Game of Thrones: The Prophet (COMPLETED)

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The God slept, the demons descended and the men lost faith. However, it is high time for the men to remember the true path as the Prophet descends to guide them. Watch him as he herds his flock to the promised lands. ********************* Except for MC and plot, nothing is mine, cover included.

Chapter 1 - God's Mission

Year 1990, Earth...

A beautiful woman standing at the doors of an orphanage with a bundle in her hands. She had a beautiful face, dark brown hair and a voluptuous body.

Just a year ago, she was working as a hostess in a nightclub. The job was paying well and tips were good but sometimes working in a nightclub was hard. She liked living a comfortable life so sometimes she was selling her skills to customers. One day, she was drugged by one of the customers and woke up in a hotel. She looked around but the only thing she saw was a stack of money on the table. It was a normal occasion for her but never she was drugged and paid.

After a few weeks, she became restless, her body was not feeling well. She went to the doctor and learned that she was pregnant. She did not know what to do with the baby. There wasn't having a baby in her schedule. Nevertheless, she decided to have the baby. She thought that if she can find the baby's father, maybe she can get a comfortable life. That man left nearly one thousand dollars in the table so in her though, she was filthy rich. However, fate did not favour her.

When she found the man six months later, her belly was already bulging. The man gave her two thousand dollars and kicked her out in fear of his wife. From what she learned, his wife was the daughter of the mayor and her husband was using his father-in-law's influence in his business transactions. Thus, it was impossible for her to take the baby and its mother to home. It would have been a catastrophe for his business.

Afterwards, the woman started to drink and smoke. All her hope was in the hands of that man and it crushed just like that. She did not want the baby. She wished to abort it but it was impossible at this stage.

Two months later she gave birth to a son. The baby was a little ugly thing. When the nurse gave her the baby, he immediately began to cry. She did not know what to do so she gave him to nurse quickly.

Several days later, after being discharged from the hospital, she went home with the baby. The baby was crying all day. She called one of her friends and asked her what to do. Her friend told her to look baby's diaper and if there is nothing wrong then feed him. She looked at his diaper but it was clean like a new one. She tried to feed him but there was no milk coming from her breast. At that instant, she understood that she was not made to take care of the baby. So, she took him and went out. At first, he though throwing baby somewhere but realized that it would bring trouble for her later so she took him to an orphanage. And, without a second thought left him there.

After some time, the door opened and a middle-aged man came out, he was the director of the orphanage. His name was Mike Underwood. He looked down and shocked. There was a baby on the cold-stone. He quickly took him in and wrapped him to a blanket and called the police. When the police came, they have done the necessary procedures but the baby's name was needed to fill the paper so Mike gave him the name of his father, Gerold. After that police filled all the papers and left quickly. Mike quickly called one of the wetnurses, the baby was crying but after drinking milk he calmed down and quickly fell asleep.


Twelve years later…

Gerold and children were sitting on the dinner table and were praying together.

"Father, we thank thee for the night,

And for the pleasant morning light.

For rest and food and loving care,

And all that makes the day so fair.

Help us to do the thing we should,

To be to others kind and good,

In all we do, in all we say,

To grow more loving every day."

After the prayer children began to eat but one of them was a bit hasty. Gerold was a lively boy and a bit hyperactive so he wanted to go to the garden to play with his toys instead of being stuck in a room with other children.

Gerold was the oldest child in the orphanage. All the other older children were all adopted, he was also adopted thrice but always returned to the orphanage because whoever adopted him died, at most three weeks later. His first family was a young couple. The man was a millionaire but he was not able to impregnate his wife so they decided to adopt a child. When they came to the orphanage, they saw Gerold and choose him immediately because of his spirit. Unfortunately, they died in a car accident two weeks later. The second family was even worse, they died by drowning when they put out to sea for holiday. The third family was the worst, they died when they were leaving the orphanage. A brick fell the man's head and the woman died because of a heart attack when she saw her husband's state.

