Moonton announces the fight...
Moonton: Attention to All Marksman...
There will be a fight Tomorrow between Clint,Moskov,Lesley vs. Hanabi,Layla,Claude
Thank you...
Miya and Granger heard the announcement...
Miya: Granger can we go to that fight??
Granger: Of course! I'm so excited
Karrie heard the news...
Karrie: Kimmy!!!!! are you in mood??? Let's go to the fight....
Kimmy: I'm busy with Science... I don't care with that piece shit... I strongest Marksman after all...
Karrie: I will go with YSS or Bruno
Karrie went to Football Stadium...
Karrie: Hey! Bruno can you come with me tomorrow???
Bruno: For that fight? I have game tomorrow... Sorry Karrie...
Karrie: Ok... Bruno I guess i have to go with YSS
Bye Bruno! Goodluck for your Game!!!
Karrie went to the place where YSS always hanging out....
Karrie: YSS?? YSS?? YSS??? I guess he is here...
Karrie saw a note...
" I have to train my Ultimate... Maybe it will take long time"
Karrie: I have to go alone... Roger will be the Referee tomorrow... Hayss so sad...