Chereads / HUMAN? / Chapter 1 - CHAPTER 1: The New Student


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Chapter 1 - CHAPTER 1: The New Student

Mrs.Green "Okay class we have a new student, please be advised she is our first integrated student. Any and all intolerance will be met with a Saturday detention. You are to treat her just like any other student here. Now go on introduce yourself."

Jody" Hi I'm Jody Crishall I'm thirteen years old, I'm well spoken and well read. At least that's what my tutors told me. I excel at math, my favorite foods are sweets! I don't like bitter foods really. Also, I should warn you, a massive war is coming In twenty years five months two weeks four days fourteen hours thirty-two minutes aaaand ten seconds. you all will be covered in the blood of your family and friends. hahaha, im joking, or am I?"

Jody gave a slight bow.

Jody" It's nice to meet each and every one of you. I hope we can get along. Thank you."

the class sat in utter shock. the teacher tried to get her to her seat but before she could a boy raised his hand.

Mrs.Green "Please keep your questions polite Johnathan."

Jody "Its quite ok Mrs.Green. Johnathan as anything you'd like."

Johnathan" Why are your eyes red? Are you some type of demon or something?"

Jody "My mother always said I'm a diva haha. No, but seriously. It's because of people like you I lived in the slums and my mother made me a child prostitute any more questions?"

As she moved to sit down everyone moved out of the way. except for one Cole. Cole didn't even notice Jody take the seat next to him.

Jody "I'm not sitting next to you because I like you, weirdo."

Cole wakes up and stares at Jody.

Cole "And who are you?"

Jody just pouted and ignored Cole.

James "Please excuse my sleepy friend here. He gets like that sometimes. My names James Ambler, you sure do talk a lot, but it's nice to meet ya! I think we would be great friends?"

Jody looked James in the eyes confused. Her stare was like that from an inferno. Hot and burning. It sent his heart in a flutter. At that moment James fell in love.

Jody "I'm sorry jody is not allowed to be friends with my future servants."

James "Haha good one. Continuing with the joke. I like that. Tell me my future, since you're like an esp."

Jody "If that is how you cope with reality. Listen closely. You are going to die soon. if we start being "friends" that look in your eye tells me that it's too late. oh well."

The class lasted another hour with Cole fast asleep. The class soon went on lunch break. For Cole, his lunch break was the only time he could relax. The teacher would sometimes give him a PB&J sandwich as most days he didn't eat.

Angel "Cole it's time to wake up. class starts in 10 minutes."

Cole "Stop all alarms."

Angel "As you wish."

Mrs.Green " Wake up! Cole."

Cole "Three more years."

Jody "Wake up lazy."

Cole" And who are you?"

Jody's eyes glowed a bright scarlet red. "I hate you so much."

Cole "so, you and me both. join the club."

Jody's eyes glowed even brighter. she was fuming with rage. " I hate you even more."

Cole "So does the rest of the class. Why don't you just go fuck yourself."

Jody punched Cole but before Cole could return the favor the teacher grabbed his hand.

Mrs.Green "I want to see you both after class. this type of behavior is not tolerated. now stop it you two."

Cole "That's not fair! Mrs.Green, she hit me first."

Jody" I only did that because he's annoying."

Mrs. Green "Shut it. no more out of you two until free period."

like, obedient children, they sat down while the rest of the class filed in one by one. The day went by normal. Before they knew it, the last bell rang. Signaling their freedom.

Mrs.Green "Ok class that's it for today. remember we are going over the history A.I.E tomorrow. Cole, Jody you stay after."

Cole "Yes Mrs. Green?"

Mrs. Green "you know the "safest" way, home, right?"

Cole "Yes?"

Mrs.Green "Well she lives next to you so mind showing her the way home."

Cole "Mrs.Green can't she just use her angel program?"

Mrs.Green "She isn't like us. what if she got hurt? Those eyes make her a target"

Cole "I got hurt being around her."

Mrs.Green "Be the change you want to see in people."

Cole "Ok. But only if I can get a lil something for lunch tomorrow."

