かわいい暴走王女と平行世界に (Into The Parallel World With a Cute Runaway Princess)

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Chapter 1 - Ch 1: A Hot Morning!

Girl:[Dad you can't do this ! I know we can make this through!!!]

Dad:[i know Sweet heart, but its the only way you'll be safe; go now (as he patt's his daughters head.)

Girl:[wait please!!! DAD!!!]

Dad:[Take her out!!!]

Girl:[No!! let go!!(as she tried to fight the soldiers that were holding her.) Dad!!]


Boy:[again with that dream,(while his hand is reaching for something in thin air.) who was it?, Uggh its summer now. Time to wake up!!!]

And this is a story of a boy… a very unfortunate boy, it just happened so fast that he doesn't remember how he'd get there, he felt struggles, and problems all over his head, but it was fun for him too, sad sometimes and felt missing someone but, this you wanna know the story? Then it started in summer

It was a very hot; sunny day in the first summer It was a a very hot; sunny day in the first summer vacation this year, No schools, no projects and no assignment, but pleasure always has bad alternatives; no money, no talking to classmates and above all, no girls.

That's an ordinary junior highschool would think.

Keiko Kazumi, a junior high school, who doesn't care about all those crappy things that normal junior highschool do; is sitting in his chair with his tablet, and phone besides him, while holding his stylus pen; Sweating so hard, while thinking of a new chapter for his erotic action manga,

keiko:[Gahh!!!... (then he gave his table a big punch) Nothing is coming out from me at all, with all this heat and sweats and deadlines! its killing me, aren't they expecting to much from me?, What the Heck!? im only a 16 year old boy!!!]

(Door suddenly opened)

Mum:[Kiki-kun?, what was that noise? are you ok?]

Keiko:[ohh Mom. yeah i am, its just so hard thinking and thinking of so much, thanks. ohh and please don't call me Kiki-kun.]

Mum:[Why ? i have been calling you that since you we're born.]

Keiko:[Well Im not a kid anymore so please don't do that.]

Mum:[Nope, i will never stop calling my own son Kiki. Wait, your embarrassed aren't you? hehe.]

Keiko:[ Mum, Isn't it a little too Obvious ??]

Mum:[ Ahahaha, Say do you have a Girl friend already?? my Kiki has a girl friend that's why his embarrassed!!]

Keiko:[ Errr...!!!! Where did that came from!! Mom!!!??]

Mum:[why; don't you have one? i mean you are getting embarrassed when im calling you in ur nickname, you aren't like that when yo-]

Keiko:[maaahhh!!!!. Enough get out moomm!!! And Knock Next time pleasee!!]

and so keiko pushed his mother out of his room, and looked the door. Keiko's mom is a beautiful woman, her beauty is nothing compared to those girls outside, even if she's in her 40's, Keiko always thinks that his mother is hotter than the big boobs, cute girl classmates in school.

Keiko is a teenage boy who's father just died a year ago, it hurts him a lot when his father died, he never went outside his room after his funeral, for a months. His mother of course is in deep depression too, but she never let her spirits to go down, instead she moved forward without his husband, she has suffered a lot of tough things, like paying bills for her diseased husband, taking care of her children alone, cooking, working everyday. But she just didn't want to give up, and now here they are.

A new Fresh Family, Keiko also has a little sister, but she doesn't live in Tokyo, instead She lives with their grandma at, Kyoto. Ever Since Keiko was able to live his room, he changed his attitude he never talked to the other guys in his school, and girls too, he used to have plenty of love letters in his changing looker, but now, the only thing he sees in it is his old shoes, nothing except to his old ragged shoes, Keiko is often lonely now, and kept his distance from his classmates, he really thinks that he needs more space, and space, and space.

Keiko, is a manga artist who just started, writing stuff, and his very first manga wasn't a big hit, well some people loved it, but he has only one fan.

