She couldn't do it. It's been two years since then, since Harper saved me. Two years since she sacrificed everything so I could return home. God knows she didn't have to do that for me. For the others. Because of her, I returned to my family.
I wish I could thank Harper for everything. For saving me. For taking the knife and going after them. For distracting them so I could get out, so I could go to the cops, so I could save the others. Thank her for giving her life so I could continue living mine.
About a month after my...our escape, the detectives took me back. I wanted to go back, to see what my rescuer went through, the horrors she saved me from. The rooms had been cleared out; everything taken in for evidence. I got to see her room; the cement walls and steel bed looked just as menacing as before. The detective let me sit in there for awhile. This could have been my life. I looked around taking it all in, then I found something. Something the cops missed. Tucked into a crack in the wall was this diary. I took it. I wanted to be connected to the one who rescued me. I wanted to continue the life she gave me in these pages, to continue the life of You.