The Abyss , also known as the world beyond eyes. Normal people have no knowledge of this world and if they had ever they would not be normal anymore. People who know of the Abyss never tell anyone as they did not trust others from the Abyss. All of this change when someone find the Abyss is approaching. The World Council is notified and various measures are taken.
The world's 4 big coalitions agree to form central research and start researching the new technology for the coming darkness. They create a simulation space and sent in tens of thousand of test pieces. The darkness arrives sooner than they expected. It comes before the new technology is mature.
101. It is the number of people successfully stabilize as the test piece. The number who possess ability and survival instinct. They are weapons. Weapons in the form of human.
Inside an underground research station which used to be brimming with people, now deserted. There is a girl asleep in the medical cabin, fill with liquid, located in the middle of an empty room.
*Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*
*Woosh* *Thud*
Suddenly the medical cabin open and the girl fall down onto the floor. The girl open her eyes which look like green ghost lights glowing in the darkness.
"Argh, Where am I? I am still fighting at school just a while ago. This place looks just like laboratory in those sci-fi movies." said the girl while trying to stand up.
'There is nobody around. I should look around for someone or something to understand the situation. I can't be unlucky and met with one of the Angels or Demons. Well first thing first, I should look for something to wear.'
"If I ever find out who undress me I would eat him alive." said the girl angrily.
The girl looks around and find a school uniform in one of the lockers. "Which school uniform is this? I feel familiar but couldn't recall it. Is it an auxiliary school?" she said while wearing the clothes.
After dressing, she looks around the floor and found a terminal which is still running.
"No way. How is it still 5th year of Deus Era. I wouldn't even born that year. what is going on here." she said in confusion. "I should look where is this place and for what it is." After searching for sometimes she found the information she is looking for.
[Record 1: After finding out about the Abyss and some of its data the coalition start the research and World Council announce the start of a new era, The Deus Era.
Record 2: The coalition create a virtual space and send tens of thousands of test subject in. From which merely thousands of people survive the strain of memory erasing and artificial memory injection. The survivor has no recognizable connection to one another. It appears random and need improvement.
Record 3: The survived people are given various kind of virus, serum and start variations. Only 101 people have stable mutation. Others got variation form goal and become unrecognizable abominations. They are gotten rid of to not spread the virus to the world. The survivor are spread out to the research station around the world.
Record 4: This research station is altered to solely accommodate code No 2.
Record 5: The Abyss comes faster than the Council imagine and call all the research personal related to the project to Greenland for protection.
Message for No.2: The customized weapons and equipment are in the room before the exit. There is a memory helmet below this terminal and basic information about the world and yourself in reality. There is not much time before the Abyss arrived. Try to survive and defense humanity.
Dr. Isabelle]
N.2 looks stunned as she can't believe the world she lived in and here memory are all artificial. she can't believe almost all of the people she interact and enjoy with are fake. All this information took a toll on her mind even though she should have far stronger mind than normal people, and even within the 101 weapons. It took her about 10 minutes to calm her mind down and start thinking about the information.
'From the message I should start look for the memory helmet and get myself information about the world and my background.' No.2 thought and push the terminal to search for the memory helmet and information disc. After picking up the information disc, she put it in the memory helmet and wear it on her head.
*Starting memory helmet*
*Requesting authorization*
*Identity confirmed*
*Displaying items available for user*
[Memory Injection]
"Use memory injection"
*Initiate memory injection*
*Expected time for completion - 1 hour*
After an hour No.2 has better understanding of the reality and herself. Her name is called Ivy Alby. She is a student who study on biology in the school above this research station. She volunteer herself for this project in exchange for all the information about biology available in Council. After completing the project she should got her deserved information. Who would know the research would be abandoned because of the Abyss. From the look of the situation, all 101 weapons should have been released. She don't know whether other people got the information on each others. She got the in-game information on other 100 people. Although everyone other than her is dead before she got offline, so they may wake up before her.
After sorting out all the information Ivy got up and go to the direction of the exit. She go inside the room before the exit and find two boxes lying in the middle of the room. One of the box contains a halberd and the other box contain clothes - a military blouson, a trench coat, a pant, military jump boots, a beret.
"It seem they track every information about me. To know my weapon of preference and clothes. But why is everything in black!? Is there some meaning in this!?" she exclaim.