Chereads / Virtual to Reality / Chapter 3 - Good old-fashioned payback

Chapter 3 - Good old-fashioned payback

'It's still hard to wrap my head around all of this. How this is even possible simply baffles me. But I didn't have very much going for me in the real world anyway. No friends or close family to speak of, a dead end job and a shabby apartment. Who am I to fight my destiny?'

Having been to Rolinsburg on various occasions, I knew my way around for the most part. I also know various secrets. For instance, there is a bar wench named Olga who is a vampire, but she has hidden it from the people in town. In the game she was actually very helpful, and only tried to attack if you confronted her with proof in front of someone. 'But I'm not here to antagonize vampires. I need to find those nice fellas who tried to kill me, because I feel like this might not have been just some random attack."

While he couldn't explain it, Wayne thought it was odd that he was targeted. Memories from this bodies previous owner are beginning to emerge, and he is remembering more and more. While he is a noble, they aren't very rich. They aren't poor either, but he never carried around more that one hundred silver, or a tenth of a gold piece.

'Only one sure way to find out. Gotta repay this act of kindness. First stop, the town jail to see the man that was captured.'

Since Rolinsburg isn't large, it only took a few minutes to navigate to Main Street. But, the jail isn't on Main Street, it's on a street next to it, close to the cemetery.

Upon reaching the jail, I immediately walked in, and was almost knocked over by a large She-orc. "Watch where you're going!" She bellowed while briskly walking away, mumbling and cursing at anyone and everyone. 'Hm. I doubt she was here visiting with family. A bounty hunter maybe? Might come in handy at some point.'

After walking inside without further obstruction, I am immediately met with a large room, with a couple of desks around in out of the way places. All but one of these are completely dusty, and the other has a large, middle aged man sitting behind it. The man has his feet propped up and his small hat is sitting on his face. Directly across from the entrance is a thick looking wooden door with a large lock. There is another, less extravagant looking door not far away from the one occupied desk.

"Um, are you the Constable? I'm the man who was attacked a couple days ago, and I want to see the man you arrested."

Without moving his feet or his hat he responds.

"What for? You wanna tempt fate?"

Hearing his uninterested tone, Wayne began to get irritated. When I was a player, I was never treated like this. Being one of the best swordsman in the game, it was never even a problem.

'Guess not everybody respects me just because I'm noble. I gotta work on my sword mastery.'

"I just wanna know who he is and why they attacked me."

"They wanted your money. What other reason is there? But if it'll get you away from my desk, so be it. Lloyd! Take this man to see that thief. You can leave your weapons here." Wayne place his sword on the rack pointed at by the lazy man, and was slightly startled when a door suddenly opened. He had put his dagger in his hidden sheath, so he was okay to keep it.

Upon hearing his name, a lively boy of about 17 came bustling out of the door. He was all blonde hair and bones, and it looked like a breeze could blow him over.

"Yes Sir! Follow me."

The two men walked across the room to the large door, and the boy pulled out a large, cliche looking key ring from an over-sized coat pocket.

"Heard you was pretty banged up after that attack. Didn't figure you'd be up and around only 4 days later."

"I had a good caretaker, Pieter Colvin."

"Pieter? That poor fella has had it rough, but he never lets it get to him. His parents and sister all died during a Swindle Flu outbreak, and ever since he's been a somewhat unofficial healer."

'So that's it. I knew there was something else behind that man. Still, I can't help but feel sorry for him. I hope he considers my proposition.'

After opening and re-locking the large door, they are met by an old man dressed in leather armor leaning against a wall asleep.

"That's old Al, he sleeps any chance he gets. The prisoner is down here."

'Yeah, it seems the law around here has a habit of that.'

The jail was one of the biggest buildings in Rolinsburg, as it was expected to grow into a large, booming town. But when the silver mines ran dry, and the only thing that was left was the coal, that dream died quickly.

The pair walked past about a dozen empty cells, and finally came to another large wooden door. This one was banded with iron.

