Chereads / Cyberknight: One Path (original novel) / Chapter 19 - ⁕ The Final Hour

Chapter 19 - ⁕ The Final Hour

From the day Mike was abducted by Sniper, his arms were forcefully amputated for cybernetic arms which bore the crystals and the generators. Instead of a childhood, Mike was forced through a rigorous routine of constant education and training. From the moment he woke up in the morning to the moment he went to sleep, all of his free time was used up by either different classes or training with the crystals. 

However, Mike was a resilient kid with a kind heart. Instead of taking offence to the inhuman treatment, he was convinced by the propaganda fed to him that everything was a necessary evil. He was to be trained to be a knight who would enforce justice, virtue and the forwarding of revolutionary values. 

At fifteen, Mike was already armed with the knowledge of a university graduate in chemistry, physics and mathematics. He was also trained to think like an adult with a mature and refined thought process. One goal was programmed inside his mind: to serve the cyberknight cause and bring a new revolution to a broken and corrupt world. The individual doesn't matter as everything must be centered around the collective. Thus to Mike, no matter how different the faces he met, he only ever saw them as the same. Although he was happy to serve a greater cause, he himself was nothing but an empty shell. 

On a routine day like the other, as Mike was marching through the crowded hall of an imperial base, he abruptly collided with a strange figure as he walked. At first, he remained professional about the whole situation but he was suddenly offered a hand. After getting on his feet, he took one look at the stranger and was shocked to discover that she was different from the others. Most importantly, it awakened a memory hidden deep inside his mind about this specific girl. 

[Mike] - "Hey, I remember you! I saw you in my house when I was four. "

Said Mike as he took off his helmet to get a better look.

[KD-555] - "You must have confused another memory, sir. I assure you we've never met. "

Said KD-555 in a polite tone. 

[Mike] - "I can promise I knew you from somewhere. I just can't properly remember. "

This sudden break in his routine allowed Mike to regain a slight sense of his individuality. Despite the vague memories, the sight of KD-555's face managed to make him relate to a time when he was still just a human boy. 

[Mike] - "Your ears... why are they so different? And your eyes too, how are they seemingly glowing? "

Said Mike in a curious tone as he observed KD-555. 

[KD-555] - "I'm an assassin unit of the KD-series. Code name: KD-555. My body as well as each of my features are designed in a way to facilitate the execution of my missions. "

[Mike] - "KD-555? Don't you have a name? "

[KD-555] - "No, I'm simply referred to as such. "

[Mike] - "That simply won't do, comrade. In all fairness, you shall also be granted basic respect and dignity as all living beings do. Since your code is KD, how about... ehm... Kadyn. "

Kadyn's eyes shined with excitement as this was the first time she was treated this way. 

[Kadyn] - "If that's what you wish to name me, sir. "

Said Kadyn with a slight smile. 

Unknowingly, Kadyn took a liking to Mike at that moment. It was an instant spark between the two kindred souls as Mike was charmed by her beauty while she was charmed by his look and personality. It was clear at that moment that this won't be the last time they would meet. At first, they would accidentally meet on a few occasions but they soon began to intentionally cross paths. 

Like the sides of two coins, Mike completed Kadyn by bringing forward her human side and washing away the violent programming that brainwashed her psyche. In return, Kadyn completed Mike by filling his empty shell of a self with emotions and individuality. 

In the present, Mike suddenly sat up from his hospital bed before he felt an intense pain in his lower chin. With a series of gentle touches, Mike realized that his chin, all the way to his ears, was now made of cybernetic parts. 

[Mike] - "Fuck... there goes any hopes for a beard. "

Mike looked around and saw Kadyn sleeping soundly under his coat on a small couch. His memory was vague but he quickly remembered Sniper's words before his head got bashed. In a panic, Mike looked at the time and saw that it was already 8 PM. Without hesitation, Mike immediately pulled the tubes out of his neck and arms and began to put on his clothes. Meanwhile, the noises slowly pulled Kadyn out of her slumber. 

As Mike fumbled with his pants, Kadyn abruptly jumped at him and pressed herself as tightly as possible against him. 

[Kadyn] - "Thank god you are fine. I was so worried about you. "

Cried Kadyn with tears of joy. 

[Mike] - "Ugh... it's not like I came back from the dead. Tis but a scratch. "

Said Mike as Kadyn pressed him firmly against the bed. 

[Kadyn] - "Who did that to you? Your entire jaw was missing. Do you know how horrifying that is to witness? "

[Mike] - "Well, I appreciate your concern but we have a more pressing matter now. "

Said Mike as he gently pushed Kadyn off his chest. 

[Kadyn] - "What is it? "

Said Kadyn with a concerned look. 

[Mike] - "Let's go to Ethan first. "

Sometime later, both Ethan and Kadyn were in shock as Mike finished explaining his encounter with Sniper. 

[Mike] - "We don't have a choice. I must fight him. "

Mike's words instantly activated an instinctual fear inside Kadyn's heart like the terror of a prey moments before it was jumped by a predator. 

[Kadyn] - "No! Not a chance! I won't let you kill yourself like this! "

Yelled Kadyn as she used all her strength to hug Mike. 

[Mike] - "Listen, I must do this! There is no other way! "

[Kadyn] - "I don't care what happens! You must NOT fight him. "

Said Kadyn with a clear hint of fear inside her voice. 

