Chereads / Cyberknight: One Path (original novel) / Chapter 73 - ⁕ Something More Than The Blade

Chapter 73 - ⁕ Something More Than The Blade

Years passed, and the sisters formed close bounds as they considered each other the only semblance of a family. Though they demonstrated a high level of emotional awareness and empathy, their design purpose made sure that they remained lethal killers. The sisters would gather to say goodbye when one of their own was sent on a mission and worry about each other. They would also learn to entertain themselves with games or knowledge when they gain some free time outside of their missions. 

Life was going to be just fine and bearable until an unforeseen event three years after their birth would disrupt their delicate bond. It was a morning like the others as KD-551 was assigned a mission in Poland where she would have to take down a target of interest to the Empire. As the girls gathered around KD-551's transport craft, they exchanged a few heartfelt goodbyes. 

[KD-552] - "Can't believe they would keep sending you out on missions instead of us. "

Said KD-552 as she playfully shook KD-551's shoulders. 

[KD-551] - "Aw, it's probably because the mission is a low-intensity one. If they were serious, they would've probably sent KD-554 or our little steel maiden sister. "

[KD-552] - "Ah, Little Five, you mean. I wonder where the hell is she again. "

Said KD-552 quizzically. 

[KD-553] - "Ugh... you know her. Obsessed with those romance novels you snuck back last time. Seriously, what a naive little shit she is, thinking any sane man would want her. "

Said KD-553 in an annoyed tone. 

[KD-554] - "Exactly, she should be training with us in new combat tactics instead of daydreaming. "

[KD-552] - "Fucking hell, you two are like a pair of pessimistic vultures! Constantly sitting beside each other and only feeling joy when you see the downfall of somebody. "

Said KD-552 and she pointed her fingers at the sisters.

[KD-553] - "Wow, it's like women who are named Kirchoff-Decimator should be inclined to feel joy when they serve their purpose of causing downfall and chaos. What a surprise, sister, what a surprise. "

Said KD-553 in a mocking tone. 

[KD-554] - "HAHAHA! "

[KD-552] - "Ah hell, you two are fucking lost causes! "

Said KD-552, annoyed by the taunting. 

[KD-551] - "Hahaha! Ah well, I suppose I have to get going soon, so we'll settle this another time. I can't wait to get this over with soon. "

Said KD-551 as she stretched her arms while yawning.

[KD-553] - "Hey, safe trips, big sis. Come back in a single piece, alright? "

Said KD-553 as she leaned in and hugged KD-551.

[KD-554] - "Yep, same here! Go make some eyeballs and gut fly, sis. Remember, I don't want you to leave any survivors and get punished like the last time. "

As KD-554 leaned in for a hug, KD-551 instinctively opted for a handshake instead, clearly disturbed by KD-554's comment. 

[KD-552] - "Welp, I'll send you KD-555's regard instead, since she's again late. "

Said KD-552 and she hugged KD-551.

[KD-551] - "Oh, by the way... "

[KD-552] - "Huh? "

KD-551 hesitated as she noticed KD-553 and KD-554 listening as well. 

[KD-551] - "Nothing, I suppose I'll tell you instead when I come back. "

As the sisters left the area, KD-551 breathed a long sigh before moving to board her ship. Suddenly, in a gust of wind, KD-555 arrived in front of KD-551 before tripping and collapsing in her arms. 

[KD-555] - "Ouch! I'm sorry for this, big sis. "

[KD-551] - "Look who decided to show up? "

Said KD-551 with a smile as she helped KD-555 stand upright. 

[KD-555] - "I was too caught up in that novel you brought me. Like, I can't get rid of that fuzzy feeling I was getting every time I saw the characters being lovey-dovey with each other. "

[KD-551] - "Is that so? I'm glad to hear that. "

Said KD-551 with a relieved grin. 

[KD-555] - "I was late because I got mad at KD-553. She brought a male "friend" of hers and asked him what he thought of me and he said he'd rather sleep with a wild animal than sleep with a savage such as me. So after that, I went to hide and- "

[KD-551] - "That is absurd and ridiculous! "

Yelled KD-551 in anger before her sister could finish. 

