Chapter 33 - Chapter - 5

Luna P.O.V

An hour or so after I got home from school my wolf appears at my side. I look down and see the worry in his eyes.

"It's alright buddy I'm just a little sore. I have bad news in a couple of weeks I'm going on a camping trip with a bunch of other people. Almost all of them hate me so that shouldn't be uncomfortable and I say that sarcastically. The worst part is that I can't bring you with me." I look at him and see the sadness on his face. I know he understands me, he always does.

I put my head on the table losing my appetite. I look at him painfully and yaps at me a little then snuggle at my side comfortingly.

"I know you can fend for yourself for the week I hope. I have no one that would be willing to watch you. My parents are gone for the month and Lauren is on maternity leave. Please forgive me. I love you Ash" I kneel beside him and give him and tight hug.

I look at him and his eyes look forgiving and I relax instantly. I kiss him on the cheek then start to make dinner. I keep watching him make sure he was comfortable. I can't believe I was leaving my only support system for a week. At least I was spending all my time that I could with him.

The week after that went faster than I expected. My parents called my art teacher to confirm it was ok that I went on the trip. I was set and ready to go as much as I could be. I felt horrible my wolf licked me goodbye one last time and I was off to school dreading the whole way there.

When I arrived I caught a few hateful glares but I was used to the whispers and the looks. I signed in and started to load my things. My suitcase was really heavy from all my supplies for the trip. I failed at lifting it a few times then a stranger came to my rescue.

"Thank you so much I don't know why it's heavy." I looked up only to find the one guy that I actually had a crush on.

He smirked "no problem at all" he walked off and I stood there dumbfounded but I soon came to my senses and went to board one of the buses. I found a seat at the back of the bus. I put my head against the window and hoped that the week will fly by faster than the other one had.

Knox P.O.V

I was upset when Luna told me that she was going camping and she had to leave me because pet is not allowed to come with them. So I decided to follow her in my human form. She spent all the time she can with me, we go for a walk in the forest, watch movies and playing chase with each other.

She said goodbye to me and walk out of the house with her suitcase. I shift in my human form take my duffle bag and follow her making sure she did not see me. I head behind the tree and watch her. She was struggling with her suitcase as I was about to go towards her my twins come and helped her.

She thanked him and he only smirked at her. I feel my blood boil but I control myself for her sake. Why did she have to be in the same school my brother was? I hate him and my parents to abounding me in the forest. I would be dead if it not for her who saved me and look after me.

But I can't do anything, it's not like I can tell her not to go to school or stay away from him, she didn't even know that I am a lycian and it's frustrating me. Oh, how I wish to tell everything to her and hold her in my arms. I saw her getting inside to one of the buses and I follow her. I put the cap on my head to hide and take a seat closer but far away from her.

After some time I saw her fall asleep peacefully, I get a little closer to her and take the seat beside her and keep watching her asleep. Her heartbeat and slow berating lure me to sleep and I fall into sleep.