since 1660 after the to theory of bagerbenth who explain that if any person is in coma this can be easily shown that it's whole body was not on working but his mind is on working position and there is some person who came back from the coma and said that the only see the hardest day of there life in the position of coma but there is a common point on every persons story that they only face there bad phases of life in the coma . but if we made an instrument to control the nurons the unit of brain so we can find what is the things is happen in the min in the position of coma and
after this theory 10 scientists came together and starts a secret society known as afterlife of coma institute and development.
but this secret organisation were close after they were doing the experiment on humans and after the raid of the police they found 1500 people in a unconscious state then the organisation get expire.and all the scientist we're in jail and on of the scientist is also in a
unconscious state and the body of the man were send into his boys house . now there is no new theory we're came on the topic
but if this happens the whole world can see the after life when we are on coma.