With that first face off I thought I will not be able to speak with her again but the next day I reached class a bit early the whole class was empty no one was there except a bag that I can see lying on a desk and then guess what I heard some said "Hi" and it was the same voice that was so special to me that was the first ever interaction that I had with her we greeted each other and I was on the top of the world feeling like never before just a "Hi" had made my day nothing more needed.
I started coming early to school always first to reach the class open the doors and waiting for Priya to come this time I wanted to greet her first I was building that confidence and at that moment saying "Hi" was like giving a speech in front of highly dignified personalities, but I managed and it kept happening every day we were greeting each other with 'Hi' and also with a Beautiful smile.
I won't sure of what's happening neither I can share it with someone the only thing that I knew was that Priya is the one that I was waiting for the one Friend who could possibly understand me and be my best buddy and that was all that I wanted at that time, I wanted to be with her on breaks, practices, lunch and so on.
Days passed by our bonding kept on solidifying day after day without even expressing the feelings that we shared lunch on several occasions we helped each other in our studies we encouraged each other to do well and we had the bonding that I was always looking for.
Time passed by and Priya had became one of the best students of the school on the contrary i was still an average performer struggling to engrave a Name for myself the only force kept me going is the feeling to be with her.