After opening it, a set of spiral stairs is revealed, going down about 2 stories. At the bottom is yet another door, the same as it's ground level counterpart. Inside of this room is about 5 or 6 cells that can hold 4 people each, and the second one on the left is the only occupied one.

"There he is. Not sure what you plan on doing now, he won't talk to anybody."

The man in question is shackled by his hands to the wall above his head, with his feet barely touching the ground, and he seems to be asleep.

"Just leave that to me." In the past, I've had to, forcibly get evidence before, and I am is fairly good at it. The only thing is this guy is a die hard Thief, based upon his apparel.

'Those aren't simple rags he's wearing, that's black leather. He's made a pretty good living from stealing, murdering, and God knows what else.'

He won't crack so easy, but a couple lies will soften him up. With a smile, Wayne asked Lloyd to open the door and allow him in, and to also allow him to employ some of his methods to get some information.

"Just don't kill him, that's what we're bringing the executioner down for."

Apparently these simple people despise thief's more than most, as they have sentenced him to death. This makes things more difficult than expected.

After opening the door, I told Lloyd to wait upstairs and locked he locked the door behind me. Understanding, and knowing he couldn't do anything but talk or hit him, he agreed.

"So. You're Baron Wayne Blackburn. What do ya want? I'm a dead man, so I got not reason to talk."

Hearing this man say my full title, I now believe even more that this wasn't just a random attack. Something bigger is going on here.

"All I want to know is why I was attacked, and who put you up to it. If you help me, I'll help you." Upon saying this, the man chuckled.

"Ain't no helping me. I'm destined to die. Just get lost, ya damned bastard."

"What if I told you I'd drop all charges against you if you tell me what I want to know. I might even reward you for it."

"What do you think I am, an idiot? A Baron wouldn't reward his attacker. Now just leave me to die."

Despite what he said, Wayne knew he wanted to believe it. So, he kept pushing.

"What if I get those shackles off. Then will you believe me?"

Hearing this, he actually perked up. "You get these shackles off and I'd show you where my team is myself!"

Bingo. "I'll get one off, then you tell me what I want to know and I'll get the other one off. It'll be easy to get past that Lloyd, and everybody else is asleep. So, what do you say?"

"Deal! Deal! Now hurry before that skinny fella comes back!"

Smiling, Wayne took out his dagger from it's hidden sheath in his boots and began picking one of the locks on the wrist shackles.

"You know what you're doing? Probably not, considering you're a nobl-"


The shackle popped open, and the thief let out a sigh of relief and began flexing his arm.

"Now, tell me what I want to know and I'll get the other one off."

"How do I know you ain't tricking me? You might just get all you can outta me and just leave."

"Now if I did that, you could just holler and that jailer will come running and you can tell him I sneaked in a dagger and popped the lock or tried to murder you or something. Just because I'm a noble doesn't mean I can't get in trouble. Now hurry up before I change my mind. I'm beginning to get irritated."

"Okay, okay. My name's Daylen. The other people I worked with were a pair of brothers, Talfen and Arley Dalton."

"Where are they holed up? And who hired you to attack me?"

"I done told you enough for now, get this other shackle off!"

He reached out and tried to grab me, but my reflexes have been honed from years of playing this game and was just too fast, with the thief managing to grab nothing but air. What he did receive was a kick to the stomach and a blade to the throat.

"I'll get it off when you tell me what I want to know or I'll just kill you right now!"

"Fine! They're in a shack, about two miles south of here. It's all growed up and most don't know it's even there. You'll see a great big, gnarled pine tree that was struck by lightning, and that'll let you know you're almost there. It's only a few hundred feet from that tree . I don't know who hired us, the brothers just told me we'd make some easy money. I swear! Now get me-"


Before he realized it, he'd been hit with the butt of the dagger, and was knocked unconscious. I then put his free arm back into the shackle and called for Lloyd.

Time to meet the brothers.