[KD-551] - "Listen to me, my little steel maiden, you have more choice than you think there is. KD-553 doesn't realize the gift she was given compared to our predecessors. We have the gift of life! We can think as humans who are not destined to kill forever. We can build families, choose a different path from our destined one and choose to go pursue our own happiness. "

Said KD-551 as she stared at KD-555 in the eyes.

[KD-555] - "But... We are born killers. If we don't kill, then what purpose do we serve? "

[KD-551] - "What difference is there between you and the women in these novels you've read? Withdraw these blades and you will no longer be a killer. Tell me, little sis, do you not strive for anything else other than to serve the people who created us? Do you want to serve as their tool for the rest of your life? Or do you want to give choice a chance? "

There was a dreamy expression in KD-555's eyes as KD-551's words resonated with her.

"Craft D-7609, clear for take-off! You may move toward the runway. "

Announced the radio above the sisters. 

With a teary face, KD-551 hugged KD-555 tightly against her as if it was the last time she'd ever see her. Then, in a hurry, KD-551 turned around and ran up to her ship's ramp as it began to initiate its takeoff. 

[KD-551] - "Farewell, my dear sisters. Thank you all for everything. "

Whispered KD-551 as she took one last look at the Imperial base. 

As KD-555 began to head back toward her barrack, she began to daydream about her future. As she imagined the soft mattress and tender touch of a lover, she abruptly bumped into an Imperial lieutenant holding his lunch tray. The crash immediately sent searing soup and food flying around her and the officer.

[Lieutenant] - "Ah mother fucker! Son of a bitch, you dumb fucking pig! "

Yelled the lieutenant in pain as the soup burned his hands. 

Before KD-555 could react, the officer slapped her across the face and sent her to the ground. 

[soldier] - "Shit, man, I can see skin peeling. "

[Lieutenant] - "All because of this blind fucking bitch, fuck! "

Yelled the lieutenant in anger as he mercilessly kicked KD-555 in the abdomen. 

Seeing their lieutenant in pain, the men around him assumed that something worse had happened as they began to surround and attack KD-555 on the floor. 

[KD-552] - "Get back! Get back you bunch of pricks! "

Yelled KD-552 as she suddenly appeared over KD-555.

In a swift motion, KD-552 drew her wrist blades and forced the men to back away from her sister. As the crowd cleared, KD-552 immediately helped her sobbing sister get up before leaning her against her shoulder.

[KD-552] - "It's ok, let's get out of here, Little Five. "

Said KD-552 as she forced the lieutenant to back off with her blade. 

[Lieutenant] - "How dare you point that thing at me? I'll report your sorry ass to the lieutenant general for this! "

Ignoring the lieutenant's threats, KD-552 carried KD-555 out of the crowd without a word. 

[KD-555] - "Thank you! "

Whispered KD-555. 

[KD-552] - "You would've done the same for me. We are a family, remember? "

KD-555 smiled as she rubbed her cheek against her sister's shoulder affectionately.

However, not all good things last. KD-551 never came back from her mission as many suspected that she had been captured and executed by enemy factions. As for KD-552, she was sent to the lieutenant general in command for punishment but never returned to the barracks since her departure. Just like that, the fragile balance of a family broke apart with KD-553 and KD-554's cold demeanour and indifference toward KD-555 sealing the final nail in the coffin. 

Just like this, another two years passed by as KD-555 grew increasingly isolated from her sisters who embraced their killer nature. Meanwhile, KD-555 too began to be desensitized to the ideas of humanity and empathy as her killer side began to overtake her dreams and desires. 

On another afternoon like the others, Kadyn returned from one of her missions. However, as she stepped off her ship, the whole hangar crew was in shock as they saw her covered from head to toe in blood. Like a zombie, Kadyn wandered through the hallways toward her barrack which was the only place she was allowed to take a shower. As she walked, the bystanders became increasingly disturbed by her appearance until some disgusted Marines decided to do something about it. 

Just as Kadyn passed by a maintenance yard, a group of Marines stopped her in her steps by forming a human wall in front of her. Soon, curious staff and soldiers began to gather around to see what was going on. Before Kadyn could react, the Marines abruptly began to drench her in high-pressure water with each of them holding a water hose. 