His first manga was entitled "The Invincible Hero." it was all about his diseased dad, all about his greatness and the fun things he have done to him, but with art, He was 14 and almost in 15 when the time he wrote it, and he remember every single bit of words he wrote, it made him happy when he finished, and posted his work online, but as a first ever writer, he didn't have 100 readers.

It made him really depressed and embarrassed, after that. But his sadness didn't last long, when his very first fan complimented him, with his story, she told him thatvacation this year, No schools, no projects and no assignment, but pleasure always has bad alternatives; no money, no talking to classmates and above all, no girls.

That's an ordinary junior highschool would think.

Keiko Kazumi, a junior high school, who doesn't care about all those crappy things that normal junior highschool do; is sitting in his chair with his tablet, and phone besides him, while holding his stylus pen; Sweating so hard, while thinking of a new chapter for his erotic action manga genre,

keiko:[Gahh!!!... Nothing is coming out from me at all, with all this heat and sweats and deadlines! its killing me, aren't they expecting to much from me?, What the Heck!? im only a 16 year old boy!!!]

Mum:[Kiki-kun?, what was that noise? are you ok?]

Keiko:[ohh Mom. yeah i am, its just so hard thinking and thinking of so much, thanks. ohh and please don't call me Kiki-kun.]

Mum:[Why ? i have been calling you that since you we're born.]

Keiko:[Well Im not a kid anymore so please don't do that.]

Mum:[Nope, i will never stop calling my own son Kiki. Wait, your embarrassed aren't you? hehe.]

Keiko:[ Mum, Isn't it a little too Obvious ??]

Mum:[ Ahahaha, Say do you have a Girlfriend already?? my Kiki has a girl friend that's why his embarrassed!!.]

Keiko:[ Errr...!!!! Where did that came from!! Mom!!!??]

Mum:[why don't you have one? i mean you are getting embarrassed when im calling you in ur nickname, you aren't like that when yo-]

Keiko:[maaahhh!!!!. Enough get out moomm!!!]

and so keiko pushed his mother of his room, and looked the door. Keiko's mom is a beautiful woman, her beauty is nothing compared to those girls outside, even if she's in her 40's, Keiko always thinks that his mother is hotter than the big boobs, cute girl classmates in school.

Keiko is a teenage boy who's father just died a year ago, it hurts him a lot when his father died, he never went outside his room after his funeral, for a months. His mother of course is in deep depression too, but she never let her spirits to go down, instead she moved forward without his husband, and now here they are.

A new Fresh Family, Keiko also has a little sister, but she doesn't live in Tokyo, instead She lives with their grandma at, Kyoto. Ever Since Keiko was able to live his room, he changed his attitude he never talked to the other guys in his school, and girls too, he used to have plenty of love letters in his changing looker, but now, the only thing he sees in it is his old shoes, nothing except to his old ragged shoes, Keiko is often lonely now, and kept his distance from his classmates, he really thinks that he needs more space, and space, and space.

Keiko, is a manga artist who just started, writing stuff, and his very first manga wasn't a big hit, well some people loved it, but he has only one fan.

His first manga was entitled "The Invincible Hero." it was all about his diseased dad, all about his greatness and the fun things he have done to him, but with art, He was 14 and almost in 15 when the time he wrote it, and he remember every single bit of words he wrote, it made him happy when he finished, and posted his work online, but as a first ever writer, he didn't have 100 readers.

It made him really depressed and embarrassed, after that. But his sadness didn't last long, when his very first fan complimented him, with his story, she told him that it was a great story and she have once experienced it. Keiko wanted to meet her but fate doesn't want to.

Keiko:[ Maahh!!!, What else, (Continuesly tapping the table) if it wasn't for her i wouldn't draw like this. But i wonder what she's doing.]

Mum:[Kiki-kun! Will you buy me snacks at the store please!]

Keiko:[yes mom, coming!]

Mum:[here, you should go buy your self too, i mean you haven't eaten anything yet since morning right?]

