along with the other women who were going in to get their shot with the prince. They entered the ballroom to see a room that was 300 square feet. The ballroom was filled with men who came to dance with women, women who were edger to meet the prince, and who were dancing with guys, guards who stood along side the walls to make sure the peace was kept, a group of musicians playing romantic classical music, and maids, and butlers who went around to serve the guests food. The ballroom had light freshly polished floors, and a crystal chandler that hung in the middle of the ceiling. There were tables that had white table cloths covering them, and on top of them sat white gold candle sticks holders with white candles that were just lit in them, and food that was in glass bowls, and glass plates. The color of the walls were light blue along with the ceiling. On the walls hung some picture of flowers, Crosses, and self portraits of Daniel, and his family. In the back on the room on top of a long wooden circular platform sat Daniel's, and Ella's parents on silver thrones. Daniel was out talking, and walking around trying to look for Ella. Ms.Hilda said "alright Ligia, and Tiala you go, and find the prince, as for you Ella you'll stay with me! I'll make sure you don't see the prince until he's dancing with one of my daughters." Tiala and Ligia walked off while Ella, and Ms.Hilda walked over to the food table.