Mrs. Green" I will give you both a warm chocolate cookie for lunch tomorrow. now go it's getting late."

Cole and Jody walk out.

Cole "where do you live?"

Jody "4324 St.leeanna street."

Cole "Ugh seriously? Why are you there?"

Jody "I can walk home on my own."

Cole "for the cookie." they start walking when they hear chains moving.

Angel "there is a wild dog nearby. possible danger. route plan code 4 initiated."

By the time the angel started the plan it was too late as the dog was already in front of them. It was a large burling dog foaming at the mouth, it gave Cole a crazy stare. It always barked at Cole but today was the first day it actually escaped. Cole grabs Jody and runs as fast as they could.

Jody "Thank you I'm scared of dogs."

Cole "No problem. Thanks to my angel we had a good rout. We are almost home anyway."

As they stopped to catch their breaths the dog came barreling down the corner. Jody's eyes were red like a raging fire soon after she started twitching. She brandished a smile that sent shivers down Cole's spine. The dog lunged toward Jody. Just before Jody could react Cole jumped in front of the dog. as Cole was being malled, he screamed for Jody to get help, but she just sat there and laughed. Cole was running out of strength to fight off the dog before he could Jody pulled a knife out and stabbed the dog.

Jody kept stabbing the dog Long after it had died. as she stabbed the mangled mutt she screamed " IM SCARED OF DOGS. IM SCARED OF DOGS. IM SCARED OF DOGS."

Cole grabbed her hand and gave her a hug.

Cole "It's ok now your safe. it's ok... it's .... o.. k."

Jody "I'm scared of dogs, so I killed it. am I brave Cole?"

Cole "Yes you're very brave"

Cole was terrified of Jody. she stained his clothes with the dog's foul blood.

Jody" Jody chose you to be her friend and she can be brave for a friend."

"A friend?" Cole said terrified. "how can he be the friend of a monster? she just killed the dog with no mercy. It was like she was enjoying it."

Jody "Are you not Jody's friend?" Jody puts the blood-soaked knife up to his neck. "Then you are a threat to Jody. Are you a threat to Jody?"

Cole terrified. "No no no. Jody, we are friends."

Jody's eyes welled up with tears. "Friends? W-w-we are friends? I never had a friend before. jody was joking she could never kill cole!"

Cole hugged Jody, trembling. "How could someone as dangerous as Jody possibly cry so much? Maybe she isn't as bad as she seemed. it was do or die right? but why did she try to kill him?"

Jody's eyes full of tears "I hate you less than those blue-eyed bastards."

Cole without saying just picks her up to her feet and they walk home. Jody noticed the area looks familiar.

Jody "My house isss… right… here!"

Cole "Yea I know, howdy neighbor."

Cole walked inside his house and ran up to his room and changed. The inside of his house was like any other. his father was in the kitchen pretending to be a master chef. His mother in the garden getting in touch with her sister mother nature. His little brother in a crib in the living room.

Cole "hey im home now!"

Jonah "Hi Cole, dinner will be ready soon!"

Cole "Thanks, mom. I'll be back!"

Cole grabbed his bike and ran off. Jody sees him from her bedroom window. Jody's house was everything's Cole's wasn't. It was bare. Her bed was ragged and reeked of piss. Her house was dusty and old. The windows were dusty and dirty.

Donivin "Jody get your ass down here."

Jody just stared out of the window.

Donivin "Jody you have 5 seconds."

Jody walks downstairs to find her father just pointing to a dinner table with two tv dinners. Jody starts to eat slowly.

Donivin "Jody I love you."

Jody continues to play with her food. donivin in a rage slams his hand on the table. "I love you, Jody."

Jody "I don't see the need to say any of that when there isn't anyone around. It's not like you're my actual father."

Donivin "hush. They will hear you. Who knows what will happen to us."

Jody finished her food and went to her room. Cole went to his friend James house. They excitedly watched fsp heroes every Thursday night.

Mrs. Ambler "Cole do you need a ride?."

Cole "I have my bike."

Mrs. Ambler "Then I think you should go home. it's getting dark."