Keiko:[uhh, well yes, but im not hungry…]

Mum:[Still. Now wear this hat, its too Hot outside]

Keiko:[mom?? I know… i know…]

Mum:[Be careful now.]

Keiko:[ yeah yeah…]

And so keiko walk outside their house, the store isn't too far at their house, But he always rides he's bike just to get there.

Keiko always remembers something when he's driving his bike, he always remembers his first time driving it, it was his dad who helped him drive, and it wasn't easy. Keiko always laugh when he remembers it, and usually wissle his favorite song of all time,

When keiko arrived at the store he was sweating so hard, and wet all over his head. Keiko noticed something different, it was so quiet, even tho the counter isn't empty, everything seems quiet for him, there used to be more people there, and the store was rockin!, But now it looks like an abandoned store.

Keiko Brushed of the toughts and remembered that its summer, people are probably inside their home cooling. He walked to the selection of all different kinds of snacks, where her mother's favorite are supposed to be, as he walk there, he was surprised to what he saw.

Something sparkled to his eyes and thought it was a fairy but it was weird to be thinking of fairies. He saw a beautiful girl, with white skin, with yellow and a pink hair, wearing a white long dress, walking blankly straight at him, and…


Girl:[ Owww!!!]

Keiko:[arrgh!, Err… sorry sorry, im really sorry are you ok??]

Girl:[ you should watch your step, yeah im fine.]

Keiko:[ Err!!!, Watch my step ?? Your the one who should watch your step!]

Girl: [Haahh!!! Your the one who bumped me!]

Keiko:[ hahhh!??? Ohh im the one who bumped you, I see. So thats why your walking so fast and blanky!]

Girl:[hmm… its none of your business!]

Keiko:[fine, here (reached out his hand to her's)

Girl:[thank you, and please watch your step next time.]

Keiko:[fine …]

And the mistery girl walked outside the store. Keiko got confused that he almost forgot what he was doing there, as he walked out and move back to his shopping he saw, a crystal pendant, he didn't know what it is, but for sure it was her's.

Keiko immidiately ran outside but the girl in white dress is gone. No where to be found.

He quickly bought the stuff his mom wanted, and quickly drove his bike trying to catch up to her, but he was unlucky, the girl is completely no where to be found.

He taught about this being weird, how fast was she running? She was gone for like 5 seconds and now she's no where to be found.

But keiko doesn't know the term giving up, so he desperatly looked out for her in a sunny morning.

Keiko got tired and took a rest for while, and tried to think what he's doing. He remembered that he's mom is asking him to buy snacks, and it was time to go home.

And so keiko drove his bike, again in a sunny morning. Keiko already gave up but still waiting for miracle to happen,

It was already 11 in the morning when he got home, and usually he gets home before 10 but now he is late for an hour. Keiko totally forgot about his mom, and continued searching desperatly for the pendant's owner.

As he opened the door he felt a bad heat inside the house, and he was right. It was so Hot that it almost melted him.


Keiko:[ (looked afraid at her.) MOM!?, Im Home.]

Mum:[Keikooo!!! WELCOME HOME!!]

Keiko:[mo-MOM!!!! IM SORRY!!!]

Mum:[Explain Your Self!!!!!]

Keiko:[ err!! ]

Mum:[you got five seconds. FIVE SECONDS!!]

Keiko:[ yeess!!, Well i was at the store then i was about to buy your snacks, then i got bumped to a girl, who seems out of her mind and i think she lost her pendant so i tried looking for her, but she's no where to be found, but i didn't gave up and i realize im Late!!!]

Mum:[Errr!!!???. A girl?]


Mum:[you mean her? (As she point her finger at the girl sitting at their couch, while drinking tea,)

The girl was so beautiful that made keiko froze. She was stunning, he didn't remember that she's beautiful like that. She was different from the store, and she was shining, although Keiko knows that its his imagination but still, she stunned her.


Mum:[Hmm??(while smirking) Do you like her?, I mean she is dazling, extremly beautiful right?]