[Marine 1] - "There ya go, you disgusting bitch! This should make you less gross, haha! "

[Marine 2] - "Hey, John, wash her properly. Make sure she gets squeaky clean! "

Said the marine as he aimed his jet at Kadyn's breasts. 

The bystanders all watched as the Marines cruelly tortured Kadyn but most of them cheered as they felt no empathy for what they perceived as a remorseless killer. Amongst the Marines was the lieutenant who was now promoted to be a Marine lieutenant. 

[Lieutenant] - "Well, ain't this funny? I think it's that same bitch who burned my skin off a few years ago. "

Said the lieutenant as he cruelly aimed his jet for Kadyn's private parts.

Unbeknownst to the men, however, Mike was still doing his inspection of the base as the Grand Knight. Drawn to the crowd by the sounds, Mike was horrified to see Kadyn on the ground being tortured by the Marines. With a searing rage in his heart, Mike ignited his crystals and caused the hoses to abruptly explode in the Marines' hands, breaking their fingers and bones. 

[Mike] - "Get back to work, you bunch of savages! You all should be bloody ashamed of yourselves! All of you enlisted to fight for a just cause and this is the type of scene you jerk off to? Useless bunch of wankers! If this is the kind of humanity we are fighting for, then might as well fucking shoot ourselves in the face right now and call it a day! "

Yelled Mike while pointing his finger at everyone present.

The crowd immediately fell silent as men and women began to realize their guilt. Meanwhile, Mike stormed in and kicked away the pressure wash control before grabbing the lieutenant by the collar. 

[Mike] - "Demoted! To the 161st Infantry division as a foot soldier, starting tomorrow. "

Said Mike before throwing the lieutenant away. 

[Mike] - "Demoted! All six of you, transferred to the 161st Infantry Division. I'll notify General Mike of your transfer. I'm sure he'll be happy the garbage took themselves out. "

Said Mike as he kneeled down and used some tissues to clean Kadyn's face.

[Mike] - "Get back to work, all of you! "

Said Mike without raising his head. 

Without delay, all staff and men dispersed and went back to their occupations, leaving Mike alone with Kadyn. 

[Mike] - "Are you ok? Do you need medical attention? "

Kadyn coughed as water escaped her mouth. As she got a better look at the Grand Knight, she immediately began to kneel down to show her respect. 

[Kadyn] - "Grand Knight, sir! I apologize for my lack of manners! "

[Mike] - "Sigh... Save the formalities. Let's go somewhere private. "

Later, as Mike locked the door behind him, Kadyn was looking around the spacious room like a curious little kid. As soon as Mike removed his helmet, Kadyn was immediately able to recognize him. 

[Kadyn] - "You! You were the man I met a few days ago? "

[Mike] - "Not many in the Empire know the Grand Knight was just a teenage boy. "

Said Mike as he began to detach his armour.

[Kadyn] - "Yet, you stepped in to save me... Not to mention you gave me my new name when we met a few days ago. "

[Mike] - "Well, I'm not a savage like the rest of them. But I have to ask, why didn't you just escape? You have the power to just get out of that situation, yet you just allowed them to soak you like that. "

[Kadyn] - "Oh... I... I simply didn't feel like it. I kind of stopped thinking. Like, what's the point anymore? It's not like I'd feel any better. "

Said Kadyn hesitantly but with a defeated expression on her face.

[Mike] - "That's quite a strange answer. "

[Kadyn] - "No, I wanted to say I was feeling down. I never met you, yet you just came to me, said we knew each other before and gave me a name. Then, when I tried to find you again, people told me you simply don't exist. I want to know what connection I had to you. "

[Mike] - "I checked the records again and realized that you weren't the girl I met when I was still a kid. That was a woman named Mia Tsujinaka, the daughter of your creator, Miho Tsujinaka. She used to be an agent going by the codename KD-555. So unfortunately for you, we have no past connection. "

Kadyn silently acknowledged Mike's words with disappointment. As Mike saw Kadyn trembling in the cold as water dripped down from her clothes, he kindly grabbed one of his long coats and passed it to her. 

[Mike] - "Get rid of those soaked clothes and put this on. "

Slowly, Kadyn began undressing in front of Mike as he looked away in respect of her privacy. After undressing herself, Kadyn took Mike's coat but simply threw it on the couch instead.