Today, Gerold asked Father Underwood a question which left him baffled, "Father Underwood, will I have real father ever?"

Father Underwood looked at him sadly and answered, "Yes... yes child. These families that came to adopt you, would have become your caretakers and nothing more. Your real father is God, he created you so he is your father."

"Really?" asked Gerold suspiciously.

"Yes. Now, go and play in the garden with others." Father Underwood didn't know what to do with this child. He was a pitiful little child. He did know that his prospect of being adopted was near zero after three adaptation. Nevertheless, he swore to the gods to look after the child as much as he can.


25 years later…

"Do you confess your sins, Martha?!"

"Yes Father, yeeeeess!!"

"Do you repent Martha?!"

"Ahhh… Ahh yes, yes I repent, yess!"

"Then I absolve you from your filthy sins with this holy water!!"


A man and a woman were fornicating in a church. The church was shaking because of their moaning sounds. If there had been someone in the church then he would have been shocked because of what he saw. The priest of the church was making love with one of the members of the church. The priest was a young handsome man. His name was Gerold.

Gerold was an orphan and he grew up in an orphanage. He was neither a genius nor a strong boy. He was shunned down because he was just an orphan. After leaving the orphanage, he wasn't able to find any job so he started to work as a street thug for one of the gangs. Unfortunately, he lost one of his hands in a street fight against the rival gang.

He did not know what to do with just one arm. Luckily, with a recommendation from one of his friends, he started to attend seminars and ordained as a deacon. Six months later, he became a priest.

His church saw him as a pious man and took his guidance frequently. However, in truth, he was still the same scum of society. He was fornicating with his church members and today, one of the members was confessing his sins to him… in a sexual way.

"Ohhh. Good job Martha, you're a valuable member of our church. It would have been horrible if we had lost you to the devil. Now, I have cleansed your soul, you are free to go." said Gerold while wearing his clothes.

"Good God, you are using me again. You know my house is too far but you still ask me to go. There is still a storm outside, what am I going to do, if I go out now?" said Martha while looking at him angrily.

"Well, you know there will be a meeting in the morning, it would not be good if they see you here. How about this, I will drop you off to your house?" Gerold did not want to argue with her right now.

"Okay, okay. You bring the car to the front door, meanwhile, I will prepare," said Martha while looking at herself in a pocket mirror.

Gerold picked up his keys and went outside but while he was walking to the car suddenly there was a sound and lightning struck his head.

in an instant, he was petrified and his vision blackened.


"Wake up child… Wake up…"

'Ahh, what the fuck is this? Someone calling me?' Gerold opened his eyes and looked around. Everything was white and there was nothing.

"Where am I?" murmured Gerold.

"You are in purgatory." said the voice.

"What!? What was that voice? Who are you?" Gerold panicked.

"You are dead and will be judged but I will give you one more chance." the voice resonated in the white room.

Gerold looked around to see the owner of the voice but couldn't find him. He tried to remember what happened to himself, "Ah, I remember now. A bolt of lightning struck me and I died. Wait a minute! If I am to be judged then it is straight to hell, I am literally fucked up. However, the voice said that I will be given one more chance."

"Yes, you will be given one more chance but on a condition. You will be sent to another world and you shall create a religion there. You shall make them worship me. You shall make that religion the most worshipped one. You can use whatever means you want as long as you achieve these. When you succeed, you will be able to go to heaven without any condition."

"Well, if it is either hell or a task with a prize of heaven, then isn't it obvious that I will choose the latter… By the way, shouldn't there be a holy scripture or something?"

"I have many names in your own world, I am all the gods but the world you shall go will have no name about me. You shall hear blasphemy from their mouth. You shall hear evil from their mouth but fear not. Names are not important. All I care about their beliefs…"

"Make your journey worthwhile child, show them the light they forgot... Show them the truth…"

After listening to the voice, Gerold's vision blackened again, "Ah shit, here we go again!"