Mum:[ahahahaha, go on sit with her. After all she waited for you.]

Keiko:[waited?, Wait how did you even met her ?]

Mum:[ well i met her outside our house, well not met actually, she was sick and she was laying in front of our gate, so i took her in and told her she could stay here for a while.]

Keiko:[uh-huh. And then?]

Mum:[well i took her in.]

Keiko:[after that?]

Mum:[she said, she was looking for a boy, ehehehe. Thats not you isn't it?]

Keiko:[ let's see.]

Mum:[ ahhaa! Go on now.]

Keiko:[mom, go to the kitchen please.]

Mum:[err!? Why!? I wanna see how you talk to a beautiful girl.]

Keiko:[you wanna see me talk to a girl? Don't show up, because everytime you show up, i get nervous ok?]

Mum:[er!? Why is that!?]

Keiko:[just go mom, i got this (as she pushed her mother in their kitchen).]

Mum:[ohh ok. Be good now.]

Keiko:[ Momm!!??]

And Keiko's mom waved at her as she walks in their kitchen. And now its Keiko's turn. What will he do? He never talked to a girl before, since his father died.

Keiko has full of rumbled things in his mind, how can he even talk to her at the first place; i am gonna get embarrassed if i talk to her; ohh, wait i have talked to her, at the mall; but what if she doesn't now me, and all sort of things.

But he tightend up, and gathered his taughts, and there he sat beside the girl, what ever happens now.

Keiko:[uhh. Hi?]

Girl:[ (still drinking the tea,).]

Keiko:[must be tasty huh?]

Girl:[(still drinking)]

Keiko:[man its so hot, (then gulped, is she even listening??).]

Girl:[(inhales, then drank the last tea,) Well i can say that this tea is tastier than our world.]

Keiko:[wor-, anyway, are you ok? You feeling well?]

Girl:[well of course i am, (then put the tea at the table) i was looking for you all over.]

Keiko:[ohh your looking for me?. I was looking for you, dummy !]

Girl:[dummy???, Haah!? Be greatful your able to talk to a beautiful prin-, person like me!, Don't call me dummy because your the dummy one.]

Keiko's mind:[(this girl really is nuts)]

Keiko:[why were you looking for me in the first place?]

Girl:[ well i dropped something important, and i taught i left it in that place, when you bumped me.]

Keiko's mind:[(bumped you? Heh!)]

Keiko:[yeah, yeah i got it, (as he reached to his pocket) here, next time if its important put it on a place that it'll be totally safe.]

Girl:[ i knew you have this, you theif!]

Keiko:[ Wait wait wait, Thief!!!!! I just found it for you, young lady,]

Girl:[ you tired me up!]

Keiko:[ be greatfull i found it, if i left it there, real thief would have stole it. Heh!]

Girl:[eerrr, we-well?, I wouldn't have dropped it if it wasn't for you anyway, you bumped me!]

Keiko:[you missy, really are lost are you!? I bumped you? You bumped me, you were walking fast and blank!!! Why were you blank in the first place ?]

Girl:[Err... Well, i wa-was, GAHH!!! Who Cares!!?]


The girl stood up and ready to leave,

Girl:[well, im going, thank you for your shelter.]

Keiko:[haah!?, I think you should probably rest more, (stood up to chase after her,)]

Girl:[i dont have time to rest, my world is in stake here.]

Keiko:[you kept saying your world, why isn't this your world?]

Girl:[hahh!? Of course not!!! (Then walked away fast)]

Keiko:[hey, wait!. (As he chase after her,)]

But suddenly keiko lost balance and tumbled, with her.


Keiko:[ow, ow, ow, what was that thing doing there…(he said with a closed eyes, and felt something strange. Its soft.) Wow, this thing is too soft.]


Keiko:[per? (As he slowly opens both of his eyes,) hah?, Wait! (As he continously, pinched the oppai of the girl.) Wa-wa-waiitt!!]

Then suddenly, the most awkward moments of all time, his mom came in the right time.

