Chereads / Birth of Monsters / Chapter 100 - The Day the Wall Failed

Chapter 100 - The Day the Wall Failed

James was pulled out of bed by a tired Captain Narrows. "Get dressed and armed the lords believe the runes on the wills will give way soon."

The captain moved on to the next bunk and shook the next soldier awake. James threw his yellow coat on and collected his cartridge box and musket. He stopped for a moment and picked up the iron hammer by his bed before going to wake up Richard in the bunk across the room.

"Richard," spoke James shaking the man. "Wake up some thinks the wall is going to break."

James was tired and new the stories about the runes on the wall. The city walls had survived a year of constant bombardment. These cannons might have been shooting around the clock, but it had only been two maybe three days. Time works funny when you work nights and are tired. It was also to soon for the enemy sappers to dig a tunnel and place a mine.

He could still hear the cannons blasting at the walls. Richard started to stir and started getting out of bed.

James dragged his feet outside and found his place in the ranks of the growing formation outside. His platoon under Captain Narrows was 73 men strong after last night. He stifled a yawn as more men shuffled out to join the formation. After a while all seventy men stood with muskets or hammers as a grumpy looking Captain Narrows stood in front of the formation.

"We will march to where the lords believe that the breach will occur," declared the captain. "Forward, March!!"

The platoon stepped of in unison. As the men marched James began to really wake up. Grumpiness hung over the platoon as they marched on. They saw other platoons and companies marching to the section of wall that was supposed to break.

He could see the civilian houses boarded up. Some people seemed to have sectioned of blocks with wagons and barricades. The militia had clearly given up on helping the guard. It looked like they were getting ready to save themselves.

The men made it to the section of the wall that was supposed to fall. Every company of guards was here. Around 1000 men before the casualties taken over the last three nights.


The sound shook the city.

"Load muskets!" shouted Narrows.

James did not need to be ordered to load a musket after last nights giant bee attack.

For a moment His hands stopped. Last night or morning or whenever it was, he had shot at giant bees. What the fuck was happening. The city weas being attacked by dead men and walking houses.

"Fuck!" he shouted and continued to load his musket.


"Spread out," ordered Captain Narrows.

SCREEEE!!! Cawww!

James raised his weapon at the top of the wall.

A giant black lizard flew over top of the wall.


James pulled the trigger of his musket and shot at the beast.

POP!! POP!! POP!! POP!!!

The companies fired at the beast who seemed unfazed by the volley of lead. The creature flew above them its serpentine neck looking at the grouped up second company and opened it mouth.


A gout of black flame escaped the creatures mouth consuming the fourth company that was still in formation. Half the fourth company burnt to cinders but the dragon continued to breath flames on the houses behind the fourth company. The beast continued to fly deeper into the city the sound of fire bell rung out and screaming.

"Reload!" ordered Narrows. "We are not done fighting today!"



"Once you see those fucking bees shoot them," Ordered Narrows.

Ten cow sized bees flew over the walls they were backed with fifty or so smaller flying lizards.


Powder smoke filled the air. James lost sight of the bees through the smoke. He hid behind a barrel and began reloading his musket as he heard men start to scream. The smoke cleared and he saw men melting. One of the giant bees hissed wounded at the men of the third company. Some men had gashed and claw marks on their bodies.

The ground in front of them shook. The ground jumped and three giant worms four horses wide burst out of the ground and began slithering onto the street.

"Narrows platoon fall back to the palace!" ordered the Captain.

James stood up and began to jog to the palace. He looked back to see the multi armed horrors rush out of the worm hole. A few grenadiers tossed grenades into the holes but where shot from the walls by giant rats holding muskets. The city guard began to flee into the streets.

James looked ahead to see the flying monsters attacking everyone. The people of the capital were fighting them to the best of their ability. The evil birds picked up and dragged men away. Buildings burned all across the city.

James made it to the palace gate as the sun began to set. Captain Narrows was reorganizing the platoon that had shrunk greatly in size. The gate was opened, and the remains of the city guard rushed inside and took positions on the walls as night overtook the city.

James saw burning buildings light the city and heard the terrifying screams of the cities people. A woman in a grey dress whose hair seemed to float walked up to the gate.