Chapter 3 - The Unknown

Just a few seconds after Tracy's lips touch his lips, the Angel's wings started to loss it's ability to fly and started to fall. He couldn't even flap his wings but he can still move it little.

He soon realized that they would both fall 200 meters down onto the river. They are falling head first onto the river. He hugged Tracy from her back and wrap her with his wings as they fall into the river which was as hard as a concrete.


*A huge column of water appears when they hit the water*

He swims towards the riverbank while dragging the unconscious Tracy.

He thought he would be able to withstand the impact since he is an angel but he didn't. His wings were completely broken, his feathers were tainted with his blood and severely injured. His ability to self-heal also drastically decreased.

As soon he reached the riverbank, he called the other angels for help.

"This... this is guardian angel Alpha leader... angel number 1023.. requesting for... help ..ASAP..."

The injured angel prioritize Tracy's safety. Even though he was also severely injured, he still healed Tracy until to his last drop of divine power.

*Angel's starting to breath heavily*

"You ... should be fine now little lamb."

Doongg! A sound of clock tower bell was heard.

Angel 1023 fainted.


"Attention All Angels!"

"Attention All Angels!"

"Attention All Angels!"

A G.A. Alpha leader 1023 sent an emergency beacon. Find him as soon as possible!"

Guardian Angel 1024 and 1027 arrived first at the scene.

"23! 23! wake up!"

"What should we do 27?!"

"Let's teleport him to heaven 24!"

"But three angels are required to teleport an Alpha Leader!"

*Police and ambulance sirens approaching*

"Humans are coming, 24 let's hide his wings first."

*24 and 27 used their divine powers to hide 23's wings*

The police and rescuers arrived exactly after 23's wings were hidden. But the Angels now can't retrieve 23. They are not allowed to be seen by humans.

The father at the bridge was the one who called 911.

"There are two people over here!. Bring the stretchers out!"

27: "What should we do 24? Humans had already seen 23."

24: "We should have teleported 23 but we're lacking another angel to perform teleportation. Let's head back to heaven for now."

*24 and 27 vanished*

Old man: "Oh hohoho...things are getting exciting my dear child.I didn't expect this would happen."

The old man walked into the crowd and vanished.

To be continued...