Mum:[Kik-, keiko-kun?, What was that soun-]

Keiko's mind:[(seriously!!!???)]

Mum:[ ara-ara, too fast ehh, Keiko-kun? Ihihihi, i see how you've grown so fast.]

Keiko:[moomm!!!! I-itss!! Not what you think I-I-I??, (And noticed something unparticular,) ERRRR!!!]

The girl isn't moving, she was just staring blankly at him, blushing, so much blush, that it made her face red.

Keiko:[Wa-waaiitt!! Its not what you think, i swear!]

Girl:[you, pe-per!!!]

Mum:[ara-ara, Keiko-kun, you must take responsibilities, ihihi…]



Keiko:[oowww owww oww!!, (Then he let go,)]

Girl:[…(still blushing)i-i-i-have to go now! Thanks maam.]

Mum:[err!?, Your going??]

Girl:[yes, i still got something important to do,]

Mum:[i see, come and visit again, anytime dear…]

Girl:[thanks maam,(then leaves,)]

It was quiet for a while, and keiko, was outstruck to what just happened, he tried to explain but her mother just keep on, laughing.

Mum:[ahahaha, well… thats a one heck of an accident. Have you known her name yet?]

Keiko:[i forgot to ask her, but who knows right? She might come again.]

Mum:[ahh, i see yeah, she might.]

And then again, he went back to his room,

trying to figured out what's the next, scene.

it was afternoon and lunch is ready, but keiko hasn't yet figured out what happens next, so to make him calm, and think even more, he went downstairs, and ate his lunch.

As he went down to their kitchen, he heard his mother talking to the phone, in a sad tone, keiko, always knows what this means, the dept his father owned.

He always doesn't know what will he do, everytime this happens. He wanted to help, yet he can't, it saddened him more than his mother, but he didn't want to loose hope, just like his mother; so he went downstairs and told his mother that.

keiko:[mom, i swear we will get over this, this is just a trial for us, and we will pass this, i promise.]

Mum:[ohh, keiko, i know we will... ihi (wiped her tears just before it falls)]

keiko:[once i become a great author, i swear i will help you.]

Mum:[yes i know that dear, ohh and i forgot to tell you there's a mail for you downstairs.]


Mum:[yes, a mail i think its from your school. You should pick it up.]

keiko:[yes mom, thanks.]

and then he went to the front door, and looked out for the letter, once he have touched it, he just stared blankly in it, as if it has a curse, he doesn't want to open it, it might be his semester test, scores. it got him nervous so, he hide it and went upstairs to read it alone.

He was being very careful not to let his mother notice him, careful, and carful, until he got up he bolt shutted the door so fast then jumped to his bed and breaths deeply.

finally, it was time for him to open it, he mustered his strength, then opened it fast, he read and read and read, and felt relieve, because it wasn't his test, but that relieve quickly changed by confusion, what was the letter all about, its all about go to and go there. He didn't understood it, and wondered if the school is in high, why would they send him, a letter like this and so he threw it on his trash, forgetting what happened, and probably just a prank.

Suddenly, his stomach fired up, He totally forgot to eat!.

Keiko:[ggaahh!! i was hungry! that damn letter!!! what was that all about? Come here at what? im sure someone, is just pranking me but who?,(as he opened the door he remembered something that gave his spine a tingling danger,) Wait. it says it was from a girl.!]

He rushed back to his room and looked out to the letter once again, "Please Come At The Store". It sent chills to his spines, it was the place where he first meeting with the girl!

Keiko:[Wait, wait, wait ! that can't be real right, wait how did she even send me a letter with the school name in it? wait how did she even know our even sent it? the school is totally close, and i don't remember seeing a face like that in school.

All of those questions flew into his head, doesn't know what to begin with, but suddenly he taught of something different; what if its real? What if she needs her for something, wait maybe its just a prank, but those questions didn't bothered him, he hesitated first but, he went on his way.

