Mommy can I help again with The "Miss Louis and Master Models?" Well this is an unique story for children. But you can continue to help me with the other one. Do you mean Lila and her family adventures?! Yes, sweetheart. Yay!!!
I didn't pay attention for when the doctor said that man's name. I guess that I wasn't ready to know it yet. My whole life has not been good before I had my children I was alone. Lied to by the person that I trusted the very most. How funny is that?
Ha ha ha! I don't want to lose anything else. Mommy? Lily I need to leave for now. Where are you going?
The same place I visit every single year. Good luck Mommy!! Thank you Lily. She my baby girl after all. But she doesn't look completely like me at all.
She must take after her father. One her way to the hotal some people were on their way as well. She was going to spend the night and have a nice bath. Hello can I have my room please? Sorry but your room has been taken.
But it is reserved for me every year on this day. But someone else bought it. I am sorry but it was out of my hands. I see then. I will never return to this hotal again.
How are you? Boss?! So you are the boss here? Emily? She is with him too.
So your type is the backstabbers sir? What did you say? This woman is a bitch. How could you say that? Well now I think I feel sick just seeing her face.
How dare you?! I am a human too but what rights do you have to judge me? I was adopted and then tossed aside by her family. What?! I once trusted her but she betrayed me.
She even drugged me and I was raped. I ended up getting pregnant. So I don't want to be judged by being rude. Do you really do that? No I didn't.
As she was about to leave Emily whispered something into her ear. You will always be a slut. Ha ha aha! She didn't want to react to that comment. She left but couldn't stay in any hotel rooms.
Emily must have done this. I hate her. I am not dealing with her and her boyfriend to. Maria returned home. Rilo was their waiting.
What do you want? You said you were raped and pregnant before? I was raped and pregnant before. So what does that have to do with you? I did that to someone five years ago.
But I couldn't even meet the mother. She would only let me have my son. But she wanted my daughter. But I could not meet but I guards to keep them in the hospital. He looks like Lily.
No it couldn't be him. What does that have to do with me? I want to meet you and you child. I am very sorry but no. Why not?
Why should I even let you meet her? For all I know you want to take her away and make Emily is happy. I would never do that. Leave me alone. But why?
I don't want you around me or my daughter. So leave right now. She seems to be upset about something. Since I respected Lilo's mother wishes that is why I didn't fire the doctors. But I still don't know who she is.
Maria was typing the children's book. Mommy this is my favorite book. Yeah I know. Daddy can you get me the newest Lila and her family's adventures?! Umm? We'll have to see.
Can we meet the Author? I will find out who it is. Yay!!! But if the Author is a woman you must married her. Sorry but he is mine kid.
I won't let you marry daddy. Why not? I will be happy to be your mommy. No! Lilo ran to his room.
Well he seems not to like me very much. I wonder why? Umm master? What is it Bill? I found out who is the Author of Sir Lilo favorite book.
You did? Isn't that great? Emily was happy about this. Who is it? Well her real name is Maria Silva.
What?! Do you know her? Well I did. But we have already met with her before. Really?
Yes, at the hotel. Wait? You mean that woman who hates you? Yes, she does. Why would she hate you?
I don't know why myself. I miss her. Well I ask her to come her. Maria Silva I will make you came over. But if my son is willing to wait then I will try my best.
The next day it was Maria Silva 24 birthday. Happy birthday Mommy. Thanks Lily. *Ding Dong*. Who is it?
I don't know. Maria opened the door. Hey sis! But right before she could close the door Rilo grabbed it. Wait?!
What do you want? We want to meet with Lilo. Who is that? My son. Why would I do that?
Mommy? Lily please stay where you are. Okay mommy! Is that a child? If you want to ask me to met him then you better not bring her.
Excuse me! She slammed the door. Mommy? It's fine my Lily. Okay?
She finished the next book. Why does he want to meet with you? It's his son who wants to meet with me. O? But if ex-Aunt Emily is there it would be bad.
It really would. Now then why does she hate you? I don't know my love? Lilo yells it's her fault Daddy!!! Why is it her fault?
If you listened to the person who is a two faced then how can you see the truth? Where did you learn that?! It was from the first book. The first book? Do you mean your favorite book series? Yes, it was.
Maria had very long and dark hair. She even wore glasses. She tired as well. She wore sweatpants and a short white shirt. Hello?
Mommy their is someone outside. Okay Lily. She was about to go to sleep. She wakes up and opens the door. Hey slut get out here.
Emily Silvana leave me alone. Sorry but I am taking Lily. What did you say? Rilo? I am taking Lily to school.
But Lily is only four years old. She is what? Emily Silvana is trying to take my daughter away. Don't worry I am leaving anyway. What do you mean?
Like you even care. I am only keeping my daughter safe. Emily wants to ruin my life. I don't want to see her. Maria closes the door.
Why do you want to take her daughter away? I just wanted to help. I don't want to see you again. What?! But why?
Emily my son wants to meet with Maria. But is seems like you don't want him to. Lily wanted to see what was going on. So she opened the door. Lily was almost hurt.
What happened to Maria? Mommy is not feeling well. She looks like Lilo. Is she? His twin sister?
Where is she? Mommy hates Emily and she a single mother. Mommy passed out from over working. Is she okay? Well soon as she closed the door she passed out.
Can you let me in? No way! Mommy said not to let anyone in. Umm okay? Bye sir.
See you. Keep them safe. Yes, sir. Emily and I are done. I understand said Master Rilo.
Next part will be Updated at midnight. This next part is to make up for the long wait for part 2 and 3. So it will the most words that I have yet to use all of my stories.