Chereads / Ezran / Chapter 77 - Ch. 77: Devil's Spyre

Chapter 77 - Ch. 77: Devil's Spyre

Toval cleared his throat, effectively ending the debate, "Enough talking and more drinking! Speaking of which, Ezran I haven't had a chance to go against you in a drinking contest . . . Would you be up for it at such a proper event?"

I smiled at the sudden turn of events, "What kind did you have in mind?"

Iren's beautiful eyes grew wide, "Uh guys, do you really think you should be doing that here? We're at a banquet . . . In the palace."

Richie patted the young boy's back, "Relax kid. It's just a small drinking game between two adults - It's not like they're going to get rowdy. To play it safe, we'll take this to that small table back in the corner. Nobody will pay us any attention over there."

Iren was still hesitant but we dragged him along to a secluded area away from the main party. Toval waved down a servant asking for a bottle of Devil's Spyre, one of the strongest liquors available to the Bodach Empire and only allowed within the palace. It was said that a shot would get you tipsy, two shots would have you sick while a third would effectively end the night.

"So you want this to be a quick game, huh?" I smiled at Toval's greedy gaze as the bottle was placed before him along with six shot glasses. Snippet hopped off my shoulder, circling around the bottle with curiosity.

Toval licked his lips still eyeing the rose-gold liquor, "Oh the tales I've heard. Since we're here in the palace, it would be a shame if we didn't take this opportunity."

Rubbing his hands together, he looked up with a sparkle in his eye, "Alright Lady Ezran! I've seen you drink and I've never seen you waver - Tonight will end that!"

I chuckled giving a sly smile to Richie who raised an eyebrow in turn, "You seem very confident Sir Toval - To what will we wager?"

"Well I would wager a dance, but I'm not a dancer and I'm pretty sure you'd despise me if you had to . . . How bout a kiss, eh?" Toval asked with a smug smile.

Iren's eyes widened comically as I furrowed my brows, "Why would a stoic guy like you want a kiss from me?"

"Yeah Toval! Why'd you wanna kiss Ezzie? I didn't know you thought of her in that way." Iren was effectively dumbfounded.

Toval waved a hand, "Gah you guys think too much. My reasons are two-fold - First, I think it would humiliate Ezran enough to be a reasonable loss for her if she were defeated and secondly . . . Well - *Cough* I've never, well you know."

Toval's smugness disappeared as he began stumbling over his words for a moment. I looked over at Richie whose bright blue eyes seemed to shine with understanding. He raised an accusatory finger at Toval with a big smile, "You've never been kissed by a woman!"

Toval's face turned a slight shade of red, "Well I mean, yeah. So what? Like I said before, only the higher-ups got the women, so there wasn't really a chance. I thought I'd just see what all the fuss was about - It can't be better than drinking and killing."

I scoffed at Toval's priorities but nodded my head, "Alright, I'll accept that. But if you lose, you have to wear a dress at the morning drills tomorrow."

Iren and Richie gave identical smiles as they looked at Toval with wide-eyes, waiting for his reply. Toval rubbed his stubbled chin then nodded, "I accept. Be prepared though little lady - I've never lost a drinking wager."

I gave a mock fearful expression, "Oh dear. I'm shivering in my boots!"

As Toval got the drinks ready, Richie leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Ez you really gonna do this? Don't you think it's too cruel?"

I shrugged, "He asked for it."

Richie shook his head but didn't say another word. He looked down at Snippet with a grimace then sat down in a chair far enough away from my little friend that he didn't have to be hissed at.

Toval lifted the first shot as I followed his example, "Bottoms up!"

As soon as the cool liquid touched my tongue my eyes widened in shock. WOW! That was the first time I felt the pain of alcohol running down my throat. The burn was so intense I actually winced, "Oooo that's got a kick."

Toval visibly swallowed, closing his eyes in pain. After downing the liquid he roughly placed his shot glass down on the table with a huge inhale, "Youch! That's some powerful stuff right there."

Iren was still looking around making sure we weren't gaining unnecessary attention, "Guys that's our strongest drink. Maybe just doing the one shot will do, huh? It's said that the second shot can make you sick . . . Let's not make a scene here okay?"

I waved a hand, "Relax Iren. If we start to feel ill, we'll down the third immediately. Right Toval?"

Toval had a hand over his chest as he wobbled his head to a nod, "Yeah, what she said. Everything's all good kid! No worries here."

Iren raised his hands in defeat, "Okay. Just please if you get sick, go out through the back door alright? I'm still a Prince you know - Sometimes I need to be concerned about my image. It does need to remain intact."

I giggled at Iren's plight - He was such a cute kid and acted so innocent at times.

"Alright, next drink." Toval smiled and we raised our glasses with a clink. Shooting it back, the burn wasn't as intense but it was obvious Toval felt the effect. He immediately held his stomach giving a disgusted look.

I raised an eyebrow, "Had enough yet? You don't look so good." Toval bent over taking in deep breaths of air. After a few seconds, he raised back up and gave a loud belch which actually scared poor Snippet. She bounced back into the bottle of liquor causing it to spill a little on the table before Iren and Richie reached forward to steady it.

"You okay man?" Richie asked Toval while wiping his hands clean.

Toval raised a shaky hand, "I'm great. Hand me the next shot."

I had to give it to the guy - even I was feeling a tiny buzz from the drink. This was some seriously potent stuff yet Toval was taking it like a champ. At that moment, Rodair and Illana found their way back to our little group.

Richie batted his eyes, "How was the dance?"

Illana blushed while lowering her head, "It was really nice."

Rodair ignored them as he looked over at Toval and me, worry evident on his face, "What's going on?"

Iren explained the situation and where we were in the game. Toval was rocking unsteadily on his chair while Iren was talking when he finally raised the third shot giving an unsteady smile, "Imma win this - You see."

I reigned in a laugh as everyone waited for the last shot. Upon finishing our drink, Toval leaned back in his chair triumphantly with his hands raised. Richie and Iren gave small claps of approval when suddenly Toval leaned too far and passed out in a heap on the floor.