Keiko:[mom im going!(he said in a rush)]

Mum:[ehh,?? Where?]

Keiko:[i'll tell you later! (as he opened the door and grabbed the lock key)]

Mum:[ohh, ok be safe.]

Keiko's mind:[(i dont know if its real but, i really need to go, maybe she's in trouble. Maybe someone is raping her, i heard rumors that there rapist here. Oh, crap i need to hurry.)]

And so keiko drove his bike in a sunny afternoon, faster and faster until he reached the store. When he reached the store he felt the same thing; the feeling of the last time he was there, it was quiet.

He slowly went of his bike, to investigate the place, and went inside. As usual there were, manga books, snacks and drinks, etc. etc; But keiko didn't find something unessesary, no girls, nor pendant.

Keiko:[i knew it. It was just a prank, but how the hell, did she do that? Or is she even the one who sent it? Maybe someone in school, but why here then?]

He said; as he walk outside the store. This made keiko really mad, and hungry, he didn't know who, would've done that to him, but for him it is insane, a prank that may kill him, and so keiko tried to forget all about it and, went to his bike, but as he reach for his pocket; he felt another chill in his spines.

He jerked his head back, and saw a dark corner at the store. It gave him more chills in his spine, that it scared him. What ever he isn't seeing out there, is watching him, he can feel it.

He musttered his courage and on he goes, he went slowly, just in case the thing in the dark has a dangerous weapon, or a Big Bad Wolf or somethig.

He stepped another one and stopped, he checked it slowly if its safe, but his visions aren't clear, so he needed to move just a little bit.

But as he move, he can see a figure of a person, lying in the ground, it was a figure of a girl, after he thought what he saw, he immidiately rushed to see who, and supposed to give her aid, but as he comes closer, she's got a face that he remembered instantly, it was the girl he met.

She was sweating so hard, and unconsious, he held him with both hands and checked her fever, she was HOT. like really hot, not a moment later after he checked her, she woke up. She was glad to see him, and at the same time not.

Girl:[i-i-its y-yo-you...]

Keiko:[your awake? Your Awake!!??]

Girl:[…(then nods)]

Keiko:[ehh, umm, what should i do, what should i do,… i told you to stay a little bit longer... But you just wont listen.]

Unable to do anything keiko decided to call for her mom, and waited for her while he stayed with her, good thing he bought his, wallet with him he can go buy stuff she wanted, and to his surprise, she likes them all, except for Noodles.

She wanted to but they ain't home, so she needed to wait.

Keiko:[for a sick person, you sure eat a lot.]

Girl:[ehehhee, well yeah this thing are tasty.]

Keiko:[Things huh…]


Keiko:[keiko, how did you ended up here anyway? I thought you went home, and that letter. How'd you?]

Girl:[Well, i can't go home and, i stumbled in this place again, luckily i knew this place so i stayed here, and for that letter... What letter?]

After hearing this, keiko didn't move for a while he was shocked, what did she mean "what letter?" If that wasn't her. Then who? It gave chills in his spine like the one he felt earlier, but he tried to forget about it, maybe he just got a wrong letter, but why is his name written on it and the name of the school. Why?.

Keiko:[hey, i haven't asked your name yet.]

Girl:[…(slowly, stopped eating.)]


Girl:[Do you really want to know? I mean i would love to say it but.]

Keiko:[Totally ! I was wondering in the first place.]

Girl:[… mmmnn... I cant say it yet.]

Keiko:[Why not ?]

Girl:[(Blushes)… ehh well…]

Keiko:[C'mon you got to have one, I mean you are really perfect your beautiful, your eyes are like stars, and your sexy, not to mention. You have a big oppai.]

Girl:[(blushes more)… STUPIDD!! PERVERT!!]

Keiko:[err!!! No im not im just telling the truth!!!]

Girl:[hmmmpp, now there are more reasons for me, not to say my name.]

Keiko:[ohh, cmon please?]

Girl:[fine if you want it that bad.]

