Chereads / Chasing My Dream Lover / Chapter 89 - Just Be careful

Chapter 89 - Just Be careful

Takeshi can't hide his wide smile once he read Xiao Ping's email from his cellular.

"Is it from her ?" Hiroshi asks when he caught Takeshi's smile. Takeshi just nods, while his fingers are busy to quickly write some short sentences : Don't worry, I'm not jealous at all. I trust you and your love."

He actually wants to write longer if only Hiroshi not coughing to asks his attention. While pushing a button to send his reply, Takeshi looks at Hiroshi. At the exact moment the door behind him is opened, showing Mr. Hamada's figure.

"I'm sorry for being late," Mr. Hamada says then sits on a chair on the edge of the oval table "It's okay, Boss," Hiroshi responds. He glances at Takeshi that is quickly inserting his cellular in his pocket. "Where is Sato and Yamaguchi ?" Mr. Hamada asks while looking around the meeting room as if he can find Ichiba Sato and his assistant on the corners of the room

"Oh.. Yamaguchi called, Sato hasn't finished his shooting because.." Hiroshi reports immediately cuts by Mr. Hamada's sigh. "Right.. right.. Sato definitely came late again. He doesn't change a bit." None of the two men in front of him respond though both are agree with him.

"Well, we starts first," Mr. Hamada decides, takes some papers from a pile on the table while Hiroshi quickly opens his agenda. "This is Scar Face sales report and TV rating for this month," Mr. Hamada says while giving the papers to Hiroshi and Takeshi with a small throw.

"As you can see," he continues, "It is not too pleasing. The sale is 20% under the prediction, while the rating after 4 episodes still way below our expectation."

Takeshi just stares at the paper, doesn't dare to voice his disappointment. He doesn't understand why the dorama hasn't reached top performance. He thinks, the idea and story plot is very interested. He was the one who excitedly persuaded Mr. Hamada to choose this dorama among others that proposed.

"Maybe the story is too complicated, Boss," Hiroshi mumbles. Mr. Hamada sighs. "Well, the story trend is tend to be lighter and focus on love," he agrees with Hiroshi. "I thought this can be a breakthrough. Mixture of love, epic, and science fiction. I actually had thought about the risk. That's why I put you and Sato as attention drawer," Mr. Hamada adds, making Takeshi raises his head until their eyes meet.

Mr. Hamada slightly nods, "Unfortunately you picked the antagonist. I told you, you are not fit to be antagonist, you fans wouldn't like it. And it happens. There is rumor that some of your fans club is boycotting this dorama." Can't take Mr. Hamada's sight that seems blame him, Takeshi moves his sight. "But I also need improvement, Boss. There is no challenge to be a protagonist all the time. You agreed back then," Takeshi refuses to be blamed.

"Beside, I don't think the boycotting rumor is true. Maybe there are few fans do it, but I don't think it affects much on the rating nor sale," Hiroshi helps him.

"Right. I didn't mean to blame you. We better think of the solution to fix it. I have invited marketing division and advertising consultant to this meeting," Mr. Hamada glances at his watch," they will be here soon." Coincidentally Takeshi and Hiroshi nods in the same time, then throws to each other a wry smile.


"What do you think of Midori-san's plan ?" Hiroshi asks with head under the table to search for his pen. A minute has passed yet there is no answer. "Takeshi ??" Hiroshi calls while popping his head halfway on the table. "Eee ?" Takeshi replies abruptly, his concentration is still fully at the cellular on his hand.

"Can you get off from that phone for even five minutes ?" Hiroshi asks irritably, a part is because Takeshi didn't pay attention to him, other part is he still can't find his pen al though his head and neck has been soaked in sweat.

"Okay, okay," Takeshi says while putting his cellular in his pocket. Yet Hiroshi still grumbles. "I've watched that lately you always busy with your new cellular. Either to read or write email. On and on. Can't you stop it for some times ? I'm regretting to suggest you to buy ..."

"Hey, hey.. I put my cellular off now. So stop your grumble already," Takeshi cuts, can't take to hear Hiroshi's do-not-know-when-to-end grumble. Hiroshi irritably round his eyes then sighs. "I warn you once again," he says, lower his voice so no one outside his cubicle can hear, "Be more careful here. If you get caught, it will be trouble. You still remember about your exclusive contract, don't you ?"

"I dooo," Takeshi replies. He is so unwilling to be reminded about the contract. When he signed it, he didn't care about one point that said: he is not allowed to be in any relationship while the contract is still valid (which is for 3 years). Of course at that time he was sure that he could not possibly falling in love with another woman after being left by Ayumi. At least, not that soon. But turns out.. that point becomes boomerang to him.

Both men in silent to appease their irritations.

"Just.. be more careful, okay ?" Hiroshi finally makes a sound. Takeshi nods to agree.