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The Alpha Dogs

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We follow the Alpha Dogs an Elite team of Mercenaries who deal with literally any kind of threat to the world. From Zombies, to Aliens to time travelling Nazies. There is no enemy the Alpha Dogs can't defeat

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Operation Dead

There is an abandoned power plant in the outskirts of the Mojavi desert. Walking corpses have overrun the area. There is nothing but the stench of decay filling the air. The rotting victims of the apocalypse have reached the facilities and cornered the only survivors who can shut down the plant before it blows up to kingdom come. My team and I were asked by the goverment to shut it down before it happens. We only have about thirty minutes to get it done. We can get it done in fifteen. My team consisted of Pitbull a 300lbs mean machine of pure muscle and no body fat armed with a sledge hammer and SPAS-12. Husky the lone wolf of the group who descends from a long line of ninjas specializing in inflitration and CQC. Bernard the big boy weapons specialist. Puddle the classy sniper who can shoot from insane angles and distances with a flare for the dramatic. Bloodhound has the best eyes ears and nose his Savage Scout rifle is his choice for hunting along with his Colt 44 Anaconda. Finally there's me Aniu the leader of the pack. Each of us specialize on tasks that are essential to completing the mission. The operation begins just five klicks east of the plant. The team is ready and unafraid of the dead. We all are ready to die its the real endgame for us. Husky leaves on his own as usual. He may be a solo player but there is no better scout. Puddle will watch all of our backs with her customized Barret M82. A sniper rifle capable of penetrating brick, concrete even tank armor if close enough. As we approach the gate and Pitbull breaks open the lock. No dead in sight it looks like the west gate is holding them back for now. Bernard moves up to secure the control room wirh his M2A1. I task Pitbull to reinforce the gates it should buy us more time while Bloodhound tracks the survivors and I asses an exit strategy from up top. I climb up the water tower to get a burds eye view of the situation. The north looks clear but there are pockets of radiation and we dont have any vehicles. The south is trecherous and we will be dragged down with our equipment. West is wherr the dead are coming from which leaves the east. I noticed a broad parking lot but there is too much debris to call for a choper unless... the roof. The plant has a cleared helipad on the roof. I signal Puddle to clear the helipad as I climb down the water tower. Bloodhound radios in, he found two survivors near the reactor core. He will escort them to shut it down. He paused for a second and then he just yelled run. Bloodhound was right to do so Pitbull calls out a breach in the northwest corner. I slide down the ladder and as soon as i reach the ground the dead were already waiting for me. Well shit I draw out my AR15 and fire carefully. I can't panic fire that will waste my ammo. I toss a cuncussion granade over head and some how I have a clear route indoors. Puddle hasn't fired a single shot yet. That worries me. Pitbull is on his way to support Bloodhound and I will make my way over to the helipad. Bernard needs to hold his position. But the control room has only one entry point which means he's now boxed in. I feel bad for the dead becuase Bernard is more dangerous when he is boxed in. Bloodhound has reached the core reactor and is now covering for Pitbull while he barricades the entrance. The survivors themselves punch some buttons and pull on levers in a complicated order. The pressure is getting to them as the dead are pushing through the barricade. But thats not the only entry. There are loud bangs echoing in the vents. Now dead are dropping in Bloodhound and Pitbull are now forced to work individually. Pitbull can hold the barricade himself and Bloodhound us more than capable of protecting the survivors. I made it to the helipad barely. I only have half a mag left in my rifle and my Berreta M9 has two mags left. No options left I fire away until my rifle is empty and switch to my pistol. The dead really arent letting up. Bloodhound radios in and tells me that the reactor has been disabled and they are moving to the north. I dont have much time left. I'm on my last mag now time to do or die. The dead suddenly collapse after a head shot. Puddle radios in and keeps the dead away from me as I analyze our situation I holster my pistol. Husky radios in and tells me the trap is ready. I look around and I see cans of fuel all around the west and north. I grab an incendiary granade from my vest. A dead makes it past Puddles firing rage as she was reloading. With no time to think I shove the granade in his gross mouth and pull the pin. I lose my balance and we both fall before I can arm the granade. As we fell Bernard places his machinegun on his chest mount and grabs my ankle with his free hand. My pistol shakes loose from my holster and I stretch my hand to grab it. At this point I have the perfect angle and fire one shot. A perfect shot that hit the granade's button. The explosion causes a chain reaction thanks to Husky dumping gas everywhere but he went a bit overboard. The flames are about to reach me. Bernard! U yellrd out and using the momentum of the explosion he hurls me in towards the dead that were about to bite him. My bood is all that she tasted. The last thing she ever will as I blow her brains out. The chopper is here we just need to go up the roof and and leave before we blow up with the plant. As the chopper begins to land an a rocket blows the rotor of the chopper and it spins out of control. Puddle takes out the man who shot the rpg but he wasnt alone. We run back inside for cover and go down stairs to the underground parking lot. It would serve as a shelter for tornados. We found a bus with a working engine and still has some fuel left. I hope it'll be enought to get us out the north. We the rocket was shot from the east which means we have an ambush waiting for us. So we have to go north. Pitbull can fortify the bus in five minutes Bernard is nearly out of ammo but he can cover the entrance with Puddle while Husky and I prepare the C4 we brought to cover our escape. Bloodhound will baby sit the survivors. Pitbulls five minutes are now two minutes the dead are still coming I tell Husky to help Pitbull speed up the reinforcements while I finish up with the C4. we have ninety seconds left Bernard is trying to conserve ammo I toss the C4 out the entrance and plant them on the weakest structures. we now have sixty seconds Bernard is out of ammo I pass him his AA12 shotgun. Fortyfive seconds Bernard hits a gase pipe and it ignites. Our time is up here. Everyone gets in the bus Pitbull takes the wheel and rams straight through the parking gate. The survivors stay down as we shoot out the windows. More dead came through the gate. I arm the C4 and set it off. The plant itself was already crumbling with the last explosion this one will definitley bring down the house. Pitbulls driving skills are formidable. He can maneuver around these tight spaces and get us through the gate. The ground shakes as the plant breaks apart. The debris nearly hits us but we somehow made it through the north gate. Now all that is left is to get through the pockets without geting exposed. I check on my team to make sure every one is ok. I noticed a glint in the horizon and a red dot on Puddle's temple. I pulled her head down on my lap and the bullet meant for her grazes my cheek. It looks like someone wanted us to fail. Well too bad for them afterall we are the Alpha Dogs for a reason. I stand infront of the emergency exit door and flip off the sniper. I hope he saw it if he didnt I'll just flip him off again before I blow his brains out.
