Shree is an ordinary girl with no family and with hidden powers which even she doesn't know . But when it comes to love relationship she is world's unlucky girl. when ever a guy proposes her ,she feels great and she really love to get many proposals and to fall in love with one perfect guy , but fate hits her dream. whenever she accepts any guy's proposal unknowingly without any reason that relationship breaks. And in most of the cases when she thought to accept particular guys proposal he suddenly falls in love with other girl . She is really confused about her life and life partner so she just stop thinking about relationship and start watching more dramas in order to overcome her loneliness.
when she is sleeping she get a feeling that someone is watching her with love and she feels like that person is holding her hand. At first she thought it is just a imagination feeling but she experienced the same thing regularly. Now she really likes night she love to fall sleep and to feel that person 's appearance . One day when she was sleeping she had a bad dream and screamed "any one please turn on the lights " and opened her eyes the lights were really turned on .
so what do you think is really that person existence is true is he her true love and is he the reason for many breakup?