Keiko's mind:[(here it comes the moment that i've been waiting for!!!)]

Girl:[Hmmp, Call Me Maria For now.]

Keiko:[For now? You mean thats not your real name? Cmon!?]

Maria:[well, i cant say it yet i have conditions for it, besides just be greatfull i told you a part of my name, i only slip it out because you have helped me a lot now. Hmmp.]

Keiko:[ahahaha, i see… well can i know the conditions?]

Maria:[ yeah first of all i Dislike PERVERTS!]

Keiko:[ Err!!, Well im not a pervert ya know!!]

Maria:[ohh yeah!? Then explain the thin-, (with a low tone voice), ]


Maria:[the thing you did to me earlier STUPID!!!]

Keiko:[ earlier...(as he tried to remember it, it made him red.) gahhh!!!, I didn't mean that!!]

Maria:[didn't mean it your face STUPIDD!!]

Keiko:[but, your oppai is really soft and fluffy you know, i kinda wanna feel it again.]

Maria:[eehhh…!!! PE-PE-PEEEE-PPERRVVERRRT!!! ( Then she thre the snacks he bought.)]

Keiko:[UGGHH!!, That hurts ya know!!! I really don't mean it i promise!!!]

Maria:[shuutt upp PERVERT!!! (While Punching him in the body like a little girl:)]

Keiko:[yeah yeah,,, stop it now.]

Then they heard the sound of car, keiko knows exactly who drives it, when he saw it. It was his mother. Keiko, never been glad to see his mother, coming for them he almost thought that she abandoned them because she's too slow.

Mum:[hey kids?? How are you guys doin?]

Maria:[your son is harassing me!!!]

Mum:[ahh, i see kiki-kun is doing something unpleasant.]

Keiko:[ Momm!!! Enough with the Kiki!!!(in embarrassment tone)

Maria:[kiki-kun? Pfftt…]

Mum:[yes thats what i call him at home.]

Maria:[kinda cute. Kiki-kun the Pervert!]

Keiko:[GAHHH!!! MOOMMMM!!!]

Mum:[ahahahaha, so. You guys wanna go home or what?]


Keiko:[yeah i asked her for you to stay, at home. Cause you know, i figured your home is probably far so… yep.]

Maria:[… i don't know if-]

Mum:[ uh-uh, im gonna make you stay even if you don't want to, kiki-kun is probably right about your home too far, and im worried about you. You see i first met you infront of our gate, laying; unconscious. And now keiko, has found you again. Unconscious,

It sounded weird for me too, but i don't know what to do if somethings gonna happen to you… i can't just abandon you…]

Maria:[… you have done so much for me.]

Keiko:[doesn't matter! Besides its my summer school. So i also need someone to talk with IHIHI!]

Maria:[ok if you insist. I will stay, until im healed.]

Keiko:[healed is kinda weird ahahahahaha, But sure we would love too.]

Mum:[kiki-kun might need a hand too ihihi…]

Maria:[mmpp …]

Keiko:[Mooommm!!!! Stop it please!! Im begging you!!]

Mum:[what? Ahahahaha come now. We should leave im still gonna cook something.]

Keiko:[yeah i just remembered i haven't eaten lunch too… im starving good thing were infront of the store! Its also hot here !]

And so they all went home with maria in the family. They were noisy, at the car their like children arguing about names. Maria on the other hand is in the back seat, with keiko, she's quiet and seems to be uncomfortable. But it didn't last long when she remembered something she can never have back it scared her but seeing the both of them felt different. Perhaps she needed a new adventure. A new life; a life that doesn't have danger.


Well That's it for my first ever Chapter. Just wanna say thanks in advance who ever reads this first book of mine. i really am happy, i know im a bit weird but. i will be a writer someday well a light novel writer i guess, but who knows i just wanna write, and at the same time draw. Sorry for the wrong grammar i promise i will improve in the future!

Thanks again guys! hopefully i will finish this story even if it sucks.
