Chapter 9 - Ch. 9

All were drunk and Auntie told me to bring them to the guest rooms. I did so. When the only person who is nothing to sleep with and there's no available space with the other rooms. All are occupied. I decided to bring Ethan to my room and throw him in my bed. I covered him with blanket and sat beside him. I touched his cheek. "I missed you, but I just need to finish my college and quit being an idol. That is also the reason why I'm going to quit is to be with you. Yet, He did court me before but I don't know if he still feels the same way.

I shrugged off my thoughts and prepared my bed on the ground. I lay down and closed my eyes. It's been a long day.

Ethan's Pov:

I woke up with a stinging sensation in my head. I touched my head and slowly sat up. I looked around and noticed the room. My room is different from this. Where am I? I saw a picture of Sophie. It must be Sophie's room. I was about to stand up, but I saw Sophie, lying on the floor. I feel bad. She shouldn't sleep there. I should have sleep on the couch. I see her moved and I quickly turn my back to the bed and pretend to be asleep. After a minute, I could feel Sophie caress the strands of my hair; playing with it. I couldn't hold my smile, so I pretend to turn sideways. She backed away a bit. Then I heard her say, "I wish I could be with you. I'm afraid you don't feel the same way I do. Just after my graduation, I'll quit being an idol. In that way, I could help Auntie Carol, I could see you often, and I could get some job that gives big salary." I was stunned by her words. She's so wise and generous. You thought being an idol has a big salary? Well, maybe, but in a group especially you're in an Entertainment Company and not that popular, it doesn't have big salary except for those who have movies. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to ask her what her problem is. I noticed she was not in the room. I opened my eyes and look up. She's not here. I sighed in relief. I went downstairs and saw her cook with Auntie Carol.