[Ethan] - "Mike, I don't think fightin' him is the best idea. The risk of dying is simply too great. "

[Mike] - "You two seemed to forget that I'm the only one in the world with the appropriate ability to challenge him. "

[Ethan] - "That's also why it is risky. What if you failed? Do you realize what kind of consequence could await the world? "

[Kadyn] - "Also, what about me? What will I do without you? "

Mike gently hugged Kadyn and tried to comfort her by kissing her on the cheek. 

[Mike] - "I still need to try. I can't let him harm those dear to me. When he ordered your execution, I knew my time was up. Whatever happens, I only want you to be safe. "

[Kadyn] - "Let's run away then. You can do that, right? We can live together, away from this madness. "

Said Kadyn as she edged her tears. 

Mike gently pulled Kadyn away from him and put his hands around her cheeks. With an empathic stare, Mike searched for Kadyn's attention as she looked away. 

[Mike] - "Kadyn, Lemon, look at me. We can't live like rats and hide for the rest of our lives. What happens if he finds us? Are we going to run forever? That's no way to live. "

[Kadyn] - "I don't mind it as long as you are with me. "

[Mike] - "What about your dreams? You wanted a family, children and to experience the wonders of this world. None of it would happen if we were to hide! "

[Kadyn] - "But none of it will matter if you aren't there with me. "

Said Kadyn in a saddened voice. 

Kadyn's words finally broke through Mike's stubbornness. Mike knew how likely his fight would result in his own death but he couldn't allow Kadyn's fate to be sealed with him. No matter the odds, he must walk the righteous path. 

[Mike] - "Who said I won't be there? "

Said Mike with an overwhelming sense of confidence. 

Kadyn's stare finally returned to meet his. 

[Mike] - "I promise to my Kadyn that I will win that battle and come back to her. No matter the odds, I promise you I will come back alive and make you the happiest woman alive. "

Seduced by Mike's fiery attitude, Kadyn seemed to be more at ease. Meanwhile, Mike was already starting to feel guilty for abusing Kadyn's trust toward him. 

[Kadyn] - "You promise you will come back to me? "

Said Kadyn with increasing admiration.

[Mike] - "Hey, who the bloody hell do you think I am? We cooked inside a hydrogen blast but I still managed to keep us both raw. So what makes you think I would die to a God-complex tyrant in a cheap-ass dress. "

Kadyn giggled at Mike's creative phrasing while being fully convinced by his act. 

[Kadyn] - "Alright then, when you come back, I want to start travelling for an entire year before we settle down to start our family. Capiche? "

Said Kadyn with a dreamy smile. 

Mike grinned at Kadyn.

[Mike] - "Anything you say, my dear Lemon. How about you go and pack some of our stuff in our room? "

[Kadyn] - "Right away, honey. "

Said Kadyn as she saluted Mike. 

As soon as the door shut behind Kadyn, Mike turned toward Ethan who stared at him with an unimpressed look. 

[Ethan] - "You can be quite a dirty sly dog sometimes. "

[Mike] - "Sigh... you can only get this type of trust from someone who has never been betrayed. If I don't make it, Ethan, take good care of her. Most importantly, make sure she can move on from my death. "

[Ethan] - "Look at ya, switchin' from overwhelmin' confidence and optimism to doom-inducing insecurity and pessimism. "

Mike lit himself a cigar while passing another to Ethan. 

[Mike] - "So much for that planning thing we talked about. Looks like I have to rush a fight with him after all. "

Said Mike as he exhaled a heavy puff of smoke. 

[Ethan] - "What can ya do? I'd say it's very noble of you. But what if ya don't win, huh? What if your effort was in vain? What if this is the start of a series of tragedies? "

Said Ethan as he tried to light his cigar. 

[Mike] - "You won't go anywhere if you are always constrained by the ifs. You either shine bright or extinguish at the fuse. Just like anyone else, I can't exist forever but this wave I create will send its echoes beyond my existence. That's what matters. The crystals, they are a tool for us humans to break our fate. To be chosen is to bear the responsibility of opening a path for the rest. "

[Ethan] - "If I had an ability, I would've been honoured to fight alongside you. "

[Mike] - "The symbol of cyberknight represents that very idea. The small diamond at the bottom represents the user's crystal and the large diamond on top represents the will of the user manifested through his ability. Finally, the storm clouds were pushed away by the bigger diamond, thus signifying its shine through the darkness. "

[Ethan] - "Well, son, I believe you will bring the light back to this world. Anything ya need, I'll be ready to hear. Ya have my full support. "

Said Ethan as he took another puff from his cigar. 

[Mike] - "Prepare an escape plan, Ethan. If the situation goes south, I will hold him off for as long as possible while you and Kadyn make your escape. "

[Ethan] - "Roger that! "

Said Ethan as he got to work. 

Now left alone, Mike contemplated how he would go about confronting Sniper. At first, he shivered at the thought of his opponent's power but with steady breathing, Mike calmed his nerves. There is nothing to be afraid of. This is his destiny; To enforce justice and to protect the world from Sniper's tyranny. Death isn't an issue for him if Kadyn can live and be happy. 

With one last exhale, the cigar burned to its end. One hour left before midnight.

To be continued...