[Kadyn] - "Grand Knight sir, if you don't mind, I would like to offer you my body as a gesture of gratitude. "

Said Kadyn as she stepped in front of Mike. 

[Mike] - "Jesus! What are you doing? "

Said Mike in shock as he grabbed his coat and immediately covered Kadyn's naked body. 

[Kadyn] - "I'm sorry for offending you with my abomination of a body. I forgot you are the Grand Knight and such a lowly creature as myself should not- "

[Mike] - "What the hell are you saying? "

Interrupted Mike before she could finish. 

Kadyn recoiled in fear while tears edged at her eyes. Suddenly, seeing the girl scared and crying awakened the empathy within Mike. Despite being a serious and indoctrinated servant of the Empire, Mike's human side was still present. 

[Mike] - "Hey, why are you crying? Tell me what you need, and I'll try to help you. "

[Kadyn] - "I'm so lonely. I can't explain why but I had a good feeling in my heart when I saw you. I'm sorry I disgusted you with my actions. I'm sorry I said things I shouldn't. "

Said Kadyn as she slipped down the wall and began to cry while curled up in a ball. 

[Mike] - "Hey, you don't disgust me. Out of all the girls I met, I had never seen one as beautiful as you. "

Said Mike as he followed Kadyn down to the floor to meet her gaze.

Kadyn watched as Mike tried to form a smile but struggled. It was the first time Mike tried to smile in over ten years as he had forgotten what happiness felt like ever since the day Sniper took him in. As his attempt failed, Mike frustratingly used his fingers to push his cheeks up to form a smile. Upon seeing Mike's weird grimace, Kadyn let out a laugh. Then, like a domino effect, the sight of Kadyn's joy caused Mike to involuntarily show a smile on his face as well.

As if a brick had been lifted off Mike's shoulder, he suddenly felt liberated. Every day, his routine consisted of sleeping, eating, training, receiving orders, executing said orders and repeating everything all over again the next day. Today, things are different. Not only did he feel joy but it was the first time he connected to a person emotionally. As the smile faded from Mike's face, an expression of surprise soon appeared in his eyes. 

[Mike] - "What happened to me? Why did it feel so good? "

[Kadyn] - "You mean your smile? "

[Mike] - "I smile, yes, sometimes when I was talking to people but why did this smile feel so different? "

Said Mike with a confused expression on his face. 

[Kadyn] - "Huh... Weird. But would you mind if I try something? Tell me how you feel about this. "

Said Kadyn as she pulled Mike toward her and gently kissed him. 

As they finally pulled away, both of them were stunned by the sea of emotion in their hearts. 

[Kadyn] - "So? What do you feel about this kiss? "

Whispered Kadyn as she remained close to Mike's face.

[Mike] - "It felt good... In a way I don't understand. "

Said Mike, eyes still fixated on Kadyn.

[Kadyn] - "You don't feel disgusted by me, Grand Knight sir? 

[Mike] - "Call me Mike, that's my real name. "

Said Mike before he leaned in to kiss Kadyn once again. 

[Kadyn] - "Can I stay here, Mister Mike? It's late and I'm tired. "

Said Kadyn as she stared at Mike with a pair of glowing dreamy eyes. 

Although Kadyn managed to stay, Mike decided to sleep on the couch while letting her sleep on his soft bed. For the first time, Kadyn could dream peacefully while knowing that her dream was not just a fantasy. As time went on, Mike kept secretly meeting Kadyn and taking her on dates sometimes. As their relationship developed, they even felt comfortable enough to share the same bed. 

As Kadyn woke up from her sleep, she felt the comfortable bed below her body but most importantly, she felt Mike's arm over her waist as his breathing moved peacefully through her hair. It was the dream she had hoped for and living in...

In the present day, Kadyn suddenly jolted awake with a look of shock in her eyes. Without looking away, she tapped her bed and found no one beside her while the bed below her felt stiff as a rock. There was no sunshine but the neon lights of Trump City illuminating her room. Slowly, Kadyn clenched her fists as pain filled her heart. As much as she loved the realistic feeling of her dream, she hoped it was a nightmare instead. That way, she wouldn't have so much difficulty stepping back into reality. 

To be continued...