Cole waved to James as he walked off, bike in tow.

Mrs.Ambler "James, I thought you didn't like cole anymore?

James "Well we have a mutual friend. it brought a new spark to our friendship."

Mrs.Ambler "If you say so."

Cole hops on his bike and heads home. stopping in front of Jody's house.

"should I go? What's the worse that could happen?" Cole thought.

Just as Cole went to the door to knock the door opened.

Jody "Go away."

Cole "I wanted to know if you could come and hang for a bit. I could like show you around and stuff."

donivin "Didn't you hear her kid? Go the fuck away."

Cole just walks away disappointed, but it's ok Jody scares him anyway. Cole got home.

Sondi "Cole it's time for chow."

Cole had an amazing family. His father a ranger in the army of heaven, the most elite military unit money can buy. His mother a sister to mother nature and his baby brother was just the cutest thing that ever happened. it was the American dream. across the way for Jody, it was not so lovely. Jody's mom walks through the door.

Donivin "And just where were you?"

Tenny" working"

Donivin "I thought you were going to change your "job"? How many times do I have to tell you to not indulge yourself so much?"

Tenny "Well we need the money"

Donivin "Bull shit. how about you get a real job? You know something normal?"

Tenny screamed poking donivin's chest" LIKE WHAT DON? YOUR SUPERMARKET 'CLEANER' JOB. HUH? YOU FAKE JANITOR!"

Donivin smacks Tenny.

Donivin "Stop your yellin. She is upstairs."

Tenny "My point. We have to feed, clothe, wash, and take her to school. Who do you think pays for it, Don?"

Donivin "Not you. You spend every dime on drugs and whatever the fuck else you want. At least take your pills. You're setting a bad example. Do you know how much she looks up to you?"

Tenny "Those pills make me sick, besides these eyes make me real money."

Donivin "stripping and being a whore is not making real money."

Tenny "I don't need this. Jody pack your bags."

Donivin "Where do you think you're taking her? she has school tomorrow."

Tenny "She can miss a day. while we are pretending to be a family our workplace is going to shit."

Donivin "She isn't going with you."

Tenny "Well that's too bad she has work to do. Jody hurry up."

Donivin grabs Tenny and pushes her on the ground outside. Tenny storms off in a rage. Jody with a dirty pink rabbit and a hello kitty backpack sees this and starts to tear up. her eyes glow.

Jody" I HATE YOU!" she ran away upstairs. her father chased her to her room.

donivin "You come out that room young lady."

Jody locks the door. In a rage, Donivin starts banging.

donivin "Open the door. You have 10 seconds. 1...2...3...4...5 fuck it 10." The door starts shaking.

Jody" go away I hate you. It's all your fault we live like this! I wasn't poor before this, I didn't eat tv dinners. I didn't have to go to school."

Donivin lets go of the handle. " I love you Jody, And im doing my best. She doesn't care about us. She just wants money and status. Come on let me in and we will talk it out ok."

Jody scared of what's next opens the door and to her surprise, he just hugged her.

donivin "I only want what's best for you. Okay, don't forget that."

Jody "Let me go. although I don't believe this is the best course of action, I trust you know what's best. im tired and im going to bed."

while Jody went to bed. Her father closed the door to let her sleep.

Demon "hahaha look at you! So pathetic."

Jody "What's so funny, huh?"

Demon "You could easily wipe this shithole off the face of the map with a swing of your hand, but here you are laying piss covered mattress, in a rinky-dink home. No one loves you or wants you around. Nothing like what you're accustomed to. it's just hilarious."

Jody "You're the one who told me to do this. You told me that we need to be incognito to stay safe. Stop being a piece of shit and help then you useless fuck."

Demon "You best watch your tongue girl. You're just my current host. If I wanted to I could take over any moment and kill that little friend of yours. Make you watch every second of it, over and over hundreds of times. You'll see everything. The look of fear, the blood all over you, the light fading slowly out of his eyes. Do you want that? That's what you want me to do, is it?"

Jody "Don't you dare touch him."

Demon "then learn your place."

Jody closed her eyes and tried to sleep.